Dear morning workout people

nsalley99 Posts: 37
edited November 2023 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm planning on starting a morning workout routine as I am drained at the end of the day. Any helpful tips and advice would be welcomed. My food has been on track but it's time to focus on getting my workouts in.


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Well what are you planning?
  • nsalley99
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Well what are you planning?

    A 30 minute moderate to high intensity workout.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    I used to jog in the morning and then when the kids got out for summer break I didn't have to get up so early. I want to get back into it. I felt great for the day when I was doing that.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just go to bed earlier. I had to do my workouts at 6am this Summer, and ended up going to bed no later than 10pm. I still wake up around that time now... habit.
  • thatswhatshesaiddd
    Prepare your things the night before. Prep everything you need to get through the day, thus eliminating excuses to NOT complete your workout. When you're tired in the morning, you will tell yourself anything to convince yourself to not work least I do. And just remember how great it will feel to have your workout done when you get home from work.

    It also helps me to allow an extra 30 minutes for coffee before my workout. The caffeine makes alot of difference in the quality of my exercise.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    I'm a morning workout girl, but not crack of dawn. I get up around 6, enjoy my coffee and quiet time, then hit the gym around 7:30 or 8. It's been working well for me. Get up and put workout clothes on first thing- I feel guilty if I miss once I'm dressed for it!
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    Good for you--do it! The only way I've ever been able to consistently exercise is by planning a morning routine. I agree with the advice of getting your things ready the night before--lay out your clothes, find your water bottle, etc. I also get my work things ready the night before so I can come home, shower, and quickly head out the door. It will probably be painful the first week or two but you'll settle right into it and remember, the hardest part is getting yourself there. Once you're there, you'll feel great. Good luck!
  • sarahharas5
    sarahharas5 Posts: 256 Member
    I'm a morning exerciser. I literally sleep in my workout clothes. I roll out of bed and stumble down the stairs to do my exercise. I'm up at 4:45am. There are definitely days I don't feel like working out and occasionally I don't. But for the most part, it's a habit.

    It's the only time of the day I get a few moments for myself. I try to remind myself of how good I feel when I'm done exercising and that's usually enough to motivate me.

    Good luck!
  • KandGRanch
    KandGRanch Posts: 131 Member
    I have no advice, as I am up before daylight to feed livestock every day and would likely be committed to an asylum if I attempted to workout at that hour.

    That being said, I hope you find what helps you stick to it, and best of luck!
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    i get up at 4:30 to workout. My advice is coffee.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I workout at home so I set my alarm for 6:10. sometimes takes me awhile to get focused then I start. I use to exercise.
  • nsalley99
    I'm a morning workout girl, but not crack of dawn. I get up around 6, enjoy my coffee and quiet time, then hit the gym around 7:30 or 8. It's been working well for me. Get up and put workout clothes on first thing- I feel guilty if I miss once I'm dressed for it!

    That's a great idea. Having everything ready for the following morning. I live alone so this part should be easy enough.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm a morning person. I work out at 6:15, but I have to get up at 5:15 to get there on time. I go to bed pretty early during the week. I drink a ton of water before bed - it usually makes me HAVE to get up. Most importantly, I just remind myself that if I don't get up and go, I'll have to go later. That usually motivates me.
  • nsalley99
    I workout at home so I set my alarm for 6:10. sometimes takes me awhile to get focused then I start. I use to exercise.

    Just checked out the site. Very cool.

  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    i get up at 4:30 to workout. My advice is coffee.

    JillMarie is correct there. Kruieg is awesome in that regard, or if you don't have time, instant is an adequate caffeine delivery system. Also get dressed for the gym before you leave, it will save time. I eat a banana, 5oz of yogurt and slam an 11oz pre-mix protein shake before I leave for the gym. Fast snacks all.

    On the weekends I train at 530am - 6 in the morning. And since my gym is small and I am early, I take special pleasure curling in the squat rack on Small Muscle Sunday™.
  • starchild3
    starchild3 Posts: 16 Member
    I get up about 8ish and have my morning coffee and then workout. I don't work outside of the house though so I have that luxury. I do dance central and have even hooked up my laptop to the tv and ran youtube! Once you get into a routine it's like clockwork! For me anyway!
  • Old_Man_McGucket
    Old_Man_McGucket Posts: 310 Member
    My trick is sleeping with a nightlight. Although it takes some getting used to, it makes getting up when the alarm goes off much easier.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    having everything ready the night before is key. makes getting ready easier. set up the coffee, lay out your clothes.

    also, i find that a motivating song as an alarm is better than an annoying buzzer.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I am seeing so many great tips! I recently (today lol) starting working out in the morning. I used to do it, and I got out of the habit and I kept pushing it back which led to me falling off the wagon completely and gaining a big part of my loss back. BUT...I restarted 163 days ago and most of my exercise is cardio. I walk on the treadmill 5-6 times/week. Last week I was due to go into work late and I was meeting a girlfriend for breakfast. Since I was working until 8 pm I knew I would not have time to get my workout in late so I set my alarm ahead 35 minutes and got up early to get it done. It was amazing how good I felt the rest of the day. So, this morning, I started back to the morning workouts. I think it will keep me on track better and I look forward to knowing when I get home my workout is already done instead of me dragging my feet and trying to find excuses to skip it. (like you, I am always tired at night) Last night, I laid out EVERYTHING I would need for said workout (yoga pants, sports bra, moisture wicking top, running socks, running shoes, HRM watch and strap, ponytail holder) so when I got up, all I had to do was basically fall into clothes and start the treadmill. So far, so good. Good luck (and thanks to everyone else for some great tips!)
  • zoober
    zoober Posts: 226 Member
    I workout at 6:30 in the morning 5 days a week, I take the weekend off from the gym and try to do some physical activity on the weekend. I would suggest you don't do the same thing every day. I like to do the elliptical MWF and lift weights TTh, and I found this helps to not overtrain as well as keep it fresh. I eat something at my desk while checking all the morning crises, which is nice because I get in a good hour or so before most folks stumble in. Stick with it 2 weeks, and it becomes a habit. Good luck!
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