Exercising right after waking up



  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    I regularly spin for 45 minutes in a fasted state first thing in the morning (6 or 7am). I always have a pre-workout snack if my workout is in the evening, though.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    jabarih wrote: »
    I have heard good things about working out in a fasted state. I heard that most calories burned come from fat storages b/c there is no food to burn. I also workout first thing in the morning and I am meeting my weight goals.

    Have a look at some actual studies. Im a bit sceptical about whether its any better at all. I do think is iportnat to have enough energy to do a decent workout and you don flag.

  • itsjustmish
    itsjustmish Posts: 107 Member
    I work out at 5am, as soon as I wake up, on an empty stomach. I sip water while I'm exercising but don't eat until after I finish. I've never had any problems.
  • silver_inca
    silver_inca Posts: 17 Member
    I cycle on a turbo trainer for 30 minutes five times a week - 10-20 minutes after i wake up and have my coffee :) I agree, the workout is done, out the way and i feel great in the morning!
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I can't eat early right before I swim. I need to but my stomach won't tolerate the food.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I go workout first thing after I wake up too. I have gone fasting… but I usually have better energy for my workouts with just a little something in my stomach. My typical go-to pre-workout food is apple slices. About 70 grams. Occasionally I'll add a tbsp of PB to it or some string cheese. But usually I do just fine on apples only. That's the same whether I'm doing a longer more intense workout (including lifting) or whether I'm just walking that day.
  • dorkyfaery
    dorkyfaery Posts: 255 Member
    As many folks have said, it depends on what your preference is and what you can tolerate. If I am doing something on the strenuous side I prefer to exercise first because I feel sick if I exercise too soon after eating. Afterwards I might have a banana or glass of chocolate milk, then get ready for work, and have my actual breakfast when I arrive at work.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    So I was wondering if it's okay to jog or even do resistance training (e.g. Pilates) right when you wake up before eating breakfast. I feel like if I do that then I can just get it over and done with and go about my day rather than waiting to eat then wait an hour, so on and so forth. I feel like it cuts into my time for the day. So do you think it's okay to exercise on an empty stomach or even immediately after eating something quick and small like string cheese or a banana?

    Heck yeah you can. I have lost 70 lbs doing that. I tried eating before working out and didn't settle well with me so I started working out before breakfast and all is good.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited November 2014
    I also workout first thing in the morning fasted. I have lost and kept off 80 lbs while doing it too.

    It's great to get my workout done for the day and it energizes me. I couldn't always do it though. It took me a little time to train my body to switch from being a sugar burner to a fat burner.

    Some people may not be able to handle working out fasted however.

  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    So I was wondering if it's okay to jog or even do resistance training (e.g. Pilates) right when you wake up before eating breakfast. I feel like if I do that then I can just get it over and done with and go about my day rather than waiting to eat then wait an hour, so on and so forth. I feel like it cuts into my time for the day. So do you think it's okay to exercise on an empty stomach or even immediately after eating something quick and small like string cheese or a banana?
    I do all my morning workouts on nothing more than a glass of water or a cup of leftover coffee. I do have a small breakfast on long run mornings but for stuff under 10 miles I just go out and get it done. Breakfast can happen after the run.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I work out most of the time as soon as I get up. It works great for me - I feel more energized throughout the day and it really helps me to get loose and limber. It also gets me to drink water before coffee which I feel is very healthy :) I don't do huge workouts though - 30-45 min of cardio and light or body weight stuff.
    I find that when I don't work out right away then I'm hungry right away, whereas when I work out from 5-5:45 then I'm fine not having breakfast until I get to work at 8.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Fasted cardio is great in the morning. Can't say the same for resistance training though. I have to be pretty amped up on caffeine to get close to a meaningful workout like that which leads to a bit of a crash later. Just my personal experience but different people react differently.