Post pregnancy friends who enjoy keeping fit!

I recently became a mummy to my little boy who is nearly 7 weeks old. Ive nearly lost all my pregnancy weight probably due to keeping fit throughout most of it. After having a c section my body could do with toning up now. Just waiting for the all clear from the doctor. Looking for friends who are going through the same journey xxx


  • niqu11
    niqu11 Posts: 84 Member
    Congrats on your little one!! I am absolutely dying to get back to my workouts. I'm over 40 weeks pregnant, just waiting for the big arrival. So I'm not at your point yet, but soon! What type of workouts are you getting back into once you're cleared?
  • gemk
    gemk Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks, oh not long until your baby arrives!! I was running before so really want to take that back up but probably won't be for a while yet. I will probably try a few dvd's to do while he is sleeping at the moment and maybe start my gym membership again after xmas for the classes
  • BayleighPaws
    BayleighPaws Posts: 24 Member
    I had a baby 4 months ago. He's my second and I recovered ridiculously fast. I was back to running by 4 weeks PP. I did run up to 30 weeks or so though.

    I found YouTube FitnessBlender Channel to be awesome for workouts. They have various levels and lengths, so it's great to workout around baby schedules!
  • Toria718
    Toria718 Posts: 396 Member
    my daughter just turned 5 months old, i lost all of my baby weight extremely quick but am now stuck where i was this time last year lol. my sister is my coach/inspiration, she was in the halloween mayhem show in canada a few weekends ago and won the fitness model class and came in 2nd in the bikini class, a few years ago she was almost as heavy as i am now. she is kicking my *kitten* and I am admitedly going a bit hard core...for me. in total i am 45 min cardio everyday and 30 min lifting. coming from doing almost nothing for the last few months its a big change and man can i feel it today lol
  • jvs125
    jvs125 Posts: 223 Member
    Well, my babies are a bit older. I have a 3 years old and a 1 year old, both were born by c-section. I lost most of the weight pretty quickly, but had a hard time with the last 5-7 pounds for a long time now. I'm now really close to my goal and am working towards fitness/definition.

    I calorie count now, and as for working out, I alternate between a cardio day and a strength day, 6 days per week. 45 minutes of spinning or running for cardio, and usually a Pilates and Jillian Michaels dvd on strength days. I do it all at 5:45 in the morning before everyone's awake so I have that little bit of time to myself.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    Lucky! I was lifting until 39 weeks, circuit trained through my whole pregnancy. 5 months PP, still have 20 lbs to lose. (I can't lose weight while breastfeeding). I started New Rules of Lifting for Women at 12 weeks PP and am stronger than I have ever been in my life. Congrats on your new arrival :) My oldest is four now, between the two pregnancies I lost 30 lbs and got into really good shape.