1200 cal support group for a successful weight loss



  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi, can you please add me to the group too?!
  • I would love to join this group!
  • lottylulu1969
    lottylulu1969 Posts: 16 Member
    Count me in please
  • dblanke01
    dblanke01 Posts: 35 Member
    I would like to be added as well. Having a near impossible time staying within the 1200 calorie allotment.
  • docsharon
    docsharon Posts: 55 Member
    Me too. New start today. 1200 is difficult but doable with support.
  • sokie88
    sokie88 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in as well! Quick question for all those on 1200 calories, do you eat your workout calories? or stick to the 1200 pre-workout calories? I was told to eat my workout calories as well, but seem to be losing weight SUPER slowly -like 2 lbs a month!
  • gmx2mom
    gmx2mom Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! Determined to stop yo-yo dieting! Need to be accountable and make changes that are sustainable!
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    i eat back half my workout calories
  • lyddie6
    lyddie6 Posts: 993 Member
    Is it too late to join in? I have my works Christmas party and a dress I need to fit in to :-/
  • lottylulu1969
    lottylulu1969 Posts: 16 Member
    This time round I'm not eating back my exercise calories,in the past I have but have lost weight very slowly and given up, so decided not too this time and see if I lose quicker,would like to drop half stone by Christmas
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    if there is an actual group I'd like an invite too
  • How can I join? I want in!! (:
  • lohkin
    lohkin Posts: 43 Member
    edited November 2014
    I would also like to join the group/discussion. There is not a search feature in "Groups", so can someone please post the actual URL link to the group?
    I have been sticking to 1100/1200 cal per day for one month. I do have some excesses on the weekends, but try to account for those with exercise or reduced calorie days before/after the indulgence.

    I have not lost any weight since starting MFP and reduced calorie meals. It would be helpful to talk with others who are also aiming for 1200 or less/day.
    I am only 4'11, so I don't need much. I actually wonder if 1200 is too much?
  • dblanke01
    dblanke01 Posts: 35 Member
    You guys, I am SO HUNGRY ALL THE TIME. I never stay in my calorie range because I end up binging. I can't handle the hunger! All I think about is food! How do you handle it???
  • chubbywolfe
    chubbywolfe Posts: 13 Member
    I would love to join this group! If I find it I will post a link. Just started back about a month ago and my goal is 1200 a day. I'm bad on the weekends but I'm losing weight so I don't stress about it. I'm pretty sure my diary is open if anyone wants to take a look.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    dblanke01 wrote: »
    You guys, I am SO HUNGRY ALL THE TIME. I never stay in my calorie range because I end up binging. I can't handle the hunger! All I think about is food! How do you handle it???

    For me, I eat healthy fats to fill me up - such as nuts, full fat yogurt and things like that; also lean protein will fill you up and is low calorie, also high fiber foods - apples, pineapple, oranges, etc. If I think I'm going to be hungry and want more I try to fit in some exercise (which obviously you should try to do anyway) and then I eat back those calories. Riding my recumbent trike is my favorite, but now that the weather is turning cold and it's dark when I get home I'm trying to just walk at least 30 minutes before I leave for the day. I work at a school which is connected to another school so it has a nice "track" to walk laps.
  • ttd71
    ttd71 Posts: 5 Member
    I'd like to join! Need to lose 40lb. By next June for a trip to Hawaii!
  • WyrdSyster
    WyrdSyster Posts: 21 Member
    dblanke01 wrote: »
    You guys, I am SO HUNGRY ALL THE TIME. I never stay in my calorie range because I end up binging. I can't handle the hunger! All I think about is food! How do you handle it???
    Drink more water, more very low or zero calorie liquids such as tea, broth, boullion. Cruciferous vegetables are very filling-cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower etc-and low in calories. Breathe & drink a big glass of liquid, then wait at least 20 minutes. Re-evaluate what you are feeling now. Has sensation changed or remained same? You may well find you are no longer feeling the pains. If you still feel them and they are increasing then choose something on your plan.
    I have struggled with extreme hunger pains at times and these methods work for me most of the time. Meaning, most of the time I can wait to eat much longer. Rarely I will find I am truly hungry and then I reach for something filling and low calorie if I can. I am very new to all of this, best of luck to you!

  • back2twentyfive
    back2twentyfive Posts: 36 Member
    edited November 2014
    To stave off hunger, I eat more fats like nuts and lean protein. If I'm still hungry, a couple of cups of raw cabbage, raspberries, or sugarless jello are low calorie additions.

    Any overeating is due to my "wanting" something instead of eating better alternatives. I tend to go over 1200 calories 2-3x/wk, but I'm still under the amount of calories needed to maintain, so I lose weight anyway. I don't count exercise calories back in, as I view them as a weight loss bonus.
  • NaeTeaspoon
    NaeTeaspoon Posts: 28 Member
    I would love to join too! I lost just over 12kgs (26 pounds) on weight watchers 2 years ago and have now put back on a bit. Sitting at 64kg (141lb) wanting to get to 60kg (130lb).