Loss and Motivation

youngph Posts: 4 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I lost a whopping .5 lb this past week...it's a loss, not a gain, I know...but I'm not all that thrilled. I admit, I got up early before work to work out once this week...ONCE! And thanks to the lovely spring weather in these parts of the US, afternoon walks with the dog were again...ONE! And that was running between the raindrops! LOL I really need to step up my game or I'll be taking the awfully long scenic route to my final weight loss goal.

Over my vacation next week, my aunt has decided to put together a pool for our trip. 3 women, $20 each. Whoever gains the least amount of weight during the trip gets the $60. Hmmm....that would be some rather nice pocket change! LOL If I can at least maintain next week I'll be thrilled, however a loss would just be awesome! Guess I better hit the fitness room and/or pool once a day!


  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    I too am going on vacation next week. My focus is going to be on portion size, stopping when full and hitting the gym if there is down time. I'm going on a cruise so there is food available 24/7 and I will be drinking daily most likely. Both of those are going to make it hard as my drink of choice is vodka and squirt (eek pop) and who can resist unlimited food. I most likely will gain and have prepared myself for this. Love the motivation pool! The weight did not come on over night its not going to come off over night.

    No great achievement is possible without persistent work.

    Good Luck and have fun.
  • youngph
    youngph Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah, I have to keep telling myself that I didn't gain it overnight so there's no way it will come off that fast. And I am losing at a steady and healthy rate so I shouldn't complain...but it would be so nice to see a larger gap between weigh-ins again.

    Have fun on your cruise! I hear all they do is feed you on those things (my friend got married on one and made sure the wedding day was the first day of the cruise so she'd fit into her dress LOL) Just going prepared to watch portion sizes and make an effort to work out should help. Besides, even if food is available 24/7 you don't have to eat if you aren't hungry.

    I'm going to a Jimmy Buffett concert so there will be margaritas and other sorts of adult beverages galore...and whatever we figure out to eat if we can tailgate. That will be my toughest day/night, though if I dance enough during the concert I may burn quite a few calories!
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