What is the most interesting "compliment" you have received from friends?

I have already received some pretty strange and awkward "compliments" from my friends and coworkers. I know you guys probably have also! Some of them make you feel good and others....not so much. Tell me what is your favorite, least favorite, most awkward, or most strange compliment that you have received from people. This can also apply to people's comments on the OLD you! I'll start.

One guy friend/coworker came up to me and just smiled awkwardly and said "Jill,.....your face.....you look different.........(in a hushed voice) have you lost weight?" I guess he was scared to ask...haha.
Also, the other day, another one of my male coworkers asked "Have you been working out? You look better." Gee, thanks. Better. :neutral_face:


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited November 2014
    My favorite compliment was from my sister-in-law. She told me that I look strong.

    I haven't had any awkward or weird compliments so far. But I have had a former coworker not recognize me and a few people who I didn't see for awhile appear to notice my weight loss (based on their facial expressions) and then say "is there something different with your hair?"

    Oh, I just remembered a kind of awkward moment. We had a new person at work. Somehow a coworker told her that I had lost a lot of weight. The new person said something like "well she looks great" and the coworker said "yeah, you should see her before pictures!" The tone of voice was clearly like "they are really bad!"
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    "elitist fitness snob"
    "fake online persona"
    "health fanatic"

    keep 'em coming, i must be doing something right :D (I would consider these as accidental compliments!!)
  • agal129
    agal129 Posts: 215 Member
    Somebody who hadn't seen me in some time, saw me and with a shocked expression, said, "You look so good!!" :D<3
  • henrickd
    henrickd Posts: 1 Member
    edited November 2014
    Reaction from a coworker that was about ready to retire after I hadn't seen him in two months.

    "You f***ing lost weight."
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    My favorite compliment wasn't weight related. Years ago when I was like 18 an acquaintance told me that I was one of the 3 most unique people they had ever met. Not sure it was unique in a good way or if I'm just a weirdo.
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    edited November 2014
    Yeah, I love the "you look better" compliment :neutral_face: So then, by definition, before now I looked worse? Thanks.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    edited November 2014
    While looking at an old picture taken at work, one of my coworkers tried to compliment my weight loss by saying "Look at those ham hawks! You're legs were huge!" He went on for a few more minutes pointing out how large I was before I finally shushed him. He ment well....
  • thealbinofox
    thealbinofox Posts: 7 Member
    The most awkward for me was. "You are withering away". I'd never heard that one before, I didn't know how to respond.
  • Hockey_Winger
    Hockey_Winger Posts: 1,164 Member
    "You have lost too much weight"

    I replied with, "Thank you, I have a little 'too much' more to go."

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    "You've lost a TON of weight!"

    Unless you're prepared to explain to me how you thought I looked like I weighed 2,000 pounds before my weight loss, please don't use the word "ton."
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    I was sitting at a bar with a friend and a guy said, you have the sexiest ankles... :0/ I'm thinking, huh? what makes ankles look sexy. the other is from mom, saying I look too skinny, I told her no, I am healthy, you just don't know what it looks like (we are a Hispanic family and EVERYONE wants to stuff your face all the time with that GREAT food)
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    One of the instructors at my gym that I am friends with came up to me after class and said that she had no idea my legs were so huge. I was clearly appalled and she said she didn't mean fat, she meant muscular. So I guess that was a compliment. Another person at the gym told me that I'm built like a brick house. Um thanks???
  • amo314
    amo314 Posts: 23 Member
    Someone whom I hadn't see in a while said "Wow, you've lost like what...1000 lbs?" Then she kind of realized what she said and stumbled over it saying how cute I look, but that I was always cute so I let her off the hook and said that I knew what she meant. Others tell me that I look skinny or call me skinny minny. I am definitely not skinny, still considered overweight but thinner then I was, but it's still weird.
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    "Your calves are so muscular!" - multiple people have said this to me lol. Always thought it was a weird body part to comment on, but I'll take it!
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    It was said in French and could translate like this "you lost so much weight, your pants look puffed." Well, thanks for pointing out the fact I can't afford a new wardrobe... And I have only lost 15 lbs, so the puffing can't be that bad... Can it?? :s
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I've had a few different ones. Back last year I was trying to give one of my nieces some advice on losing weight and after our back and forths she said something like....you should be a motivational speaker. That made me feel good. I have a friend who will say "your getting so skinny". I know she means well but that one irritates me because I am far from skinny(and that has a negative conotation to me) and I'm also not any thinner then when we first met. And one day this past summer I went outside to do my wellness time at work and our building maintenence engineer was out there and he said "Ah...I've got nothing" meaning he couldn't say what he wanted to.
  • Lalalindaloo
    Lalalindaloo Posts: 204 Member
    Most awkward/uncomfortable, happened at the same time:

    One fairly passive-aggressive coworker: You need to stop this, you're starting to look unhealthy. (By the way, I JUST reached the top end of healthy BMI.)

    Another co-worker who I am afraid has an eating disorder/is anorexic: No, she's doing great. She's 20 pounds from perfection. (No way in hades I'm dropping another 20 lbs.)
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    I know I'm going to get slammed and I probably deserve it, but I just have to point out a pet peeve of mine since I've seen it come up in a couple of the comments above.

    If someone gives you a compliment, DO NOT turn it around to think the worst of the person! My wife does it and I had to call her out on it the other day. Just STOP PEOPLE.

    "You are looking great" - Oh so I must have looked hideous before.
    "You look like you've lost a lot of weight" - Oh I must have looked like a slob before.
    "Your butt is getting really firm" - So are you saying I had a fat *kitten* before. (Personal).

    These are the most narsasistic responses I can think of. It's hard enough for people to know when it's appropriate to comment without offending and when people come back with these types of retorts, it makes giving compliments that much more difficult.

    I get it, some compliments can be back handed and even offensive, but don't turn them into something negative, when they are really just meant as a compliment.

    Sorry for my rant, but if we can all accept the positive more often and not assume there is some negative hidden agenda, we would all be much happier.

    Stepping off my soap box now.
  • csec6pak
    csec6pak Posts: 54 Member

    A coworker asked me if I had had "work done" on my face.

    My mom, who can't give a compliment to save her life, told me, "You need to stop losing weight. It's disgusting. You're making the rest of us look bad." I guess she was trying to be funny but that really pissed me off. I'm not going to stop being healthy just because you don't want to do it, too.

  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    shadowloss wrote: »
    I know I'm going to get slammed and I probably deserve it, but I just have to point out a pet peeve of mine since I've seen it come up in a couple of the comments above.

    If someone gives you a compliment, DO NOT turn it around to think the worst of the person! My wife does it and I had to call her out on it the other day. Just STOP PEOPLE.

    "You are looking great" - Oh so I must have looked hideous before.
    "You look like you've lost a lot of weight" - Oh I must have looked like a slob before.
    "Your butt is getting really firm" - So are you saying I had a fat *kitten* before. (Personal).

    These are the most narsasistic responses I can think of. It's hard enough for people to know when it's appropriate to comment without offending and when people come back with these types of retorts, it makes giving compliments that much more difficult.

    I get it, some compliments can be back handed and even offensive, but don't turn them into something negative, when they are really just meant as a compliment.

    Sorry for my rant, but if we can all accept the positive more often and not assume there is some negative hidden agenda, we would all be much happier.

    Stepping off my soap box now.

    I agree with you. Some people (myself included) think saying "you look so skinny" is a compliment while others think it's a jab at them. I wouldn't think twice about telling someone they look skinny or tiny after a lot of weight loss but I've had people dance around it with me because they're afraid I'll take it wrong.

    Unless someone is clearly trying to insult you, understand that they mean well and thank them. There's no need to make someone feel bad when they tried to make you feel good.