Joined a couple of months ago

However, I have not been taking this seriously. I want to lose about 30 lbs. It is so hard to be disciplined. I love food too much!


  • lauraajohnsonrn
    I'm the same way, and the first time I tried to do this I messed it up and gave up after a few days because the foods I thought I had to eat weren't my faves. This time I eat what I want but I watch portions. In 10 days I've lost about 8 pounds and I ate an Arby's medium roast beef sandwich, and some burritos from taco bell. Last night I had baked potato pizza. You just have to make the calories work around what you like. There are some more ideas if you check out my blog.
  • dnqb
    dnqb Posts: 3
    Thanks! That helps. I don't want to have to give up all of the foods that I love in order to lose weight. It shouldn't have to be that way!