Off Topic- Migraines



  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    It's ironic I just saw this topic. I ended up having to call one of my best friends who is an FNP last night. I had a migraine so severe that I couldn't tolerate light, and my Fiorcet wasn't touching it. I had to have my aunt drive me around the block (thank God she works at an office that close) to her office. She took me right back. I honestly don't know what I would've done had I had to wait. I could feel my heart beating in my head just from the little bit of light that was getting through my fingers, and I had my eyes closed tightly. She gave me a shot of Toradol and Phenergan. Luckily, I was able to go home, and sleep it off over 14 hours in total darkness.

    I take 200mgs of Topamax daily to try to keep them at bay, and when one hits, I have Fiorcet. Although, I'm finding that these days, my migraines are becoming so severe, that the Fiorcet isn't touching them, and that's not good.

    I can always count on getting one in the pre-menstral week, but at other times, it's just hit or miss. There's no rhyme or reason why one will come on, or what triggers it. I have PCOS, and lived with hormonal imbalances for most of my life, but for roughly the past 8/9 years, my hormone levels have been right on target, and all of my bloodwork looks good, yet, I *still* have these horrible migraines, so, I'm at a loss.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    My migraines are stress related, and at one point I was getting them daily (while I was working on my thesis), and my doctor put me on a low dose of epilepsy drugs. It was rather odd treatment or so I thought, but after only one month on the meds, the headaches were gone. I have only had about 3 migraines since then. Of course, I've also tried removing a lot of stress from my life too.

    Since you're seeing a doctor, you could definitely look into more "holistic" treatments, and an elimination diet might help. I know that many people who suffer from epilepsy do well on a ketogenic diet (apparently it was actually developed for treatment of epilepsy), and some people think that migraines and epilepsy have similar mechanisms of action. So, low carb may help, but then it may not. Something to consider if nothing else provides relief.

    Back in the day when I used to go through migraine medications (nothing worked, and Imitrix was new - but just gave me stomach issues) they had 3 categories of medications that would be used for migraine sufferers: anti-depressants, epilepsy, and blood pressure medications. If the traditional migraine medications aren't working out for you - they still prescribe these. Or so I believe. I admit I stopped researching so much once I got my own under control.

    I remember once taking my blood pressure when I had a migraine using an electric cuff - and having multiple readings that were VASTLY different within a matter of minutes. Once I saw that and admittedly, sometimes you CAN feel the blood pulsing in your head - blood pressure medication makes sense. And I'm sure someone on here? can explain the impact of anti-depressants or epilepsy medication on migraines.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Hey OP - Have you seen an improvement?
  • missanglang
    missanglang Posts: 22 Member
    I used to have 2 head ache free days a week tops. I went on a dr prescribed diet a month ago because I was diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure and he really wanted to get it under control quickly and in that month I have had 2 headaches that lasted a day each. I do feel mine were caused by spikes in blood sugar or blood pressure and I was severely deficient in several vitamins, especially vit d that I took a mega dose of and now take daily. it has truly changed my life to feel this way.
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    jancie84 wrote: »
    Anyone suffer from chronic migraines? I've had them for the past 10 years or so and they have gotten worse over the last 3 years. I see a neurologist and take a few different daily meds...

    Anything work for you?



    Chronic migraine sufferer here. Had a daily headache for the past 9 years and break through migraines.
    Acupuncture works yes, as do massages, but both can be costly.
    I love my chiropractor. Every two-three weeks will save you if you have good insurance that covers it.
    vitamins. B12 and C are good
    Have you had a MRI, been on medication?
    Look in botox if pills haven't been working for you. Botox works about 70% for me
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I cut all the triggers they talk about one by one and had less frequency.

    Finally, bucked up and gave up coffee and had zero migraines. For a couple years, then I got cokcy and started drinking it again. But I just keep the amount very steady and I'm strict about it and I'm fine.

    Apparently my only actual trigger was the wonkiness of my caffeine intake. Because now I can drink red wine, eat hot dogs and all the other triggers that are food and be just fine.

    I still have to be careful about stress, and about temperature. If I stay someplace too hot or too cold for too long, I'm gonna hurt. So I don't. I developed a DGAF attitude about most things ppl do or say and also about how they might feel if I have to walk out of a meeting, or etc. due to temperature extremes. Nobody even cares. It's great.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    I used to until my friend recommended Feverfew which is natural herb that relief migraines .You can get it from health food store. It helped allot and now I rarely get them :)
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    Ive always got them - my whole life. Used to be 3 or 4 bad ones a year. In 2012 and 2013 it was about 2 a month, I mean can't work, can't drive, can't leave the bedroom bad. Relpax worked great once I got the Migraine, but nothing seemed to prevent it, and despite many scans and blood tests the Drs (and Neurologist) couldn't tell me what the cause was. Best they came up with was "your bloodwork shows some inflamation somewhere in your body".

    Since earlier this year I have been eating Low Carb High Fat (less than 25g carbs a day). Almost immediately the migraines stopped. I haven't had one since April. I also don't get the almost daily "normal" headache I used to wake up with. And I no longer have heartburn or the constant pain in my hips.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    My 17 year old son is a chronic migraine sufferer. I have daily headaches but I function. Son is hypersensitive to many triggers, he's having debilitating migraines 3-4 days a week. Aura, peripheral vision loss, nausea and pain behind eyes and top of head. Rescue drugs like Imitrex (both oral and injectable), Maxalt, and Cambria have not been effective. Prednisone sometimes helps. Infusion of Toradol, phenegren, and depacon have been most successful in relieving intense pain, but does not eliminate pain. Usually takes 48 after infusion for improvement.

    He's currently on a cocktail of topomax, Claritin, Celexa, folic acid, magnesium, gabapentin, and tomorrow will be starting Depakote. Every 3 months he's getting Botox injections. (We thought we had it nailed after the first Botox ... 5 weeks completely headache free! Then it fell apart 3 weeks before school started. So, yes, looking for techniques to reduce stress/anxiety.)

    We have been on Buchholz's elimination diet ... there's some merit to it ... especially the things like msg, nitrates, etc. Today we had a gluten sensitivity panel conducted ... because I need to know if its true before we take another food group from him. But it looks like we're getting closer to being Paleo.

    Thanks to the OP and those posting ... this was very timely for me today.. Will look into vitamin d and some of the other suggestions.

    OP ... hope you are feeling better soon.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    edited November 2014
    My sister is a migraine sufferer. In addition to her meds, she says peppermint essential oils (sniffing it and applying to the temples) helps ease the suffering. She uses a roller like this filled with a high-quality essential oil:

  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member

    This has NOTHING to do with migraine sufferers.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    shai74 wrote: »

    This has NOTHING to do with migraine sufferers.

    I've been suffering from Migraines since I was a child, because my mom get's them. It helps me.
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    Migraines run in my family and I unfortunately am a daily headache kind of person and get migraines throughout the month. While I'm not on any medicine and usually just accept the grogginess/pain all day, it does sure put a damper on getting off my butt to exercise. =/ My triggers are seemingly random, but strong perfume definitely is a no-no for me. I also was terribly Vitamin D deficient and had to go on a strong dose of that (living in the Pacific Northwest!), but it hasn't seemed to help my headaches all too much. I do feel slightly better overall after getting that raised, though.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    edited November 2014
    jancie84 wrote: »
    Anyone suffer from chronic migraines? I've had them for the past 10 years or so and they have gotten worse over the last 3 years. I see a neurologist and take a few different daily meds...

    Anything work for you?



    My heart goes out to all migraine sufferers. I had my first one January of this year and it lasted 4 days with threatening tinges continuing for 2 weeks after. I couldn't sleep it off or eat and any light or movement just killed. I don't know what the trigger was. Since then I have cut caffeine and made sure to keep hydrated. Thank goodness I have not gotten one since. It is my understanding that any food or type of stress can set them off. It differs from person to person. I hope that you find something that helps alleviate your pain.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    I get premenstrual migraines. When I first started getting them I wouldn't be sure -- I would just have a slight pain and nausea- if I waited too long it would kick into full blown pain- couldn't take any light- and I would vomit. Now when I feel even the slightest tinge of any symptom like that I take two Exedrin and some water lay down in the dark. After a half hour or sometimes as long as 2 hours they seem to subside. But, if I wait too long-- It seems as if the meds can't catch up to the pain. I feel really lucky that the above simple remedy works for me. Migraines suck!
  • Julslilly1
    Julslilly1 Posts: 8 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    My 17 year old son is a chronic migraine sufferer. I have daily headaches but I function. Son is hypersensitive to many triggers, he's having debilitating migraines 3-4 days a week. Aura, peripheral vision loss, nausea and pain behind eyes and top of head. Rescue drugs like Imitrex (both oral and injectable), Maxalt, and Cambria have not been effective. Prednisone sometimes helps. Infusion of Toradol, phenegren, and depacon have been most successful in relieving intense pain, but does not eliminate pain. Usually takes 48 after infusion for improvement.

    He's currently on a cocktail of topomax, Claritin, Celexa, folic acid, magnesium, gabapentin, and tomorrow will be starting Depakote. Every 3 months he's getting Botox injections. (We thought we had it nailed after the first Botox ... 5 weeks completely headache free! Then it fell apart 3 weeks before school started. So, yes, looking for techniques to reduce stress/anxiety.)

    We have been on Buchholz's elimination diet ... there's some merit to it ... especially the things like msg, nitrates, etc. Today we had a gluten sensitivity panel conducted ... because I need to know if its true before we take another food group from him. But it looks like we're getting closer to being Paleo.

    Thanks to the OP and those posting ... this was very timely for me today.. Will look into vitamin d and some of the other suggestions.

    OP ... hope you are feeling better soon.

    Best of luck to you both. Sounds very tough.
  • SpnkyBns
    SpnkyBns Posts: 27 Member
    My Dr had me try works so well for me....I wish I would of had this drug my whole life, One pill will most of the time stop it before it gets so bad that I cant move, cant talk, cant take light...there are days that I call 2 pill headaches, but by the 2nd pill they go away...its a miracle for me really!
  • VixxyLiss
    VixxyLiss Posts: 44 Member
    I get them periodically, usually stress related and often from just plain doing too many things at once, worst one was after my Dad died, I spent 4 days with my Mum straight after and was fine, but the moment I got home the migraine hit with full force - was told by the doctor that it was because I'd been strong for my mum but as soon as I got home and relaxed the stress hit me full on.

    Now, I get them periodically, always carry paracetamol with me in soluble form in my handbag, soon as I see the aura then I take them and I usually chase it away, leave it any longer and I end up in bed for a few hours until the sick dizzy feeling goes and I can move around without feeling like the floor is sloped at an impossible angle and I'm about to fall over.
  • Ataraxia81
    Ataraxia81 Posts: 63 Member
    I had migranes for years and was never able to see a doctor because I didn't have health insurance. As soon as I got hired on at my new job, I started seeing a doctor on a regular basis. He decided to have me tested for Sleep Apnea. Ever since I was diagnosed and began CPAP therapy, the migranes have disappeared. If I sleep without my CPAP, i get really bad headaches and feel "off" all day.