I have failed, (warningit's a ling one)

Once again, I am stuck at the top of the roller coaster.
I had shed 4 lbs and now back to 235.
I have made promises I can't keep, set goals that have been washed out to sea.
I'm tired, stressed and fed up.
I am a emotional eater, stress eater and just about on the verge of laziness.
I haven't worked out since September.

I have told myself that I just don't care.

I am a size 16/18 again instead of the 10 I want to be.

I get it in my mind that I can achieve all that is possible, then that what if I fail, statement rolls right back around again and I just jump right on its back.

What is wrong with me???

Well, lets see.

I have taken on the following since April!!!!!!!!!!
1. P.O.A. of my estranged father. He is in jail under a false claim and right now it is all he said she said with no evidence. So I handle all his money affairs and still try to help his wife, that with out being cruel, she is ignorant in the ways of financial needs.

2. I am in the process of taking on P.O.A. of my mom, which has partial brain damage with short term memory loss. I handle all her affairs, working on getting POA, Executer of estate and taking care of all her insurance needs. Driving her places and making sure she copes with life.

3. My sister, now that's a different story. My nephew's death of 1 year is Thanksgiving Day. She is a basket case and a marter. She lost her last two jobs nad is now only working once a week. She stays too busy to job hunt , so the excuse goes. But doesn't fail to mention to one and all how broke she is.

So, well, that's what is on my plate. Now, I have finally learned to handle most of it. I am looking into joining Inches Aweigh, down the street from me and get back to the tanning bed and neighborhood walks with the dogs and hubby. But honestly, I can't really start it until Dec 01.

Is it too late for me? I am 37 and feel like I am 80.

A few years back I was pushung 238. went to 190, then back to 238 and down to 200. Now I am 235 and I am so miserable!!!!!

It's just too late for CALGONE!!!!! Take me away........

Pleas help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    Once again, I am stuck at the top of the roller coaster.
    I had shed 4 lbs and now back to 235.
    I have made promises I can't keep, set goals that have been washed out to sea.
    I'm tired, stressed and fed up.
    I am a emotional eater, stress eater and just about on the verge of laziness.
    I haven't worked out since September.

    I have told myself that I just don't care.

    I am a size 16/18 again instead of the 10 I want to be.

    I get it in my mind that I can achieve all that is possible, then that what if I fail, statement rolls right back around again and I just jump right on its back.

    What is wrong with me???

    Well, lets see.

    I have taken on the following since April!!!!!!!!!!
    1. P.O.A. of my estranged father. He is in jail under a false claim and right now it is all he said she said with no evidence. So I handle all his money affairs and still try to help his wife, that with out being cruel, she is ignorant in the ways of financial needs.

    2. I am in the process of taking on P.O.A. of my mom, which has partial brain damage with short term memory loss. I handle all her affairs, working on getting POA, Executer of estate and taking care of all her insurance needs. Driving her places and making sure she copes with life.

    3. My sister, now that's a different story. My nephew's death of 1 year is Thanksgiving Day. She is a basket case and a marter. She lost her last two jobs nad is now only working once a week. She stays too busy to job hunt , so the excuse goes. But doesn't fail to mention to one and all how broke she is.

    So, well, that's what is on my plate. Now, I have finally learned to handle most of it. I am looking into joining Inches Aweigh, down the street from me and get back to the tanning bed and neighborhood walks with the dogs and hubby. But honestly, I can't really start it until Dec 01.

    Is it too late for me? I am 37 and feel like I am 80.

    A few years back I was pushung 238. went to 190, then back to 238 and down to 200. Now I am 235 and I am so miserable!!!!!

    It's just too late for CALGONE!!!!! Take me away........

    Pleas help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ranaelynn
    ranaelynn Posts: 115 Member
    You can do this its neve to late! I am 45 and started this journey Jan 6 2008 - you can not take of the world until you take care of you! Want a believe it or not check out the before and after pic in my profile
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    All I know is that people look to other, stronger people to take care of them. It seems like either directly or indirectly people are looking to you to take care of them. It is a hard choice to look people in the face and let them know that you cannot do it all, sacrifice yourself and take on their emotional issues without having any negative recourse about it in your own life. I guess your parents are depending on you, but those other people in your life have to make their journey on their own. Easier said than done, right? You gotta do for you, like ranaekline said. I think at the end of the day it's harder to take care of yourself...it's easier to use other people's shortcomings to make up for the reasons why we don't do for ourselves. Overall, the situation just sucks. I hope you find your way out of it.:heart::heart: :heart:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    To late? No it's not to late. But if you don't start taking care of yourself it will be. You are only 37 but I am guessing that you will start to have health issues soon if you don't already.
    So on Dec 1 I know that you will start on your way to a healthy new you! That by the new year when everyone else is starting to make commitments to losing weight you will already have a whole month jump on them.
    Do this for you, so you will be healthy, feel better and be able to enjoy life. I know you care about those around you but you won't be able to help them if you don't help yourself.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I'm 46 years old and I started a year ago at 256 pounds in a size 20. I still have to loose about 35 pounds but I'm in a size 10 today. That's despite all the negative information out there about your metabolism slowing down after 40. Even if you were 80 years old it wouldn't be too late.

    You have to program yourself to succeed. Tell yourself "I will" and "I can" and see yourself as strong and healthy. Don't allow "I'll try" or "I can't" or "I might" to enter your vocabulary.

    Also, make one small change now, don't wait until Dec 1. Just one small one, rather it's to drink all your water or to take a 10 minute walk everyday. That one little success will make it easier when you start on the whole program as you'll already be used to having a success story.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Baby, it's never too late!!!!!

    You've got it rough, but that is reason to rise above it all. You've got to learn how to untie those emotions from eating and tie them to something postive -- like exercise!!! (or journalling or drawing or painting or a phone call to a friend... something expressive)

    I find that exercise is easy to stop doing and so hard to start back.... but once you FORCE yourself to go back once or twice, it becomes easier each time, and soon you can't wait until the next workout! Force yourself to go. Do this for yourself. Exercise wards off depression. In a tough situation like yours, you need all the chemical boost you can get from endorphines, you know?

    December 1 is only a few days away. If you really can't start until then, so be it. Prepare for it. Get ready. Get your workout clothes today. Plan your meals. Prepare your food. GET UP, DUST YOURSELF OFF, GET BACK ON THE HORSE.

    You can do this.
    You can do this.
    You can do this.
    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Emmalouise23
    Try to think back to when you were 199/200 and how good you felt. Think of how it made you more confidence and you felt more attractive.
    Write a list of why you want to lose weight and set yourself mini goals (ive found this is helping me as they seem more achievable)
    Go shopping and get in some good healthy foods and sort out your sportswear.
    Do a little exercise this eve and then start with your eating plan tomorrow.

    Its never to late. Picture how you want to be and you will get there!!
    God Luck, we are all in this together hun so if you ever need a chat someone is always abotu to support you when you feel the urge to binge. xxx

  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    Thank You!!!
    Thank You!!!

    Thank You!!!
    Thank You!!!

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    It is a hard road at times. I did it before and I know I can do it again. It's the will power and the "NO", I need to tackle!!!!!

    Happy Turkey Day!!!
  • Just put one foot in front of the other and take one day at a time. You have alot on your plate and I've read alot of your posts and it seems like you're trying to make too big/too drastic of changes all at once. Baby steps, honey. Baby steps!! Just don't give up! You can do it! (((HUGS)))
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    I understand what you are going through. Setbacks are setbacks no matter how big or small. I, myself gained 3 lbs this week after 9 weeks into this and losing 31 lbs!:cry: It is such a disappointment and sooo easy to let yourself get off track. I agree with all the advice you've gotten here! We can do this!!:drinker: It is within our power and within our reach:heart: Good luck to you!!:drinker:

    Ranae-I looked at your profile and girl you look great!! What a difference you have made in yourself:drinker: Great work!!
