Best weigh loss exercise?

Hello everyone! I just recently started using this site, i've lost 4lbs so far, This is the first time I am dieting the proper way ( actually eating right and exercising, not starving) so I was wondering what the best type of work out is used for weight loss. I use P90X alot, just looking for other suggestions. Thanks all!


  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I think whatever you like to do, that will get you off the couch, is the best exercise for you! Running burns of lots of cal/hr compared to a lot of things, but that is about my least favorite activity, so I rarely do it. But swimming, that for me is FUN! So I have fun AND burn calories. Win-win.
  • katrcortez
    katrcortez Posts: 8 Member
    Have you tried Zumba? It's latin/hip hop cardio and it's sooooo much fun! :happy:
  • jpeper1966
    I know it sounds lame, but the best exercise is one that you will do. Period!

    Doing a lot of something you enjoy will work much better than a little of something a marketer says is "most effective" blah blah.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    interval running
  • bec6980
    bec6980 Posts: 5 Member
    The best for me has been the stair machine/elliptical. It allows me to work out no matter what the weather or time of day, I can watch tv while i work out so sometimes i forget i'm even doing it! Another perk is that it burns more calories than many other (at home) activities.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My pet peeve is people thinking exercise has to be a sweatfest... Anything that gets you moving is great. Walking the dog or walking outside, Zumba, Dancing to the Oldies, any Leslie Sansone DVD, P90X, Biggest Loser DVDs, Kettlebell DVDs, Step aerobics, etc. Running (*really slow jog since I ave 14 min miles*) and biking are my favorite things to do. Find something you like to do and stick with it!!!
  • littlerayasunshine
    Thanks for all the replies everyone!