One month plateau :(

I have lost 40 pounds so far, 30+ with the help of MFP. For the past month I have had a plateau and I'm getting extremely frustrated! I try to switch up my workouts and I'm eating less and it's just still not happening for me. I do use my run keeper also. Any advice out there?

Also, I had back surgery in the summer of 2013 and I'm wanting to strengthen my back. Anybody know any good exercises to help me switch it up? Any ideas of good workouts to do with your kiddos?

I am also looking for new friends so feel free to add me if you'd like!


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    edited November 2014
    Are you using a food scale?

    Check out YouTube for free videos.

    I also use the video section on
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    In August/September, I had a 6 week plateau. It sucked. I just kept my head down and pushed forward. It'll pass, though you have my sympathy in the mean time. As long as you're logging accurately (both food and exercise), you should be okay.

    For strength, I love yoga. People often dismiss it, but I can do amazing, strong, bendy things now after four months of yoga. My kids love doing it with me :)
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Can you open up your diary? Most likely you're eating more than you think.
  • invisiblelo
    invisiblelo Posts: 98 Member
    I just had a 4 week plateau after losing 34lbs. I know how frustrating this feels. I stuck to my usual calories, however I had a night out (drank alcohol) and went over my calories which seemed to have busted me through it and I lost 5lbs over the course of the next week. I truly believe having a day where you eat more calories and then restrict back to normal amounts can really kick start the metabolism again. Good luck, you will start losing again.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Can you open your diary?
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    Eating more calories one day a week doesn't "kick start" your metabolism or anything else.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Can you open up your diary? Most likely you're eating more than you think.

    Also, Ashley, have you adjusted your base calories for each ten pounds you've lost? As we get smaller we need less calories to function.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I just had a 4 week plateau after losing 34lbs. I know how frustrating this feels. I stuck to my usual calories, however I had a night out (drank alcohol) and went over my calories which seemed to have busted me through it and I lost 5lbs over the course of the next week. I truly believe having a day where you eat more calories and then restrict back to normal amounts can really kick start the metabolism again. Good luck, you will start losing again.

    As to the bold part- no, that's not how it works. There is no need to "kick-start" metabolism.

  • SLLRunner wrote: »

    As to the bold part- no, that's not how it works. There is no need to "kick-start" metabolism.

    The wording was poor, but it isn't an entirely incorrect statement. Including a spike day/week has aided many people I know with breaking a plateau, including myself.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    There is no such thing as a plateau. This is make believe.

    You are just simply consuming too much and not eating at a calorie deficit.
  • bmele0
    bmele0 Posts: 282 Member
    I have used the term plateau in terms of weight loss to mean a state of little to no change (which is the definition). I think it's totally possible and probably notmal to see little to no change at times. Weight loss is not linear. As you get smaller and your body becomes more efficient at doing the exercise you have been doing, you may see a time of little to no change. But you can get past it! Just keep chugging along, change up your exercise, eat a little less. :)
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    bmele0 wrote: »
    I have used the term plateau in terms of weight loss to mean a state of little to no change (which is the definition). I think it's totally possible and probably notmal to see little to no change at times. Weight loss is not linear. As you get smaller and your body becomes more efficient at doing the exercise you have been doing, you may see a time of little to no change. But you can get past it! Just keep chugging along, change up your exercise, eat a little less. :)

    I agree. Clearly the OP knows what she's doing - otherwise she wouldn't have lost 40 pounds. However, since the 40 pound loss she probably needs to recalculate her TDEE. 40 pounds lighter now, she probably needs less calories than she did before.

  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    I'm currently in a weight plateau, but the inches are still coming off... maybe look towards measurements more. I've been at the same weight for like 5-6 weeks but lost 4-5 inches in my waist in one month, and inches off arms and thighs... so don't worry, keep working on it and push through. Start measuring also? That might help you feel less discouraged, I only do it once a month though. If you do weigh yourself, do it in the morning, remember bodies fluctuate, I know I weigh more after a hard day of lifting... something to do with potassium levels I read somewhere? You're welcome to add me, we can be plateau buddies. Haha.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    bmele0 wrote: »
    I have used the term plateau in terms of weight loss to mean a state of little to no change (which is the definition). I think it's totally possible and probably notmal to see little to no change at times. Weight loss is not linear. As you get smaller and your body becomes more efficient at doing the exercise you have been doing, you may see a time of little to no change. But you can get past it! Just keep chugging along, change up your exercise, eat a little less. :)

    The dictionary definition of the word 'plateau' bears no resemblance to the intended meaning of people's use of the term 'weight loss plateau'. People think the weight loss plateau phenomenon is just a standard process of the weight loss cycle.... at least that's what they tell themselves.

    People who cant lose weight are just eating at a maintenance level. I am eating at a maintenance level, although intentionally. Does that mean i am on a permanent plateau, ot is the term just flawed?
  • bmele0
    bmele0 Posts: 282 Member
    I just think it means things are stagnant and like most things in life, you have to change something to get it moving along. I think the definition plateau can be applied to weight loss among other things.

    And yes, technically, it would be a plateau- a state of little to no change. You don't have to add the permanent. That's really all it means.
  • bmele0
    bmele0 Posts: 282 Member
    Also, I understand the negative connotation surrounding the term, because it suggests that you don't have any control over it or is being used as an excuse. But that simply isn't true, I think you can get the ball rolling again.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »

    As to the bold part- no, that's not how it works. There is no need to "kick-start" metabolism.

    The wording was poor, but it isn't an entirely incorrect statement. Including a spike day/week has aided many people I know with breaking a plateau, including myself.
    Well, if this true, then you are continuing to eat at a calorie deficit, and that's why you lost weight, not due to a "spike day/week". :smile:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited November 2014
    bmele0 wrote: »
    I just think it means things are stagnant and like most things in life, you have to change something to get it moving along. I think the definition plateau can be applied to weight loss among other things.
    This is correct. Setting any underlying medical conditions aside, if a person is at a plateau they do need to change something-eat less. At least this has been the experience of thousands of weight loss peeps. :smiley:

  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sometimes you can be within your calorie count for a while and still not show a change on the scale due to other factors, like water retention. I notice that the scale doesn't change or can go up in weight if I eat foods that are high in sodium or don't balance my macros out correctly and end up with more fat than carbs or protein. If you were losing weight before the process should continue if you haven't changed anything or you have to really evaluate your food choices.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member

    Also, I had back surgery in the summer of 2013 and I'm wanting to strengthen my back. Anybody know any good exercises to help me switch it up? Any ideas of good workouts to do with your kiddos?

    Before doing any back exercises, check with your orthopedic doctor to make sure it's ok. Did you go to PT post op? I have big time back issues and I find yoga and pilates pretty good and effective - not sure how the kiddos would feel about that though!