From Carbs Junkie to Protein Goddess

Hello there

I am a carbs junkie I know it. I am not saying that I never want to eat carbs again, I am not saying carbs are bad.

I would like just to incorporate more protein in my diet and less carbs.

When I think meal I think ummmmmm chicken ummmm roast spuds ummmmm veg, Maybe Yorkshire pudding. Or jacket potatoes and tuna Or omelets and cheese - ok that one don't count but you get the jist .

All protein meals haven't a clue apart from plain omelets (boring:~9)

- p.s. don't like beef so just a big juicy steak to me is erggggggggggggggggggggggggh :s

I am asking for friends/MFP peeps with open diaries and high protein days so I can stalk the said diaries for inspiration for high protein diets/ meal combos.

I know a lot of protein sources so I do not want a list, I am after combination inspiration. :smiley:

In return I will support and cheer and congratulate and boo naughty bad girl/boy you when needed :wink: and will take all criticisms with a great big smile and gratitude.

So if you are up for a bit of stalking please add me :)

Thank you very much xxx


  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    oh dear billy no mates :(
  • jvs125
    jvs125 Posts: 223 Member
    Hmmm I'm actually almost always under my protein goal, but I'm working my way towards it. I'm always low-carb though. being gluten-free (health necessity) helps. Feel free to take a look at my diary.

    Usually, omelet with veggies and turkey bacon or greek yogurt with whey powder in the morning, and combinations of meat/veggies recipes for lunch and dinner. I'm not sure if you'll have access to my recipes through my journal? Because most meals are logged as recipes...
  • I am also on a quest to decrease carbs and increase protein. Not a huge red meat eater, but lean chicken, fish..etc.. are all really high but also take more time to prepare. I think that is my problem. Carb foods are easy and quick.. I just need to plan ahead better. Feel free to add me if you like! I could use some encouragement or a good a** kicking from time to time :smile:
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Well, I usually drop a big list on people... but I can see that's a no-go here. I'll give you a few meals / recipes that I use to up the protein factor, but they usually look like lists. Anyway, here goes:

    diced chicken breast or 99% lean ground turkey
    spices (for me, salt, pepper and cayenne)
    two whole eggs and two egg whites beaten
    spinach, onions, bell peppers, whatever veggies you like
    Cook the meat and veggies together, pour eggs around, scramble or omeletize them, add cheese or not

    I like this egg dish with baked sweet potato fries, kale chips and maybe a boca burger for more protein

    Rice bowl:
    1/2 C - 2/3 C steamed brown rice
    1/2 C - 2/3 C black beans or kidney beans or steamed lentils
    chicken breast or 99% lean ground turkey
    sriracha or other hot sauce

    Spicy Tuna:
    can of tuna
    little bit of mayo, yellow mustard, lime juice
    cayenne pepper, garlic powder, curry powder
    diced celery, pickles, hard-boiled egg, green onions
    Mix together and eat plain, over a salad, on toast or with crackers

    Other than that, I honestly consume a lot of 2% or NF cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, whey protein and eggs.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Last one:

    tortilla-less fish tacos

    Pan fry tilapia in olive oil with a ton of spices (mexican chili powder, garlic powder, cayenne, paprika, thyme, oregano, etc.)

    In bowl, shred lettuce and/or cabbage
    top with whatever southwest / mexican ingredients you like, such as corn, black beans, brown rice, shredded cheese, crushed tortilla chips, onion, bell pepper, jalapeno
    top with fish

    top with salsa and optional "crema"

    crema is just NF greek yogurt with diced chipotle peppers... pretty darn good and low cal / high protein
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I'm trying really hard to get more my protein into my diet. My goal is 100+ a day and I usually come in around 85-115. I have an open diary so look around it if you want (last week I was in Vegas so don't pay attention to that, I normally log daily).

    I do like to eat a big juicy steak but I also love seafood! I can't do protein shakes so all my protein comes from real food. Feel free to send a request if you think I can help/inspire you!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited November 2014
    Incorporate protein into every meal and snack. I don't eat exactly the same thing every day, but this will give you a general idea of how I go about things...keeping in mind my protein goal is 150 grams +...

    Breakfast: 1 egg and 5 egg whites scrambled. I have my eggs with a serving of Coaches Oats with frozen mixed berries and 1 ounce of almonds or 3/4 cup homemade pinto beans all smothered in NM green chiles and 1/2 an avocado

    Snack: 3/4 cup Fage Greek Yogurt with a cup of strawberries and a handful of Cascadian Farms Oats and Honey

    Lunch: 6 oz (after cooking) of some lean protein...chicken, pork tenderloin, salmon, white fish, lean beef, etc and a big garden salad. I usually have either 1/2 an avocado or 1 ounce of almonds here as well depending on how breakfast went.

    Snack: Some kind of fruit with 1 scoop of my whey protein.

    Dinner: 6 oz of some lean protein. At least 2 cups of veg of my choice. 1 lose cup of brown rice, quinoa, pasta, sweet potato, or potato.

    Desert: Dark chocolate usually

    Note> This is my typical cutting menu. I get far more goodies in maintenance.

  • Good Morning Grapefruitannie....I too am looking to "de-carb". I have recently really been focusing on increasing my protein and lowering my carbs. I am trying to keep my carb intake between175-200 g a/day and and bring my protein up to 120-150g /day
  • mmm sweet, sweet protein… :9
    cottage cheese, with cinnamon, or cocoa powder, or berries.
    eggs (and tofurky) on toast.
    greek yogurt with oatmeal.
    i also take whey protein, so there's a solid 27g.
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    I make a smoothie for breakfast every morning - 2 tbsp pb2, 1/2 banana, espresso powder, 1c frozen yogurt, and 1/2 of a premixed whey protein shake (currently using "pure protein frosty chocolate" but any low carb one will do) 27gm protein right off the bat in the morning, only 385 cal - sooo yummy :)
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    jvs125 wrote: »
    Hmmm I'm actually almost always under my protein goal, but I'm working my way towards it. I'm always low-carb though. being gluten-free (health necessity) helps. Feel free to take a look at my diary.

    Usually, omelet with veggies and turkey bacon or greek yogurt with whey powder in the morning, and combinations of meat/veggies recipes for lunch and dinner. I'm not sure if you'll have access to my recipes through my journal? Because most meals are logged as recipes...

    Thank you will have a lurk in a bit - Good luck with your progress xx
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    I am also on a quest to decrease carbs and increase protein. Not a huge red meat eater, but lean chicken, fish..etc.. are all really high but also take more time to prepare. I think that is my problem. Carb foods are easy and quick.. I just need to plan ahead better. Feel free to add me if you like! I could use some encouragement or a good a** kicking from time to time :smile:

    Ha Ha totally agree Carbs you just do not have to think about them they are there quick and easy - Jacket spud my favourite but boring - Not bad as a diet thing but ..... Thank you will send you a FR xx
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I'm a vegetarian with 160g+ protein a day. My diary is open. I don't keep carbs low, I don't see a need to.
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    Well, I usually drop a big list on people... but I can see that's a no-go here. I'll give you a few meals / recipes that I use to up the protein factor, but they usually look like lists. Anyway, here goes:

    diced chicken breast or 99% lean ground turkey
    spices (for me, salt, pepper and cayenne)
    two whole eggs and two egg whites beaten
    spinach, onions, bell peppers, whatever veggies you like
    Cook the meat and veggies together, pour eggs around, scramble or omeletize them, add cheese or not

    I like this egg dish with baked sweet potato fries, kale chips and maybe a boca burger for more protein

    Rice bowl:
    1/2 C - 2/3 C steamed brown rice
    1/2 C - 2/3 C black beans or kidney beans or steamed lentils
    chicken breast or 99% lean ground turkey
    sriracha or other hot sauce

    Spicy Tuna:
    can of tuna
    little bit of mayo, yellow mustard, lime juice
    cayenne pepper, garlic powder, curry powder
    diced celery, pickles, hard-boiled egg, green onions
    Mix together and eat plain, over a salad, on toast or with crackers

    Other than that, I honestly consume a lot of 2% or NF cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, whey protein and eggs.

    Thank you will give them a go - apart from Spinach I hate Spinach - leave it to Popeye not me nah nope not happening :smile: :smiley:
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    Last one:

    tortilla-less fish tacos

    Pan fry tilapia in olive oil with a ton of spices (mexican chili powder, garlic powder, cayenne, paprika, thyme, oregano, etc.)

    In bowl, shred lettuce and/or cabbage
    top with whatever southwest / mexican ingredients you like, such as corn, black beans, brown rice, shredded cheese, crushed tortilla chips, onion, bell pepper, jalapeno
    top with fish

    top with salsa and optional "crema"

    crema is just NF greek yogurt with diced chipotle peppers... pretty darn good and low cal / high protein

    Thanks Again :smiley:
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    GothyFaery wrote: »
    I'm trying really hard to get more my protein into my diet. My goal is 100+ a day and I usually come in around 85-115. I have an open diary so look around it if you want (last week I was in Vegas so don't pay attention to that, I normally log daily).

    I do like to eat a big juicy steak but I also love seafood! I can't do protein shakes so all my protein comes from real food. Feel free to send a request if you think I can help/inspire you!

    Thank you - I will have a snoop I like protein shakes but - real food must be better need to educate myself and not be so lazy I guess. Hope you had a fab time in vegas x
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Incorporate protein into every meal and snack. I don't eat exactly the same thing every day, but this will give you a general idea of how I go about things...keeping in mind my protein goal is 150 grams +...

    Breakfast: 1 egg and 5 egg whites scrambled. I have my eggs with a serving of Coaches Oats with frozen mixed berries and 1 ounce of almonds or 3/4 cup homemade pinto beans all smothered in NM green chiles and 1/2 an avocado

    Snack: 3/4 cup Fage Greek Yogurt with a cup of strawberries and a handful of Cascadian Farms Oats and Honey

    Lunch: 6 oz (after cooking) of some lean protein...chicken, pork tenderloin, salmon, white fish, lean beef, etc and a big garden salad. I usually have either 1/2 an avocado or 1 ounce of almonds here as well depending on how breakfast went.

    Snack: Some kind of fruit with 1 scoop of my whey protein.

    Dinner: 6 oz of some lean protein. At least 2 cups of veg of my choice. 1 lose cup of brown rice, quinoa, pasta, sweet potato, or potato.

    Desert: Dark chocolate usually

    Note> This is my typical cutting menu. I get far more goodies in maintenance.

    Wow thanks - I don't know what some of these things are but google is your friend and all that so should keep me busy for a while. Thank you very much :smiley:
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    sward405 wrote: »
    Good Morning Grapefruitannie....I too am looking to "de-carb". I have recently really been focusing on increasing my protein and lowering my carbs. I am trying to keep my carb intake between175-200 g a/day and and bring my protein up to 120-150g /day

    Good luck to you will be going through friend requests soon thanks for your reply :smiley:
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    mmm sweet, sweet protein… :9
    cottage cheese, with cinnamon, or cocoa powder, or berries.
    eggs (and tofurky) on toast.
    greek yogurt with oatmeal.
    i also take whey protein, so there's a solid 27g.

    Thanks for the reply - umm Chocolate cottage cheese not sure on that one but cinnamon sounds ok will try that - don't know what tofurky is will google lol I tried putting whey protein in oats once it was disgusting in my opinion lol - Thank you :smiley:
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    Ishii19 wrote: »
    I make a smoothie for breakfast every morning - 2 tbsp pb2, 1/2 banana, espresso powder, 1c frozen yogurt, and 1/2 of a premixed whey protein shake (currently using "pure protein frosty chocolate" but any low carb one will do) 27gm protein right off the bat in the morning, only 385 cal - sooo yummy :)

    Thank you hunny for your reply - yep know about protein powder and like it but would like ideas of food to replace the food carbs if that makes sense but thanks anyway for your input xx