One month plateau :(



  • bmele0
    bmele0 Posts: 282 Member
    ^^ Oh yeah, a good chiropractor will also do PT with you. Mine recommended pilates, and gave me exercises I could do at home.
  • SLLRunner wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Can you open up your diary? Most likely you're eating more than you think.

    Also, Ashley, have you adjusted your base calories for each ten pounds you've lost? As we get smaller we need less calories to function.

    I adjusted my weight and my goals. MFP says I have about 1800 calories but I stay around 1000-1200 because that's just way too much!

  • Also, I had back surgery in the summer of 2013 and I'm wanting to strengthen my back. Anybody know any good exercises to help me switch it up? Any ideas of good workouts to do with your kiddos?

    Before doing any back exercises, check with your orthopedic doctor to make sure it's ok. Did you go to PT post op? I have big time back issues and I find yoga and pilates pretty good and effective - not sure how the kiddos would feel about that though!

    My doctor is very confident in the fusion. I altered the way I did things to avoid hurting and that just kind of made the situation worse over the past year. I have never even considered yoga or anything like that but it's a great idea! My son will do anything as long as he is playing with Mama. He loves to copy me!
  • wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    Sometimes you can be within your calorie count for a while and still not show a change on the scale due to other factors, like water retention. I notice that the scale doesn't change or can go up in weight if I eat foods that are high in sodium or don't balance my macros out correctly and end up with more fat than carbs or protein. If you were losing weight before the process should continue if you haven't changed anything or you have to really evaluate your food choices.

    My doctor suggested a high protein diet but he wasn't specific on all of the other nutritional goals/restrictions. He suggested 95g protein a day. I feel kind of stupid when it comes to this stuff. I think that MFP calculated my caloric intake a little high (1800) so I'm wondering if other aspects are a little higher also. I just try to enter everything and leave plenty of room to spare. Do you know of any resources that I could utilize?
  • Thank all of you for the advice/input. I have decreased my food intake and increased my activity. Before pregnancy and my back surgery I had lost 100 pounds but gained it all back after being out of commission/depressed. Like I said, I have lost 40 pounds over the past few months but I've come to a standstill.

    I can easily input everything into this system but it's kind of like I'm doing it without a second thought. I try to stay far away from going into the "red" on any aspect because it's there for a reason! I really want a better understanding of how my body works, what it needs, and the best way to fuel myself. I think I'm going to start logging my food before I make it so I can have a better idea of what I'm getting...that will also allow me to plan better throughout the day. I need something like ''nutrition for dummies''!

    I'm looking to lose about 80 more pounds but I'm wanting to make this a lifelong lifestyle change, not just a weight loss journey. I'm the type of person that wants to know how everything works. If I have the how's and why's it sticks with me. I just don't even know where to start since so many sources contradict each other.

    I can see the inches coming off, I have 3 huge bags of clothes that don't fit any more and a friend of the family is in desperate need. I've spent the past two days cleaning out my closets so I don't have anything to go back to! I have gone from having three closets to one. That's a scary feeling but it's also exciting. I can't wait to lose a little more so I can start on a new wardrobe! I think the advice about getting measuring tape and focusing on that is a good idea. People look at me and see a huge difference and I don't see it at all. Of course, I never seen a difference when I lost the 100 pounds either. Maybe having the measurements might make me see it and be even more motivation.

  • Branstin wrote: »
    Are you using a food scale?

    Check out YouTube for free videos.

    I also use the video section on

    My scale broke a while back (gotta love toddlers!) and it's out of the question to get another one right now. I measure out what I eat and I try to stay a few hundred calories away from my goal in case calculations are a little off. I also do not use the calories earned from working out. Thank you very much, I didn't think of you tube and I haven't heard of sparkpeople.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Your doctor knows you are successfully losing weight by counting calories and he wants you to change how you eat? Is this because you went to him recently and said you were no longer losing? I'm surprised.

    How many grams a day of protein does MFP have you set at? If you want to up it to 95 just do it. I would guess if you are using an 1800 calorie goal (even if you don't eat all the calories suggested by MFP) your protein goal is pretty close to 95 grams, if you let MFP set the macros for you. So, eat the 95 grams of protein and leave off some of the carbs or fats if you don't want to eat the full 1800 calories.

    However, I'm sure there will be days when you want/need the full 1800 calories so you should eat them when you do.

    I've been following MFP guidelines for most of 2014 (started seriously in February after "watching what I ate" last fall and joining MFP in January of 2014) and I can tell you that when I have weeks I don't lose I know, deep down, why. Usually its too much sodium. Once in a while too many calories without moving enough, although I rarely go over my daily goal by much.

    You say you still have 80-ish pounds to lose, so your body should be more than willing to drop weight if you eat at a deficit. Only you know if you are accurately doing that every single day. The occasional day when you don't stay within your calorie goal can ruin a good deficit run if you eat way too much.

    In almost 9 months I've stayed exactly the same weight for 2 1/2 weeks maximum. Now, I do "fluctuate" a bit throughout the week of course and I see it because I weigh daily, but as long as I eat at a deficit and log accurately to KNOW I'm eating at a deficit, I lose weight, regardless if its not exactly on schedule to the degree I think should happen. If I did not lose for a month I would know it was because I was eating more than I was expending.

    You know those TV shows like Survivor where the contestants sometimes eat nothing but a cup of rice a day and very little else? They always lose weight. Never see a "plateau" ever, and they are definitely eating at a deficit.

    Having said all this, TLDR, I don't see how you are maintaining on 1,000 or 1,100 calories a day. Just doesn't seem possible. Are you positive you know how much you are eating?

  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Logging your food is really important to make sure you know what you're eating. It's really the only way to know if your behavior has changed. If you're really eating 1000-1200 on average (doubtful, but possible) then you will definitely see changes on the scale if you stick with it.
  • streamgirl
    streamgirl Posts: 207 Member
    I "plateaued" for about three months after losing 40ish pounds. I did find that I had some inches loss in that time, but I also think I was getting lazy about some things--a few more splurges, less measuring and more eyeballing, things like that. I decided to be very strict for a couple of weeks to see what happened and the scale is moving again. For some reason many of my friends talk about stalling out about 30-40 pounds. I think it is a common place to get a little complacent.

    As far as nutrition advice, I'm learning too, but you might look at some of the resources here and elsewhere about weightlifting and nutrition. Those are the places I've found some of the best info on protein needs and others. Keep in mind that some of it has to do with "bulk" and some is "cut" but it's really about what does your body need to fuel muscles. I don't have a specific resource, but check the forums and just google weight lifting and nutrition or something. I am trying to get more protein, but find that it's hard to get as much as recommended so I add a protein shake--expensive though if you're on a budget. How about veggie-packed omelets?

    The other things to keep in mind is that even if you aren't currently losing, you are still doing better than you were while you figure it out, and that counts for something!! And you're right that it's a lifelong change, so I've committed to not doing anything to lose weight that I'm not able to do for the rest of my life. You'll figure this out! Good luck!
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    I have lost 40 pounds so far, 30+ with the help of MFP. For the past month I have had a plateau and I'm getting extremely frustrated! I try to switch up my workouts and I'm eating less and it's just still not happening for me. I do use my run keeper also. Any advice out there?

    Also, I had back surgery in the summer of 2013 and I'm wanting to strengthen my back. Anybody know any good exercises to help me switch it up? Any ideas of good workouts to do with your kiddos?

    I am also looking for new friends so feel free to add me if you'd like!

    The Superman can help with the back. Lie on your stomach and flutter kick your arms and legs (just don't overly arch your back, preferably your feet and arms are off the floor only a couple of inches). This will strengthen up your back, glutes, and shoulders as long as you keep them tight the whole time.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Can you open up your diary? Most likely you're eating more than you think.

    Also, Ashley, have you adjusted your base calories for each ten pounds you've lost? As we get smaller we need less calories to function.

    I adjusted my weight and my goals. MFP says I have about 1800 calories but I stay around 1000-1200 because that's just way too much!
    I'm going to say you are miscalculating calorie burns in/out then, because on those calories you would be losing weight.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Thank all of you for the advice/input. I have decreased my food intake and increased my activity. Before pregnancy and my back surgery I had lost 100 pounds but gained it all back after being out of commission/depressed. Like I said, I have lost 40 pounds over the past few months but I've come to a standstill.

    I can easily input everything into this system but it's kind of like I'm doing it without a second thought. I try to stay far away from going into the "red" on any aspect because it's there for a reason! I really want a better understanding of how my body works, what it needs, and the best way to fuel myself. I think I'm going to start logging my food before I make it so I can have a better idea of what I'm getting...that will also allow me to plan better throughout the day. I need something like ''nutrition for dummies''!

    I'm looking to lose about 80 more pounds but I'm wanting to make this a lifelong lifestyle change, not just a weight loss journey. I'm the type of person that wants to know how everything works. If I have the how's and why's it sticks with me. I just don't even know where to start since so many sources contradict each other.

    I can see the inches coming off, I have 3 huge bags of clothes that don't fit any more and a friend of the family is in desperate need. I've spent the past two days cleaning out my closets so I don't have anything to go back to! I have gone from having three closets to one. That's a scary feeling but it's also exciting. I can't wait to lose a little more so I can start on a new wardrobe! I think the advice about getting measuring tape and focusing on that is a good idea. People look at me and see a huge difference and I don't see it at all. Of course, I never seen a difference when I lost the 100 pounds either. Maybe having the measurements might make me see it and be even more motivation.

    You said you are eating only 1000 calories. What did you reduce to?
  • SLLRunner wrote: »
    Well, if this true, then you are continuing to eat at a calorie deficit, and that's why you lost weight, not due to a "spike day/week". :smile:

    I consistently eat around 600 calories a day, but even then I will still find myself hitting a plateau for a couple weeks. The spike days are usually 2,000 calories, 500 over my BMR, and then I resume my normal eating schedule. After a day or so, I'll start shedding weight again.

    This is a very common thing.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Well, if this true, then you are continuing to eat at a calorie deficit, and that's why you lost weight, not due to a "spike day/week". :smile:

    I consistently eat around 600 calories a day, but even then I will still find myself hitting a plateau for a couple weeks. The spike days are usually 2,000 calories, 500 over my BMR, and then I resume my normal eating schedule. After a day or so, I'll start shedding weight again.

    This is a very common thing.

    With your plan above, what is your average weekly calorie intake?

    Eating any amount over your BMR will cause weight loss, but eating at TDEE or above will not.

    What you describe is not a common thing. Lots of people do intermittent fasting, but it is structured and satisfies one's eating and energy habits. However, eating more food does not push one through a plateau-it's the overall calorie deficit that does this.
  • Awesome! My kiddo will like doing that one too! Thanks!
  • sodakat wrote: »
    Your doctor knows you are successfully losing weight by counting calories and he wants you to change how you eat? Is this because you went to him recently and said you were no longer losing? I'm surprised.

    How many grams a day of protein does MFP have you set at? If you want to up it to 95 just do it. I would guess if you are using an 1800 calorie goal (even if you don't eat all the calories suggested by MFP) your protein goal is pretty close to 95 grams, if you let MFP set the macros for you. So, eat the 95 grams of protein and leave off some of the carbs or fats if you don't want to eat the full 1800 calories.

    However, I'm sure there will be days when you want/need the full 1800 calories so you should eat them when you do.

    I've been following MFP guidelines for most of 2014 (started seriously in February after "watching what I ate" last fall and joining MFP in January of 2014) and I can tell you that when I have weeks I don't lose I know, deep down, why. Usually its too much sodium. Once in a while too many calories without moving enough, although I rarely go over my daily goal by much.

    You say you still have 80-ish pounds to lose, so your body should be more than willing to drop weight if you eat at a deficit. Only you know if you are accurately doing that every single day. The occasional day when you don't stay within your calorie goal can ruin a good deficit run if you eat way too much.

    In almost 9 months I've stayed exactly the same weight for 2 1/2 weeks maximum. Now, I do "fluctuate" a bit throughout the week of course and I see it because I weigh daily, but as long as I eat at a deficit and log accurately to KNOW I'm eating at a deficit, I lose weight, regardless if its not exactly on schedule to the degree I think should happen. If I did not lose for a month I would know it was because I was eating more than I was expending.

    You know those TV shows like Survivor where the contestants sometimes eat nothing but a cup of rice a day and very little else? They always lose weight. Never see a "plateau" ever, and they are definitely eating at a deficit.

    Having said all this, TLDR, I don't see how you are maintaining on 1,000 or 1,100 calories a day. Just doesn't seem possible. Are you positive you know how much you are eating?


    Yes I do. I measure out all of my food every day. I am a stay at home mom. I cook everything here so I measure everything out, I use the Recipe tool. After I'm done preparing my meal I measure out how many servings there are then I make our plates so I have a pretty good idea. Losing weight is my idea because I want to live a better life for my son and myself. I take my child outside at least once a day and I jog/walk with him using run keeper and c25k. I just took my measurements and I have lost 6 inches around my waist so I know something is working. I measure out my food and put it in MFP then I always refill my kid's plate off mine and I just leave the diary as is because I know these things can be a little off. There are a lot of things I want to learn because I have just recently started this journey and I don't have any support. My doctor said try something low carb and try to shoot for 95g protein to stay full. So it's not like I got a lot of info there that's why I'm starting here! I started losing weight after I moved in with my dad without even trying. When the weight loss started slowing down that's when I started tracking it, making better decisions, and I started moving more and more. I was feeling better and I could run a few blocks without losing my breath so James and I could make it to see the train go by. I think I'm going to get an electric scale like someone mentioned so I can be more accurate.
  • sus49
    sus49 Posts: 94 Member
    Yes, lots of people have plateaus. Everybody's body is actually quite different and if you don't hit plateaus consider yourself lucky. For those of us who do, it is very frustrating. But just keep pushing through and eventually your perseverance will pay off. Keep tracking, keep working out and sooner or later you will lose again!

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited November 2014
    sus49 wrote: »
    Yes, lots of people have plateaus. Everybody's body is actually quite different and if you don't hit plateaus consider yourself lucky. For those of us who do, it is very frustrating. But just keep pushing through and eventually your perseverance will pay off. Keep tracking, keep working out and sooner or later you will lose again!
    I'm not saying people don't have plateaus, I'm saying that that it simply means a person is eating as many calories as they are burning. I think it's always a good thing to look at calories in/calories out when your weight stalls.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    sodakat wrote: »
    Your doctor knows you are successfully losing weight by counting calories and he wants you to change how you eat? Is this because you went to him recently and said you were no longer losing? I'm surprised.

    How many grams a day of protein does MFP have you set at? If you want to up it to 95 just do it. I would guess if you are using an 1800 calorie goal (even if you don't eat all the calories suggested by MFP) your protein goal is pretty close to 95 grams, if you let MFP set the macros for you. So, eat the 95 grams of protein and leave off some of the carbs or fats if you don't want to eat the full 1800 calories.

    However, I'm sure there will be days when you want/need the full 1800 calories so you should eat them when you do.

    I've been following MFP guidelines for most of 2014 (started seriously in February after "watching what I ate" last fall and joining MFP in January of 2014) and I can tell you that when I have weeks I don't lose I know, deep down, why. Usually its too much sodium. Once in a while too many calories without moving enough, although I rarely go over my daily goal by much.

    You say you still have 80-ish pounds to lose, so your body should be more than willing to drop weight if you eat at a deficit. Only you know if you are accurately doing that every single day. The occasional day when you don't stay within your calorie goal can ruin a good deficit run if you eat way too much.

    In almost 9 months I've stayed exactly the same weight for 2 1/2 weeks maximum. Now, I do "fluctuate" a bit throughout the week of course and I see it because I weigh daily, but as long as I eat at a deficit and log accurately to KNOW I'm eating at a deficit, I lose weight, regardless if its not exactly on schedule to the degree I think should happen. If I did not lose for a month I would know it was because I was eating more than I was expending.

    You know those TV shows like Survivor where the contestants sometimes eat nothing but a cup of rice a day and very little else? They always lose weight. Never see a "plateau" ever, and they are definitely eating at a deficit.

    Having said all this, TLDR, I don't see how you are maintaining on 1,000 or 1,100 calories a day. Just doesn't seem possible. Are you positive you know how much you are eating?


    Yes I do. I measure out all of my food every day. I am a stay at home mom. I cook everything here so I measure everything out, I use the Recipe tool. After I'm done preparing my meal I measure out how many servings there are then I make our plates so I have a pretty good idea. Losing weight is my idea because I want to live a better life for my son and myself. I take my child outside at least once a day and I jog/walk with him using run keeper and c25k. I just took my measurements and I have lost 6 inches around my waist so I know something is working. I measure out my food and put it in MFP then I always refill my kid's plate off mine and I just leave the diary as is because I know these things can be a little off. There are a lot of things I want to learn because I have just recently started this journey and I don't have any support. My doctor said try something low carb and try to shoot for 95g protein to stay full. So it's not like I got a lot of info there that's why I'm starting here! I started losing weight after I moved in with my dad without even trying. When the weight loss started slowing down that's when I started tracking it, making better decisions, and I started moving more and more. I was feeling better and I could run a few blocks without losing my breath so James and I could make it to see the train go by. I think I'm going to get an electric scale like someone mentioned so I can be more accurate.

    See, you're working towards more accuracy. You can do this! :smile:
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    sus49 wrote: »
    Yes, lots of people have plateaus. Everybody's body is actually quite different and if you don't hit plateaus consider yourself lucky. For those of us who do, it is very frustrating. But just keep pushing through and eventually your perseverance will pay off. Keep tracking, keep working out and sooner or later you will lose again!

    Wrong answer. Lots of people eat at a maintenance level when they are convincing themselves they are not. No such thing as a plateau.