New mom to 6 mo I need friends

Hi there,

Im a first time mom to a 6mo. She's actually 5mo but close enough. I have been on here since I believe 2012. I lost 36 pounds and then I got pregnant. Since then i stopped adding my meals and just concentrating on creating this little human.

Now im ready to get back on and log my meals. Getting pregnant was a blessing. I lost my pregnancy weight by eating healthy and breastfeeding! Im now 68 pounds down. I want mommy friends because its different now. I'm at a point where I need to get fit and tone up.

If you can relate or you want motivation from me please add me!. I love motivating and celebrating success in weight loss journey. I also love baby stories and love reading about other babies.

Thanks! Carmen R. :D


  • KirbyT16
    KirbyT16 Posts: 411
    edited October 2014
    Hello! I have a 9.5 week old (my first). So far I have lost all but 10 pounds of my baby weight but I want to lose at least 75 pounds more. I will add you and anyone can add me if they want!
  • CottonRabbit93
    Hey I'm adding you, I'm in a similar situation ☺️ 7 week old
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hi! I have a 6 mo old! I am trying to lose weight as well. You can add ne if you like! u know the challenges of working out new baby crying and lack of sleep plus other little people need cared for. I have three! Lucky they are all 5 years apart tho! He is my little angel. I always wanted a boy after two girls and two miscarriages in a year span I thought I would lose him too, I almost did but god gave me my little miracle and he is my beam of sunshine every day!
  • rterilynn
    rterilynn Posts: 28 Member
    My baby is turning 25 next month. Can we still be friends? :)
  • HokieMama4
    HokieMama4 Posts: 112 Member
    Hey! Similar story: joined in 2012, lost 45lbs, then got pregnant, and stopped worrying so much about MFP - mainly focused on growing the baby :smile: I continued to stay active, and didn't eat horribly, but my son was a BIG guy (10lbs), and carrying him really stretched out my body. He's my fourth child, and same story every baby - I have a REALLY hard time losing weight while breastfeeding. It's like my body holds onto everything it can just in case there's an apocalypse or severe famine with no electricity, grocery stores or farms - if everyone else starves to death, my postpartum body will be prepared to keep the baby alive. #funnynotfunny

    Having 4 kids (2 that I homeschool full time, a toddler boy (oy!), and an infant), it's extremely hard to find the time to log and exercise, but I'd really like to do the best I can. I'd like to lose 50lbs, and I'm trying to be realistic and diligent about what I can do in this crazy-busy-awesome-exhausting season of life.

    Would love some more pals! Sending you a friend request.
  • downtownstazi
    downtownstazi Posts: 143 Member
    I would love to be on this journey with you. I'm a momma to a almost 6 month old. It is definitely hard work to look after your self while looking after a newbie.
  • alyrehc
    alyrehc Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am 6 months postpartum. I gained a whopping 75 lbs! Yeah, my appetite was out of control. I lost 45 lbs. by 2 months postpartum. Then I started doing cardio and the weight loss stalled and I actually gained 5 lbs. back. However, I have added on strength training to my work out. Although I weigh more, I look more "put together" and my shirts are not as tight. I am looking forward to starting the New Rules of Lifting for Women program.
  • katebailey06
    Hi, my name is Kate. My youngest (of 3) is 7months old and I'm working in losing the baby weight too. I've been doing the beachbody workouts with a lot of success and am just starting back on my fitness pal. Finding some friends on here would be great! Please add me too :)
  • nikiramirez
    My kiddos are older now, but I've been there too - and had my boys (who are 10 and 11 now) 17 months apart (whooooops!) I have had some great success with a couple different at-home programs. The key is finding a couple of things you like to do and sticking with them, rotating them, and being careful not to get bored :) You can do this and MFP is a great place to build accountability! Welcome!
  • dbartz
    dbartz Posts: 1 Member
    edited November 2014
    I can definitely relate. I am currently 2 weeks post-partum and home on maternity leave from my full time job of teaching kindergarten. I also have a 15 month old (which is staying home with me while on leave) and a 7 year old. I love to get outside and walk/jog but we are currently in a deep freeze where I live, so I would welcome any motivational friend requests to help get me moving again!
  • skysavcal091314
    Hello I have a 6 month old boy, a five yr old boy and a 20 month old girl I am also looking for friends sending u a request.