200 pounds to lose... I'm gonna need some help.



  • JessicaZen
    JessicaZen Posts: 149 Member
    welcome back to mfp...feel free to add me.
  • heyjude345
    heyjude345 Posts: 66 Member
    I have lost 102 pounds so far and I understand what you say about how daunting it can be when you look at the big picture. Each weigh in I tell myself that this is the last time I'm going to be that weight. Sometimes it's true, sometimes the scale goes up a little before settling back down. Don't allow yourself to get discouraged when the scale does not concur with your hard work. Sometimes the body just takes a while to get in line.

    At first I was hungry a lot and would get panicky about those hunger pangs sometimes. Now I honestly can tell you that I'm satisfied on 1400-1600 calories. Sure, I get hungry, but it's a normal hunger not a "I have to eat now or I'm going to go insane" hunger.

    I'm adding you as a friend now.
  • rlwilson1967
    rlwilson1967 Posts: 40 Member
    Add me. I have a lot to loose also!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am 25 pounds away from my goal. I am in a major slump right now. I have had several of these throughout my journey. There are time periods of either no loss when I am busting my butt, or no loss due to not giving a crap. Its the ebb and flow and you just have to go with it. When you feel yourself burning out, switch it up some (maybe eat at maintenance a few weeks and go back down). I have been at maintenance for a few MONTHS now. I havent lost any more, but I havent gained either. Also, weight loss isnt linear has helped me also. I know that if I do my absolute best and dont lose, its ok. There were weeks I would lose 4 pounds and then no more the rest of the month. Paying attention to my weekly calorie goal was also helpful. If I had a bad day, I could make up for it. I didnt starve myself to make up for a day I over did it. I just ate better. I'm getting back in it and am hopeful to be at my goal by my 35th birthday March 1st of next year. Its a bit aggressive, but I am going to try my damndest!!! :)
  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    You've gotten some good advice already, but I wanted to say that if you are eating good quality food, you shouldn't feel physically hungry. Nice lean proteins (chicken and turkey breast, lean pork loin, occasionally some lean beef), whole grains, low fat dairy, and lots of veggies will satisfy you. I think everyone should feel satisfied (not stuffed) after meals and your food should last you until it's time to eat again. Eat at regular times a day, whether the traditional 3x a day works for you or the 5-7 small meals a day type program, you'll be keeping your blood sugar from sharply spiking/dropping. All of that will help you drop the pounds. Make sure you eat your calories that MFP gives you. It's a TARGET to reach, not a number to fear. Your body needs fuel. Lastly, take the macronutrients seriously and try to eat a balance of protein, carbs, and fat. (Unless you're under a doctor's supervision and he/she suggests something different for your targets.) Real food doesn't have all the salt, so sodium is usually only a problem for those who eat a lot of preserved food. It does help the weight loss along if you limit your sodium.

    Bon voyage, and I hope you have a successful weight loss journey!
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    You can add me. I've had a lot of success using the tools available here at MFP.

    All things are possible if you put your mind to it.

  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    vamaena wrote: »
    Hey, I started out here in May at 338lbs. I'm down to 287lbs.

    Some advice I can give you that helped me:

    -Get a food scale if you don't already have one. It seriously does help with accurate logging.
    -Log accurately/honestly and log every day.
    -Make room for treats, otherwise you may potentially end up giving in and binging
    -I made some food substitutions which helped me, instead of putting juice in my morning smoothie, I switched to almond milk. Less sugar and calories.
    -Make smaller goals. Having to lose 200lbs is daunting, believe me, I know. I started by having small milestones, 5lbs, 15lbs, 25lbs, 50lbs, 75lbs, and so on. Tiny goals are much easier to face than a single large one.
    -If you can, take measurements as well. Sometimes the scale doesn't budge but you lose inches.
    -Progress pictures. If you havent already, take pictures of yourself now. and again in a month or two. Continue doing this throughout your journey. You'll see changes in photographs that you might not notice in the mirror.
    -Be active. Even if it's just a walk around the block. That's so much better than sitting at home.


    I started this journey at 386 and am now at 222. And I do all of these things. I didn't focus on losing a specific amount as suggested. For me focusing on getting to a certain number worked better. First it was 350, the 300 then 275, and so on. Right now I'm working toward 200. Same idea, just a different goal in mind. And I built non-food rewards into my journey. I wanted a pilates machine, but it has a 300 pound weight limit. That was my reward for getting below 300.

    I have been at this for 3 years now, but that's OK. When I look at where I started (size 4X or 34) and where I am now (size XL or 18) it's just too amazing to get discouraged that I'm not done yet. I will eventually get to goal (160). As long as I'm still going down it's all good.

    So take all the Fantastic advice Vamaena listed (she is so right!) and send a friend request if you want.


  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    kitsteroo wrote: »
    I can deal with the hunger pains for now, but once that beginner's optimism begins to wear off, I don't know if I'm going to be able to hold out.

    Why are you having hunger pangs? How many calories are you eating? If you're eating enough calories you should feel satisfied and still lose weight thus you will not have to feel discouraged.

  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    Stay motivated! When I get bored with an exercise routine I find a new one. I just started C25K and I love it. Before that I was doing daily burn videos. I like to change it up a lot. In the summers I swim. Weigh your foods DONT think you can eyeball an amount it will be wrong. If its something like veggies its NBD but if you are eyeballing peanut butter or sour cream it can add a lot of extra calories.
  • LBGyrl
    LBGyrl Posts: 13 Member
    I am in relatively the same boat (I have more weight to loss than you do). I am would like to be a support, if you want!