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LOSTandFOUND2014 Posts: 190 Member
edited November 2014 in Motivation and Support
45 years old. Three Teenage Daughters, Wife, Mother in law, Dog, Cat, Fish, Hamster...along comes my son. I weighed 265, had high blood pressure, high bad cholesterol, low good cholesterol, sleep apnea, fatty liver, hernia, etc. Fast forward a few years, in a grocery store... crowded checkout ... my boy says good and loud "You're really FAT Dad." I laughed it off, but bottled that up good. He was right. I was. I had given up it would seem. How embarrassing. I never wanted him to think it say that again. Wanted to be a good example. Long story short, about a year ago, after a hernia surgery, I use the downtime to come up with an eating strategy and exercise. Some good friends and a couple great ones on MFP I manage to lose 50lbs. Down to 215 at one point. Long story even shorter... the stresses of life, a couple months gone, the loss of a close friend...I have piled it back on to 252. what an embarassing waste. My heart may be broken, my spirited shattered, but my young son is still here. And needs me. Head lowered in shame, I offer any help I can give to you if you'd like to be MyFitnessPALS. I did it before, and I'll do it again. I could use any help you have to offer as well. Nobody does it alone. Although we try, don't we. I'm 45, a Plumber, and I was in The U.S. Marine Corps... so let's TeamUp, We got this!


  • kmcgallery
    kmcgallery Posts: 123 Member
    Hi, L&F. I sent you a friend request. I'm in. :)
  • svelte32
    svelte32 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey at least you know you have it in you, you can do it again! I'm getting a handle on food and weight loss myself and I was wondering if you try weekly or daily goals like I sometimes do. I tried cutting out milk at first after drinking whole milk for years really tough so addicting. I now drink one half gallon of almond milk instead as opposed to couple gallons a week of whole milk so yeah really improved. That took a couple months to gradually change it and I'm hoping it will stick. Small changes will soon become habit and it won't be such an obstacle anymore. I don't know what kind of encouragement you were looking for. I'm having issues dropping weight right now I've been stuck for some time and now I recently dropped a few pounds but now it's maintaining. I would like to see more move but I'd just be happy for the weight not to bounce back up so I see it as a win in the end. HERE'S TO everyone's journey and hanging in there! B)
  • brandilong180
    brandilong180 Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me. I will encourage you if you will encourage me!!! Can never have too much support!!!
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I am in the same type weight loss boat as you...lost 100lbs, went through a divorce and crazy back-to-college schedule and here I am losing 18lbs to get back to where I was early this year. And no lowering the head in shame because you totally can do this and fumbling is part of the process, but admitting what needs to be changed is what will make you successful in the end. You got this!
  • jbum68
    jbum68 Posts: 23
    Hey former Marine here! Yes, same boat as you (the big guy boat). Drop the weight, feel good, life takes a big dump on ya', weight goes back on, rinse-repeat. I got back on the wagon about 1 month ago (work out steadily) now tackling the eating, and just in time for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and an IT building full of cookies & pizza! My doc recommended (not offering as advise others take) to drop flour & sugar, a variety of South Beach, as the biggest way for me to get my numbers back in line and loose the weight. So just like in boot camp, just have to bite down and push through. It'll be a change but the whole house could use the change so we're reading the labels (yes, sugar in almost everything), cooking A LOT more, and moving. You see that there's a problem and that's at least 50% better than most people who have no clue.
  • PacificLotus
    PacificLotus Posts: 83 Member
    I unfortunately know the cycle...feel free to add me & thank you for your service!
  • ltssharon
    ltssharon Posts: 195 Member
    You got it. Keep posting. They can knock us down now and then, but we get up!! Let's find out what force is behind the drive to eat and strategize to reposition that force for good.