P90X Starting classic today who would like to join me for motivation

Hey there I am starting the classic version of P90X today would love others to join with me so we can motivate each other. I have just completed my first workout and wow it was tough but I am going to keep going, did insanity about 6 months ago and the change was incredible but have let myself relax and go soft so I'm back in with a vengeance. I am turning 40 in January and want to be the best I can be and rock a party dress like I used to.


  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    I have done p90x, and LOVED it. The last time I did it I got to week 8 before I was ordered to stop by my Dr. ( bit on the neck by a black widow!! What a wild ride that was!) Today I start week one!! So, if you want to add me as a friend, we can keep each other motivated!!

    I usually don't do p90 on the weekends because my family is home (I have 3 boys!) but I still get a very good workout in on the elliptical or I run 3 miles!

    Big birthday coming up!! You can totally do this!! In fact, I know you will !!

  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    This is going in my rotation again this week. Add me up.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    I'm in the middle of Week 3.......I'd be glad to join.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    One would think I would learn.......I post one thing in a P90X/Insanity/etc. thread, and get hit with the messages from Beachbody "coaches", yet I keep doing it.
  • MerBear30
    MerBear30 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm in. Add me and we can work on P90X together. This will be my first time doing the system. I was a little intimidated when I got it and haven't tried it yet. This would be the motivation I need to get going on it.
  • balburruproad
    balburruproad Posts: 8 Member
    Great guys thanks for joining me, hopefully we can all motivate each other and stay on track. Im a shift worker so have to work my workouts around shift work but am feeling sore and regretful already LOL. Its going to be a bumby ride but theres going to be a great oasis at the end i know it
  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    I'm in ROUND II in the last month....lost 15 pounds on round I (started this past April), so far lost 16 pounds this round. I had 1 rest week between rounds.

    Do the "classic" schedule
    get your nutrition in check (follow the macronutrient ratios for months 1 and 2, you can keep using month 2 long term if you want)
    up your weights if your reps go over 12 max

    Use Beachbody's caloric needs calculator (use the choice "lose SOME weight")

    In MFP hit GOALS/CUSTOM and put in that calorie total, then add the percentages for protein/carbs/fat. Keep sodium within the guidelines too. Don't bother using the exercise tracking part...then don't have the P90x routines. Just track those calculated calories from the calculator above.

    The first couple of weeks are going to be tough...do your best....and keep going.

    Good luck,

    PS: Just for reference....I am NOT a Beachbody coach.
  • christashay
    christashay Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! On day 38 of my 8th round of P90X/Beachbody programs. Anyone feel free to add me. I have a wealth of experience w/Tony, ShaunT, and Leandro! Lol Plus I'm a great cheerleader. Heads up though, I've done this for 2 yrs, so to avoid boredom, I tend to go rouge and throw in walking/ c25k runs/ and lately some Crossfit workouts from time to time.

    Ps... for future reference, they're not "coaches" - they're Shakeology salesmen. And NO, I'm not one.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    My statement wasn't in reference to anybody in this forum, just a forum troll who must be searching for keywords, like "Beachbody" and "P90X". He saw my comments here and direct messaged me.

    PS.......they're barely salespersons. They're merely another level in the pyramid.
  • balburruproad
    balburruproad Posts: 8 Member
    Hows everyone going, i have been flat out at work but still struggling through, Missed one day due to overtime schedule but doing extra this Sunday to make up. Honestly i hurt where i didnt know i could hurt :)
  • amyjal153
    amyjal153 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone...I know I m late. I'll start p90x on OCT 27th. I need to loose around 30 lbs.
  • balburruproad
    balburruproad Posts: 8 Member
    Hey amyjal153 never too late to start, I am finishing week 2 and gosh I am struggling to get through the workouts but have lost cm where I thought I would never loose and feel stronger already. The scales are only showing a slight loss but that's ok its the cm that count. Its hard definitely fitting the work outs in around work and kids but I am trying my best to stay committed even if I do 30 min instead of 60 min. How's everyone else doing?
  • I'm starting tonight! Wish me luck! :)
  • balburruproad
    balburruproad Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck brischu2243 you can do it (*)
  • melissact
    melissact Posts: 1 Member
    I started on Monday. Brutal. I feel *really* out of shape lol
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I'm on day 3, round 2. I would love to motivate each other!
  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm not doing p90x, but insanity. Anyone else? I'm halfway through week 2 and would love to have some encouragement on this journey!
  • balburruproad
    balburruproad Posts: 8 Member
    good luck everyone, hope your feeling motivated. Not to boast but I managed my workout today after working a night shift and overtime so if i can do it you can. I am trying to do atleast 4 sessions a week minimum. I am really feeling the muscle aches still and find some times it takes 3 days to get over the pain in the backs of my legs and arms, not sure if its because Im almost 40 but I've been pushing so hard when i do workout. Have lost a massive 5 cm already of my stomach and believe it or not my arms, cant believe that feel like the tape measure is lying to me, but can def see the results in 3 weeks so will push on.