sodium intake....

I have a question! I noticed on my goal chart that the past 2 days I've been over my sodium intake. Not by to much but still over. Is this gonna hurt me in losing weight??


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Scale weight, maybe. Fat/muscle/bone etc loss? No. if you retain water easily then you'll just be a bit bloated from it which will read as no loss or a bit of a gain.
  • Thank you!
  • golfbrew_matt
    golfbrew_matt Posts: 240 Member
    Glad you asked this question. I'm consistently way over goal for sodium but it has not affected weight loss at all.
  • ophiure
    ophiure Posts: 18 Member
    Too much sodium can lead to water retention (and some medical issues). However, you still need some sodium because it is necessary for your body. I personally try to go low-sodium when and where I can for two reasons:

    1) A lot of prepackaged foods have EXCESSIVE amounts of sodium that I don't need. (Check out the difference between canned vegetables and low-sodium canned vegetables. You will never choose the normal one again)
    2) My dad has high blood pressure and the last time I visit the doctor, she said I had high blood pressure for my age. It's just preemptive.

    The RECOMMENDED is 1500 mg, but people should not go over 2300 mg per day. On average, people consume more than 3400 mg per day.

    It's not the end of the world, but it's just something to consider.

    For further reading
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    I watch sodium very carefully for my blood pressure first and foremost and then for water retention second.
  • Thank you all so much! I'm definitely going to be paying attention to the sodium more!
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I ate Little Caesars pepperoni deep dish for my daughters birthday last night, and today my ring finger is like a sausage and I can't just slip my ring off like normal. Excessive sodium and I are not friends, so I generally keep my sodium intake under the 2,000mg.