Looking for a few close friends who understand the struggles of a lifestyle change and depression



  • jessiwithaneye
    jessiwithaneye Posts: 39 Member
    I've struggled with anxiety and depression since I was a tween (38 y/o now). There's definitely a correlation between my emotional/mental state and my health-related behaviors, and it seems to be a two-way relationship. When I'm anxious or depressed, I eat comfort foods in (frighteningly) large quantities, sleep, repeat. Lack of exercise and poor food choices then exacerbate my anxiety and depression, which just makes it a million times harder to make changes. So very frustrating. I've been away from mfp for a while, really trying to recommit and make some positive strides now. If anyone wants to add me, I'd love some extra support. Fair warning, I'm a big goofball sometimes, too.
  • KetoFairy
    KetoFairy Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2014
    I can totally relate to the depression and feelings of overwhelming hopelessness that comes with it. I went through a hideous spell last year, just about pushed me over the edge that time. This year I am in a much better space, personally. That has taken some massive changes in my life and my lifestyle and diet, but I feel I am finally getting free of the demons.

    One of the most important discoveries I made about myself and how I deal with stress and guilt came about when I made the decision to cut carbs right back. After a lot of research and years of yo-yoing, not understanding what it was that was constantly sabotaging me, the penny finally dropped. I am a Carb Addict. I am Carb Intolerant. That was the key for me. I made a pact with myself that this crazy roundabout of weight-loss / weightgain / weightloss had to stop. I had an incredible fear of ending up like my mother, who fought diabetes and a bunch of related conditions for half her life. I promised myself that this same thing would not happen to me.

    Now that I am on a strict regime of less than 30g carbs a day (yes that's radical, but I'm fighting hard now) and got myself into a state of ketosis, just the fact that I know that I'm burning fat instead of carbs/sugar to fuel my body and brain, I'm so much happier, vibrant, alert and mentally capable. The more I learn about this lifestyle, the more I understand why and how I ended up 34KG overweight for my size, despite trying all this time to achieve a weight and level of fitness appropriate for my height and age.

    I know that most people on here will not agree with me, when I say to you, cut back your carbs and introduce more healthy fats into your diet. This is exactly what I have done and it has allowed me to peel off 13kg, or almost 29 lb since the beginning of 2014. I'm only 4'11", and that is a lot for me. I have 46lb to go, but I am not one bit concerned that I might not get there. I've found what works for me, and that's what matters.

    And yes, I am definitely here for you, and for others who want to give mutual support and celebrate the little wins along the way. Cos that's what a community does :smiley: If anyone wants to send a friend request, please do so, I would love to connect with others.
  • Pheboh
    Pheboh Posts: 88 Member
    Wow guys, I'm so overwhelmed with everyone's responses! I'm so happy to be part of such a wonderful, supportive community!
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    I hear ya! I have been struggling with mild-moderate depression/anxiety issues the last couple years. Even though I've managed it, and have been in a better place now, stress will trigger it and I'm stuck. For example, an accident happened at work almost 4 weeks ago, and I was so affected by it (guilt, anxiety, stress, etc.) that I was on this binge eating fest the last couple weeks since it's happened. So this stress triggered my depression about my health, diabetes, and now I'm dodging my doctor. I want to snap out of it and get back to regular exercise and eating better. Hence the reason I'm up at 2 am, debating whether to purchase T25 (exercise program) online, and coming back to My Fitness Pal.

    Please add me (and anyone else that can relate). I know that I have very few close friends that I can share this with so it'll be nice to have a support group that can truly relate. :smile:

    Would love to connect!
  • baronvrinda2014
    baronvrinda2014 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! I compeltely understand the whole binging thing when you are depressed and the inevitable relation between weight gain/ standstill and depression when it comes to women. To reach over goal of a perfect body we also have to get over many personal issues like self esteem, confidence, letting go of insecurites and realising our power to influence our lifestyles.
    I am totally there for any support.. You can add me if you want :)
  • southernmom3
    southernmom3 Posts: 181 Member
    I am right here with all of y'all- some days are better than others for me. I have been through a lot but have really struggled since my divorce in 2008 to overcome my depression and become a happier healthier person so I can enjoy life with my kiddos. I am trying to stay focused. If anyone wants to add me and let us encourage each other - please do. I am trying to not give up and give in - taking this day by day. Will add those I can and the rest please add me. I need friends who understand depression and can relate to having a bad day and not tell me to just suck it up like others have.