Hello, again! 80lbs to go.... looking for friends :)

Lambykins93 Posts: 24 Member
edited November 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there, I'm Larissa! I've been about before (but not posted much), but thought I'd introduce myself again,

I've lost 24lbs total so far since the start of my journey, about a year ago, and have about 80 more to go to reach my goal - around 150-160lbs. I'm someone who needs a fair bit of encouragement, and try my hardest to give it back where possible. I'm a uni student as well, so need help to stay on track around exam times!

I'm looking to make some new MFP friends, to help me along in this long journey ahead. I'll, of course, return the favour where I can! :) I especially would like to meet anyone who is also at uni/college and similarly trying to lose, or has lost a fair bit while at uni/college.

Thanks for reading, and good luck on your own journeys, everyone!


  • chasethehorizon
    Hi Larissa! I'm a uni student too so I know how tough it is trying to eat healthily, particularly during exam stress! I'm new here and also looking for some MFP friends, so feel free to add me :)
  • Fayleighcc
    Fayleighcc Posts: 2
    edited November 2014

    hi larissa!
  • Lambykins93
    Lambykins93 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi guys :D Thanks for the support, chasethehorizon. I've added you :)
  • shorshabae
    shorshabae Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I graduated in 2013 but woah I put on so much weight in uni, then it got worse in my first year of work! Its so difficult to afford the good food and eat well whilst in uni.

    I have about 60lbs to go until my weight goal of 140 lbs. We can do this :)
  • Lambykins93
    Lambykins93 Posts: 24 Member
    shorshabae wrote: »
    Hi! I graduated in 2013 but woah I put on so much weight in uni, then it got worse in my first year of work! Its so difficult to afford the good food and eat well whilst in uni.

    I have about 60lbs to go until my weight goal of 140 lbs. We can do this :)

    Congrats on graduating! I can't wait to graduate, but also super nervous about entering the real world.

    I don't find eating healthily to be hard on my pocket, so much as I find it to be time consuming. A healthy, nutritious meal, with all fresh ingredients, often takes time to prepare, in my opinion. Time which, as a student with countless assignments to do, I do not have!!! :(

    So, if anyone could direct me to a thread of meals that are quick, cheap and fresh, I'd be much obliged. :P

    Also, thanks for the friend request Shorshabae! Hope we can help each other out :D