Looking for Connections and Accountability

I have about 15 pounds I want to lose to feel like I'm back on top of my game again. I find myself relying on food and using it as a crutch and I need to knock it off. I'm a mom of two teens that don't drive yet and I work/commute. I'm in a busy time in life with my kids/family and work. Can any of you relate?!

I love to exercise yet lately I find myself eating more and it's not only counteracting the exercising but I've gained extra pounds as well. I enjoy running (but have had to cut back due to knee problems), step class (again - just have to be careful with the knees), spinning, and BodyPump for strength training.

I want to use this site to track my intake and teach myself to be accountable to recording my day to day. I want to make connections with anyone that can relate to where I'm at so we can mutually help each other. I want to stop thinking about food and learn how to exercise will power.

I'm also surprised that this site is telling me my food intake should only be 1200 calories per day. I entered my lifestyle as sedentary, even though I exercise, because I do have a desk job. I entered that I will exercise 5 days a week for 60 minutes. Is that really correct - only 1200 calories? I guess I though 1500 was the minimum if you wanted to lose weight. Anybody have ideas/thoughts to share on that one?


  • Hi.

    Although I'm a bloke without children I feel I can relate.

    I work shifts, have had a few fitness issues (knees) etc and have a roughly 15lb to lose.

    I know where my problems are (alcohol, takeaways and poor food choices while I'm at work).

    I aim to exercise regularly and eat healthily without sticking to a rigid diet. (My wife is currently doing a 6 week bootcamp which requires her to exercise and eat less than 1000 cals per day...that's not for me).

    Anyway. Good luck and hope we can help each other out

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    They figure your calorie limit by your activity level. They do not take into consideration the amount you exercise as they suggest you eat those back.

    With that said, I don't eat back my exercise calories and I try to stick around 1200 calories a day. I used to exercise more, but have cut back to 45-60 minutes of cardio 6 days a week along with additional stretching and some strength.
  • GonnaDoThis43
    GonnaDoThis43 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey there David - I'll connect with you out here, if that's okay. Good luck - it's good we know our problem areas....just fixing them is the tough part! :smile:
  • GonnaDoThis43
    GonnaDoThis43 Posts: 16 Member
    GrandmotherCharlie - thanks for the feedback. YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!! Congrats on all you have done - you must feel so GREAT!!!
  • Ludka13
    Ludka13 Posts: 136 Member
    I put myself down as completely sedentary and no exercise whatsoever. I am only trying to lose half a pound a week so I get about 1350 calories as my baseline. (Tried 1200 calories originally and was too damn hungry!) If I want to eat more than that I earn it thru exercise. So I log my exercise to earn more food. I don't always eat all of my exercise calories back because it's easy to overestimate calories due to exercise and underestimate the calories you eat. Plus I am not always that hungry. I've lost 14 pounds so far.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    for 15 pounds to lose, you should be set to "lose .5 pounds per week." I would play around with the "lightly active" vs "active" suggested intakes. I eat -/+ 75% of my exercise calories back, and my body is slowly but surely looking better and better. you want to find something that's sustainable; don't just lose the weight, keep it off. :) best of luck!
  • GonnaDoThis43
    GonnaDoThis43 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks gals - yes, patience....I need that skill. I think I'll look into switching to .5 pounds per week.
  • I can relate with the constant use of food as something for comfort, and not for fuel. I was pretty big as a teenager, and lost a bunch of weight before joining the army. I saw that I gained about 20 pounds back, and I need to reverse this trend. I need someone to keep me accountable, and today is the start.
  • carolinagirl543
    carolinagirl543 Posts: 1,959 Member
    Hey Miss GonnaDoThis... love your screen name! I am new too and your story sounds similar to mine. I have 30 pounds as my goal. I will see how I look after that. I may do a second goal if I feel I need to. I also have 1200 as the caloric intake. I had the same reaction as you did. I have not been completely on target each day HOWEVER, I am tracking every morsel and I am most definitely eating a lot less and a lot better choices. I have already lost a few pounds because I am eating so much better than I was.
    So even if you are not perfect.. just goes to show you can still get results. I am improving each day! Let's do this!
  • kareneastwood865
    kareneastwood865 Posts: 132 Member
    Hey there - 2 teens here too. I do more running with them than I do on my treadmill. Lol. This is my second go round here. Not going back. Staying for good this time! I'd love to help if I can!
  • Anyone can feel free to add me for support and motivation :)
  • Ive decided not to give myself a timescale as such but to just have mini goals to achieve along the way.
    I'm 14st 4 at the moment and my next goal is 14st 0.
    I'm hoping to do it in a couple of weeks but if I don't I'm not too concerned as long as I'm going In the right direction.