Running in the cold?

Does anyone have any tips for Running in the cold?
I just started Couch to 5K, but i've had to take some time off because it's become below freezing outside.
I want to continue, and I can not afford a gym membership... Any suggestions?
Thank you!


  • LazyButHealthy
    LazyButHealthy Posts: 257 Member
    edited November 2014
    Be clever with base layers. You don't want to be bulky for the run, but you can't be cold.

    Go to a cheap high-street shop (I'm on C25K too, and I think at this early stage don't spend much money and running clothes) - get a couple of full-length running pants and some base layers, and wear vests.
    Then have a light outer shell that protects from wind.

    Be careful not to layer up too warm as you might overheat during the run.
  • preciousportland
    Awesome, thank you!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Anything above 40 you don't need anything extra.

    I'd start with extremities first - gloves, hat. Then, a tech shirt with a fleece over it, a shell over that if it's windy. Tights if it's really cold. Like, single digits.
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    I'm a fairly new runner and had gotten some good advice on here a few weeks ago when it first got cold.

    Like LBH says, definitely look at getting layers. As people will tell you, you normally need to dress for 20* warmer. I've found a good base layer and another layer or two really works well. And definitely something to cover your head!
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I wear tights and long sleeves if it is in the 50's. But I live in Florida.

    Layer up for colder weather. Go in loops so as you heat up you can remove layers drop them in one spot, and then they are all in the same place when you are done.

    Good luck!
  • Rodman72
    We live up in the Twin Cities, MN where we need to deal with the cold from Nov through April. Definitely do not let the cold stop you from getting out would be my first suggestion. We had 53 days below zero last year and it is amazing how warm the 20's can feel.

    If you live where the snow is, try to run in town where the sidewalks have been cleared and get you away from the cars. If you are out in the country a bit, wait a few days until the roads get cleared and the pavement is showing.

    And last item as we head into the dark hours of winter, a high vis vest with a headlight is a must.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    ^^^ 53 days under 0. I so do not miss that crap.

    LL Bean has some wonderful long underwear, all different kinds. Not real cheap, but it's good quality and will outlast the cheap stuff by far.
  • mave34
    mave34 Posts: 109 Member
    I've read to layer as if it was 10 degree's warmer than what it actually is. I am in Canada and it's been snowing and just below freezing here and I have been running outside. I find as long as my hands and ears are covered and I wear moisture wicking material on my first layer, then sweater and a shell jacket. I invested in a pretty expensive pair of running pants because I hate the feel of lose pants but wanted to be warm. So far they have been well worth it for me....still cheaper than a gym membership and I love the feel of running outside.

    Your comfort level makes a big difference on your experience and if you're dedicated to running outside then pick up a piece of clothing here and there and find what feels right for you. It will be worth it :)
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    There is no hard and fast rule for how to dress, each person has their own comfort level, and the pace you run at is also a factor. For example, a half marathon I ran at on Saturday was in the lower 20's with light snow during part of the run. I was wearing merino wool socks, long underwear, running tights, and shorts (mostly for the pockets) below, and a long sleeve undershirt, another short sleeve shirt over that, and a quarter zip long sleeve running shirt over all that, plus a hat and gloves. I saw others dressed with pants on as well, and some with SHORTS!!! Several people with shorts actually, no tights or anything underneath, pure freaking SHORTS for a half marathon in 20 degree weather! They finished too.

    So, that just goes to show that people have their own personal comfort level.

    I have used this to help me get started. It works pretty well for me.

    I am finding that for some reason I get colder farther into long runs and I may need to add more layers later in the run, whereas most people wear more layers early on and shed as they add miles. Again, no hard and fast rule, I guess.

  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    Layer up, but not too much, because you don't want to get too sweaty and freeze. Always, ALWAYS moisture wicking fabrics, NO COTTON! I can't stress that enough. My typical running attire consists of the following:

    UA boot socks or Merino Wool hiking socks
    Compression shorts
    Running tights of various thicknesses (from very light to very, very heavy)
    A pair of shorts over the tights, for modesty's sake
    Compression base layer
    Long sleeved top of varying thicknesses
    Light gloves
    Light stocking hat
    Face mask if it's really cold (Below 20ºF)

    IMO, if it's below 10ºF, it's not worth it to go out.

    Be careful as it gets colder out, it's not safe to be out when
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I use the Runner's World link, too--I like that it asks how you like to feel when you run as I know I am very different than my husband. On Friday it was ~40 degrees here in Boston and I ran in full tights, a long sleeve top, and light gloves, while he went out in shorts and a short-sleeved shirt--and we were both happy with our choices.
  • dazwan
    dazwan Posts: 81 Member
    edited November 2014
    Definitely layering but be smart about it. I think the easiest mistake to make wrap up to when you are cold and not consider how warm you'll get once 20 minutes into a run.

    Rocky looks the part with his long joggers and hoody, but if I went out like that within 10 minutes I'd be sweating like I was in a sauna. I tend to wear long running bottoms (tights, not baggies) and a long sleeve top or two depending on how cold, I'll wear my shorts as well to keep me warm on the bottom half and I tend to go for gilet's up top (I have a few fleece gilets to keep the heat in). I like my core warm but find my extremities get way too warm if I go overboard. Same goes for the rain, I prefer a waterproof gilet over ones with arms as I can't run with my arms constantly sticking to the inside of a full rain jacket.

    For my head a beanie is usually enough. I find my head gets warm in all weathers, but its my ears that get cold so just something to wrap over those really. My favourite beanies are wool, with a fleece headband to keep the ears warm.

    Finally some (lightweight) running gloves, if it was really cold I'd consider a 2nd pair over the top of those rather than a single pair of thick gloves, but its never come to that yet.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Layer up, but not too much, because you don't want to get too sweaty and freeze. Always, ALWAYS moisture wicking fabrics, NO COTTON! I can't stress that enough. My typical running attire consists of the following:

    UA boot socks or Merino Wool hiking socks
    Compression shorts
    Running tights of various thicknesses (from very light to very, very heavy)
    A pair of shorts over the tights, for modesty's sake
    Compression base layer
    Long sleeved top of varying thicknesses
    Light gloves
    Light stocking hat
    Face mask if it's really cold (Below 20ºF)

    IMO, if it's below 10ºF, it's not worth it to go out.

    Be careful as it gets colder out, it's not safe to be out when

    I agree with 90% but the last 2 If you're dressed properly you can run in any weather (the only things that keep me inside are freezing rain and thunderstorms), it gets down to -35C (or colder) here in winter and lots of people run outside and enjoy it!

  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    edited November 2014
    I am always cold...I wear multiple layers just in the office.

    I ran a half on Saturday, and at the gun it was 14F out. I had on two pairs of tights, two long sleeved tech shirts, a lighter tech jacket, and then a heavier Under Armour jacket. Also, ear warmer and light gloves. I was comfortable the whole time.

    It's going to take some trial and error to see what you like. Last winter was my first winter running, and there were some runs that I was absolutely freezing on, and then others that I overdressed and was sweating bullets.
  • gwensoul
    gwensoul Posts: 87 Member
    As for cheap clothes I was really impressed with what Ross had. Same people own TJ Maxx I think. But basically find one of those types of stores and you can likely get a good selection of workout clothes.
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    A lot of the Starter brand stuff they sell at WalMart is pretty decent. I've been slowly buying and building my stock of UA and Nike gear for cold weather, but TBH, the Starter stuff is good enough to get you started.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I'm the type who is always cold so I don't usually have to shed layers. If it's 35 or below I wear a Columbia omni-heat jacket (I cannot say enough good things about this jacket, I love it), omni-heat ear warmers, gloves, long sleeve shirt, and compression pants. Wool socks.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Layers that can let the sweat out. I was jogging back in January when it was single digits. have fun.

  • Old_Man_McGucket
    Old_Man_McGucket Posts: 310 Member
    I've gotten some of my best winter gear for cheap at Check your local Army/Navy store.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member