Looking to lose 20-25lbs by April 2015

Hi Guys!

Just joined yesterday, and am looking to meet other ppl here fore accountability. I've gained about 15lbs since starting college and would like to lose 20-25lbs by April 2015. Is anyone looking for an accountability partner??


  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    Hi! I'm also 33 and I fell into a similar situation when I started grad school, except I gained almost 40 pounds. School was not the only culprit, of course, but my long commute combined with sitting in class and then sitting and studying or writing papers did not help. My avatar is a picture from when I was in better condition and I keep it as motivation :smile: I have been holding steady at around 160 for the past year, unfortunately, and only now am I really sticking to my guns and starting to see results. I am nervous about handling the holidays since we will be traveling. I would love to have you as an accountability partner. Feel free to add and message me.
  • jeanners98
    jeanners98 Posts: 74 Member
    I totally want to join you!! I am 27. I have been struggling to lose weight for a while. I am around 165... hoping to get down to 135 by the end of all of this. I am really committed to changing my eating habits and exercise routines.
  • Sure! I started October 1st at 191 lbs with a goal of loosing 56 lbs. Tomorrow will be my 7 week check in and I should be at 20 lbs lost so I will have 36 to go. I'm 48 years old and retired. I really need accountability with getting the 10k steps per day. I eat 1000 - 2000 calories a day.
  • karenhannahmae
    karenhannahmae Posts: 9 Member
    Me too! Just last year I weighed 15-20 pounds lighter. I'm also at my last semester of college and it sucks having to squeeze time for exercise, unlike when you don't have all the tests and papers to worry about. Food options are hard too! Add me up if you want. :)
  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    tbutt766- do you use a fitbit?
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    I've lost 30 lbs since mid July. If I can do it you can. Feel free to add me for accountability. ankdworak
  • Shemarie520
    Shemarie520 Posts: 31 Member
    Me too! Just last year I weighed 15-20 pounds lighter. I'm also at my last semester of college and it sucks having to squeeze time for exercise, unlike when you don't have all the tests and papers to worry about. Food options are hard too! Add me up if you want. :)

    Awesome! I joined last night, and today was my first full day. Very excited!!
    Yeah, it's tough to have a balanced way of eating when you're stressing about papers, exams, etc... This weekend I'm going to plan out and buy different go-to snacks (trailmix, fruit, etc...) that I can keep in my back pack.
    I'll check in on you from time to time. Have a fantastic week!
  • Shemarie520
    Shemarie520 Posts: 31 Member
    ankdworak wrote: »
    I've lost 30 lbs since mid July. If I can do it you can. Feel free to add me for accountability. ankdworak

    Aww thanks for the encouragement! And you look great!
  • Shemarie520
    Shemarie520 Posts: 31 Member
    hazleyes81 wrote: »
    tbutt766- do you use a fitbit?

    Hmm, not sure I know what that is. Is that a feature on here? I'm still sorta familiarizing myself with the site, lol

  • Shemarie520
    Shemarie520 Posts: 31 Member
    tbutt766 wrote: »
    Sure! I started October 1st at 191 lbs with a goal of loosing 56 lbs. Tomorrow will be my 7 week check in and I should be at 20 lbs lost so I will have 36 to go. I'm 48 years old and retired. I really need accountability with getting the 10k steps per day. I eat 1000 - 2000 calories a day.

    Oh wow, way to go! Those are incredible results! I think we're at about the same calorie mark. I'm around 1250 a day. My schedule's a bit hectic, but I can commit to working out 3 days a week for 45min. My goal is to lose a pound a week! :)
  • Shemarie520
    Shemarie520 Posts: 31 Member
    jeanners98 wrote: »
    I totally want to join you!! I am 27. I have been struggling to lose weight for a while. I am around 165... hoping to get down to 135 by the end of all of this. I am really committed to changing my eating habits and exercise routines.

    Awesome! Yes let's stay in touch! Sounds like you have a very reasonable goal, and lots of determination! I know you can do this!

    We got this!! :)

  • Rawan_29
    Rawan_29 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I am also in school add to that a mother of three and work :) I have about 40 pounds to lose. Two years ago I lost around 20 pounds using MFP, and then I got pregnant with my 10 month old twins.. I need to get rid of all the weight I gained! Add me if you like :)
  • KVivian93
    KVivian93 Posts: 34 Member
    I am 21. I have been struggling to lose weight for a few years. I work 2.5 hours a day, babysit 7 to 9 hours a day, and go to school. I have about 50 pounds to lose...
  • Shemarie520
    Shemarie520 Posts: 31 Member
    alheresh wrote: »
    Hi! I am also in school add to that a mother of three and work :) I have about 40 pounds to lose. Two years ago I lost around 20 pounds using MFP, and then I got pregnant with my 10 month old twins.. I need to get rid of all the weight I gained! Add me if you like :)

    Wow you got your hands full! I'll totally add you. You can do this!!

  • jessp2011
    jessp2011 Posts: 40 Member
    I'll definitely add you. I recently had a baby, so I am really wanting to lose weight and have a healthier lifestyle. However, I need an accountability partner to help me stay on track since I give in way too often when tempted with junk foods, esp. sweets.
  • ColoradoBringItOn
    ColoradoBringItOn Posts: 132 Member
    I just lost 23 pounds in 5 weeks and I'll tell you right now it's 80% diet and the rest exercise. You can add me if you'd like :)
  • I am in the same boat. I gained about 20kg in the last 2 years, no babies or any good enough reason. Injuring my ankle and knee didnt help but I need to lose the weight. I am visiting home in South Africa in April 2015 and want to lose at least 15kg. so far I have lost 4kg woohoo :smile: Add me please as I am on my mobile and find it hard to figure all this out..
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    I'm down 21 pounds since the end of August, 40+ to go! Add me if you'd like :)
  • Shemarie520
    Shemarie520 Posts: 31 Member
    I just lost 23 pounds in 5 weeks and I'll tell you right now it's 80% diet and the rest exercise. You can add me if you'd like :)

    Wow, that's incredible! Congrats!! I'll totally add you thnx! :)
  • Shemarie520
    Shemarie520 Posts: 31 Member
    I am in the same boat. I gained about 20kg in the last 2 years, no babies or any good enough reason. Injuring my ankle and knee didnt help but I need to lose the weight. I am visiting home in South Africa in April 2015 and want to lose at least 15kg. so far I have lost 4kg woohoo :smile: Add me please as I am on my mobile and find it hard to figure all this out..

    Of course I will! We both have similar goals, totally feasible by April. We're gonna look great! :)