Losing weight BEFORE getting pregnant (what?!) :)

Hey all. I am not new to Mfp but haven't used the boards much but I am looking for friends and support.

My husband and I have been married for almost a year and a half. Over the course of those 16 months I have put on about 13 pounds!! (I also got a new job and we bought a house - lots of changes!)

We would like to start trying for a baby in about 6 months, but before I do that, I want to lose my excess weight first. Maybe counterintuitive but I figure that it will be much easier to get my body back post-baby if I start out fit. Also I have a feeling that it will make labor and delivery easier, not mention it will be healthier for my growing baby if I am eating nutritious healthy food rather than the super processed greasy crap I have been living on for the past year.

My current stats are 5'6", 130 lbs. 27 years old

My goal weight is 120 lbs. I was 115 pre wedding (and 110 2.5 yrs ago) but it's probably unrealistic for me to get back there.

My plan is: 2x/wk spinning, 1-2x/wk treadmill or elliptical, 2x/wk body pump class, and 2-3x/wk yoga. I will be getting back to a gluten free diet and greatly minimizing dairy.

Let me know if you would like to be friends!!


  • mundaycarroll
    mundaycarroll Posts: 64 Member
    I think losing weight and being the healthiest you can be is great for preparing to try and conceive. Actually being healthier can increase your chances of conceiving sooner rather than later. I am 5' 6.5" and weigh in at 137 lbs. My goal weight at the moment is 135 but eventually would like to be down to 130. I'm not really in a huge rush though because I'm under 140 which is what I strived for. Anyway I'll send you a request! :smile:
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    I was overweight with both of my pregnancies.now I'm trying to lose weight too before we deiced to have another baby.i have been on and off here for I believe 1-2 years.im finally sticking to it this time.when I first started my weight was 188lbs I then lost 12 pounds.then i stopped dieting and working out.i started back on Sept.23 weighing at 184.6....i don't know how much I weigh since I'm weighing monthly.my goal weight is 115-120.im 26 and 5 foot.i hope u lose ur weight and get that baby u and ur husband want
  • BeautifulJess526
    BeautifulJess526 Posts: 11 Member
    You and I are right on point. Getting fit and losing weight before baby is one of my top 3 goals...Feel free to add me to your friends.
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    I am in the same boat! I already have a daughter and with her I was healthy and only gained about 25lbs and lost it all. Since then I have put on quite a bit due to stress of going through a divorce and being laid off. But now I am remarried and ready to give my little one a sibling. But I need to lose about 40lbs first so I can do it healthy again! Feel free to add me! :D
  • GreenNetha1
    GreenNetha1 Posts: 20 Member
    Actually being healthier can increase your chances of conceiving sooner rather than later.
    I totally can vouch for this one. The first time I got pregnant it was shortly after I started working out at our apartment's fitness center and the 2nd time was when I was training for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Good Luck!

  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    That makes a lot of sense (although I feel the need to point out that 5'6" 130 lbs is a perfectly normal healthy weight!). Research definitely shows that being in good shape before getting pregnant helps you get your body back quicker. I'm also trying to get in the best shape possible before trying to get pregnant early next summer or so, and I'm about the same size - 5'5" 123 lbs. Aiming for 117-119. I'll add you!
  • cutenikki07
    cutenikki07 Posts: 120 Member
    I think it is GREAT you are getting healthy before you conceive! That is how I got pregnant with my first and I wasn't even trying. When you start to feed your body healthy natural things then it will start to be healthy and repair it self! Remember to fuel your body as well with healthy foods not junk! :)
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    I too think it is great that you want to get healthy before you conceive. I had 4 nearly back to back pregnancies and conceived while entertaining weight loss and a healthy diet. The weight did come off quickly after with me doing little to make it happen. When I would start back up again postnatal I would end up pregnant again. I continued working out through pregnancy doing prenatal workouts and prenatal yoga (my personal favorite). I think what you are doing is proactive rather than counteractive. You are doing a great job, and giving your soon to be little one a great start. Feel free to add me if you would like, although I won't be having any more children, I can lend you the support and motivation and answer some of your questions about pregnancy fitness and all its glories.
  • nataliemarie387
    nataliemarie387 Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks ladies! Excited to have some likeminded MFP buddies! :)
  • JustMeShelly
    JustMeShelly Posts: 4 Member
    I feel exactly the same! It's one of my main reasons/goals! Good luck!
  • leaner426
    leaner426 Posts: 89 Member
    Two thoughts. From your description you are not currently overweight, even if you have put on weight. So don't stress yourself out too much about having to lose weight before you try (stress and being too thin can also cause problems getting pregnant.) Second, why are you "going back to gluten free"? It sounds like you don't need to be gluten free if it is something you view as a choice (for me it is medically necessary and causes significant issues - you can't pay me to touch gluten.) If it is a medical issue you need to be completely off and stay off for optimum health. If it is a choice, don't go gluten free. Wheat breads are enriched with folic acid and other nutrients you and the baby will need, gluten free items do not necessarily have the same nutrients. I have to supplement vitamin-wise for optimum health.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've started out all my pregnancies slim, fit and healthy and in my first and third I exercised loads and ate really well, but in all three I have gained a lot unfortunately, so I guess that's just what my body does. I am not naturally thin though and I've always had to work hard at it, so maybe my body looks for any excuse to get bigger.
    Anyway, I've always conceived very quickly (1st month, 3rd month, 2nd month trying) and had easy labours and births....just gas and air for pain relief and never needed stitches - so the exercise paid off in that way.
    I've always got back into exercise at around 7 weeks post partum, and the weight usually comes off slowly to begin with, but I do lose. It also gives me more energy...I manage to get to the gym an average of 5 times a week, plus do loads of walking, and I have a 5 year old, 3 year old and 5 month old.
    You're welcome to add me, although I don't plan on being pregnant again. 3 kids is enough lol.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    That's one reason I'm here. Feel free to add me.
  • Canwehugnow
    Canwehugnow Posts: 218 Member
    I wish you luck!

    I'm trying to lose a bunch of weight before I get preggers as well.

  • KnottyNichole
    KnottyNichole Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Except I'm trying to lose weight from two babies before we try for our third. I need more friends to keep me motivated. I'd love to have more friends to keep me motivated. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • miyas12
    miyas12 Posts: 4 Member
    I just starting MFP. This my main goal as well! I am 33 and am trying to lose 20 pounds or so before we get pregnant. Feel free to add me as a friend, it would be great to stay motivated with others :)
  • foreternity1981
    foreternity1981 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in the same boat :) I lost a lot of weight and was happy. And then I started being a bit too happy...and about 30 lbs have crept back on and I hate it. We want to start trying for #3 and I want to be back to where I felt good! My 2 previous pregnancies were both as an overweight person (210-220 lbs), so to be 160 ish would be such a change :)
  • Ibyzr
    Ibyzr Posts: 14 Member
    OB Nurse here; your baby will be much healthier if you start at a healthy weight, and gain to the MD guidelines for your weight. You weigh more, you gain less. You weigh less, you gain more. It does take a lot of calories to make a person. Good luck!!