Eating back calories and hitting goals

Hi guys

I am into my third week of Insanity and haven't noticed any weight loss as of yet (I haven't weighed myself as the batteries have run out on the scale!!). I have been eating much better than what I normally do but have allowed for the occasional treat (last night I had 2 sweets from a celebration box despite being offered 3!!).

Anyway, I have added my stats into MFP and indicated that I am active 6 days a week and a such MFP has indicated I need to hit 1800 calories to achieve a weight loss goal of 1kg per week, I assume that's after exercise. My heart rate monitor indicates that during exercise I burn around 800 calories (+/- 50 calories).

My question is how do people reach such a high calorie goal after burning so many calories. I suspect I haven't lost weight as I haven't been eating enough?? I eat when I'm hungry, and eat normal portion size (for me). If I eat 2000 calories a day (if I'm lucky) after exercise I have a net of 1200 per day. I typically have chicken/ turkey breast with 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast, home made soup with bread or turkey/chicken/ tuna salad for lunch and then mixed dinner which could be Thai curry with brown rice, salmon and veg etc. Snacks include 'Nutribullet' smothies (70g of spinach, pineapple, mango, spoon of plain yoghurt, few blueberries, banana, flax seed worked out at 200 calories), further snacks can be more fruit - banana, apple, pears, tangerines. After my work out I drink maxi muscle recovery formula (30g powder, 200mm ice water).

I struggle for alternative healthy snacks beyond fruit - I'm not a raw carrot/ celery cruncher

How can I find another 600 calories to reach my goal assuming I have to reach 1800 calories??? I don't want to eat buckets of pasta or a box of celebrations, particularly if I'm not hungry!!!!

Any help is appreciated



  • onasaz
    onasaz Posts: 19
    You don't have to eat if you don't want and have enough energy to do your workouts.
    Your stats?
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    First, don't eat back all exercise calories because some of those are already accounted for. Second, if you aren't hungry, don't eat. If you go at a large deficit long enough, you'll get hungry. Third, 600 calories is like a couple of big glasses of milk.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    If you're not hungry why try to eat more? if you have energy and plenty to spare then you are fuelling your body :)
  • N1ckL12
    N1ckL12 Posts: 14 Member
    I don't eat back at the moment. I hate the idea of logging food too.

    I don't understand why I'm not losing weight.

    Lets say I overestimate my calories and I eat 2500 each day, that's well below my TDEE of 3,200 calories per day (based upon working out 6 days a week). That's a deficit of 700 calories plus the 800ish I burn during exercise!!!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Wait, what is your question?

    Are you trying to find healthy ways to eat more or are you unable to lose?

    If you can't lose, eat less and move more.

    If you need to eat more calories, try nuts and dried fruit.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I don't eat back at the moment. I hate the idea of logging food too.

    I don't understand why I'm not losing weight.

    Lets say I overestimate my calories and I eat 2500 each day, that's well below my TDEE of 3,200 calories per day (based upon working out 6 days a week). That's a deficit of 700 calories plus the 800ish I burn during exercise!!!

    If you aren't logging then you really don't know how much you're eating. Start logging and eat back 50% of your exercise calories so you don't burn out and can continue with Insanity.