NEED FRIENDS? New members post your username here



  • Wonder_Whit
    Wonder_Whit Posts: 13 Member
    I would love to meet some people on here who are motivated and all about encouraging one another! Feel free to add me! Wonder_Whit is my username. <3 I'm not new to MFP, but this is a new account for me. Here's to new beginnings! <3
  • sweatgagirl
    sweatgagirl Posts: 12 Member
    I am looking for friends to help keep me motivated. Please add me
  • I`m kinda new here too, good luck to all those making the effort. Collective motivation is a good thing so get adding :-)
  • a_lk
    a_lk Posts: 2
    Hi I'm just trying to get back on track again. Username is a_lk
  • musclefem
    musclefem Posts: 1 Member
    Hi - Im new too and would love some friends to join me on this journey we all seem to be on : )
  • iainfielding
    iainfielding Posts: 3 Member

    I'm not so new to mfp, but I am to the community side of things and looking for friends to help keep me motivated.

    feel free to add me. :)

  • Am new here too & am 22 could do with motivation I feel fat lol :(
  • fineh
    fineh Posts: 5 Member
    Hey looking for mfp goal is 10 lbs by Jan 1 but 15 would be muuuch bettet
  • kareneastwood865
    kareneastwood865 Posts: 132 Member
    You can always add me! I love to stay positive and look for motivation. My name is Karen. Username is Kareneastwoodfikar
  • cl33
    cl33 Posts: 1 Member
    B) just joined today! Needing lots of friends for motivation and encouragement. Feel free to add me cl33
  • cheryltris
    cheryltris Posts: 2 Member
    I am also seeking additional MFP friends to help with giving and receiving motivation and encouragement. Please feel free to add me. My user name is Cheryltris. So far I have lost 41, and have 61 more pounds to go.

  • amluby5
    amluby5 Posts: 8 Member
    Joined the other day and am looking for friends for support and motivation.
  • Looking for friends - have been inactive for a while but now I'm back in it. Add me!
  • joined this morning. Support from friends always needed and welcomed .
  • ladyliz25
    ladyliz25 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there all...i've been on for a while..and was active and lost 22 lbs thanks to the help of FP and the motivational people on here....fell off and looking to be active again and kick this extra weight for good! feel free to add me ! LADYLIZ25
  • Hello! Looking for friends for this journey. I'm Kim, KAM0608, got about 55lbs to lose. Please add!
  • Hi MFP members,

    I am hoping to add more friends to my list for extra community motivation. Please add me only if you consider yourself to be very active on either logging or in the MFP the community
  • JamieYelsik
    JamieYelsik Posts: 22 Member
    More friends is NEVER a bad thing! I welcome all requests, please add me :smile: JamieYelsik
  • zen_soul
    zen_soul Posts: 72 Member
    Always looking for friends, add me: ericalaza
  • ali_riemer
    ali_riemer Posts: 23 Member
    Feel free to add me :)