Vacation time fear...How can I deal?



  • marigolds1
    marigolds1 Posts: 25
    Last year when I went on vacation to Orlando my hubby asked me to take a break from EVERYTHING, counting, working out, everything. I thought he'd lost his mind, which I'm still not sure isn't completely true :laugh:
    But I did, since he is so supportive I figured I'd give him a week. I ate anything I wanted, still substituted something because ice cream on my pancakes just sounded wrong :noway:
    I enjoyed my time and didn't worry about it, got on the scale and lost 3lbs that week :noway:
    I don't drink but I love sweets and had my fill of dinning out. Good Luck with whatever you decide to do :flowerforyou:
    I'll be going on vacay soon again, and figured I'm gonna gain, but hope to maintain...either way I'm going to enjoy myself :blushing:

    This. Don't go nuts and eat everything you possibly can just because it's there, and definitely try to stay active and keep in your mind that this is a planned break from your diet rather than a screwup--but just be human and enjoy yourself. Lots of weight loss research (read Lyle MacDonald on this) shows that breaks from the diet can help reset your metabolism to higher levels and bring back up all the hormone levels that long-term dieting drops down really low. (Which is why many people actually *lose* weight over a break, or immediately after returning to the diet from the break.) healthy and make healthy choices, and get some enjoyable activity, but have some dang fun and splurge a little! Just keep planning to _get back to it when you get home_ (that's the key thing!! If you feel like it's a mistake and you might as well give up, it'll be hard to return to dieting, but if you think of it as part of the diet, it'll be just fine in the long run.)

    (When I was a super-obsessed bodybuilder, I went to Cozumel with my family on vacation and packed whey protein and protein bars, and spent the first half of the vacation prowling around looking for a gym I could go to and doing multiple sets of pushups poolside so that I didn't lose any muscle. Then I got over myself, and I had way more fun, and my poor family CERTAINLY had way more fun once I turned into a human being again! The point of being healthy is so you can live your life, not the other way around!)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    it depends on how short your vaca is IMO...if it is a 3-4 day trip I would do things diff then a week or more trip!! since you said a short trip I will go with my thoughts on that!!

    It is unrealistic that you will get in an actual workout...especially if you are I would suggest that you go places to drink where you can maintain some activity such as a club for dancing, or a bar that will have pool and darts, or bowling!! Also if you go to a mall the walking and trying on clothes helps too!!

    Now for the eating...first of all stick with low cal drinks....the lowest that I know of are: captain and diet coke, light beer, and champagne! When I go on vaca I try to eat just 2 times per day...for breakfast I usually hit the free breakfast they offer and stick with cereal, yogart, and fruit! or on occassion have some scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast. Then when we go out to eat for dinner I would order the half or lunch portion if I could, and replace whatever side is supposed to be with it for side salad no cheese and fat free dressing! and WATER of course!!

    good luck will do great!
  • joolzsd
    joolzsd Posts: 51
    Look up what your maintenance calories would be (set your goal to 0 lbs per week) and aim to be between your regular target and your maintenance target. You'll probably have some up days and some down days, but as long as you commit to getting back on plan as soon as you get back, at worst you will have a small hiccup. Enjoy your vacation!!

    BTW the meaning of the "have your cake and eat it too" is that if you eat the cake, you don't "have" (as in possess) it anymore... can't have it both ways.