Bi Polar I & 2

I read another thread somewhat recently, but there wasn't too much information in it. Being Bi Polar is hard enough, trying to add weight loss in with it makes it 100x's harder. I am diagnosed with Bi polar I, and every time I go to a new psychiatrist it is the same diagnoses, so I know it's not just a label slapped on when I was 16 and never readdressed. It also doesn't help that I am a Rapid Cycler, which means I go from manic to depressive back to manic extremely quick. The up and down roller coaster is absolutely exhausting. They cannot really treat a rapid cycler, just try to manage it. I also have a pretty addictive personality, so when I zero in on things it is hard to get me off them. I'm slightly OCD in some aspects.

And with the medications, many of them make you gain weight. I was on serequel, and I FINALLY forced my doctor to get me off of it, because that, combined with the ambien to sleep, make me EAT in my sleep and gave me amnesia because I didn't remember eating. I tried locking myself in the room at night to keep me from the kitchen, but apparently sleeping me didn't care and knew how to unlock the door, It was scary, so I stopped taking it.

I'm on welbutrin and lamictal, which is doing a pretty good job of keeping my moods stable. However the last month I've been in a really high manic episode, and it is exhausting.

I KNOW how hard it is to deal with this on an everyday consistency. And I know I feel really alone many times, because people try to understand but they don't. I appreciate the attempt, but there is a difference between Bi polar and just being depressed. We get both sides, and me especially with Bi Polar I, it is the more severe form.

My rambling point is, I understand you guys and the struggles we go through on a daily basis. Add in trying to lose weight and it gets incredibly difficult. I'm here if anyone wants to befriend me. :)


  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I am not bipolar, but when I was on wellbutrin for "depression" it essentially made me behave like I was having a manic episode. It was pretty bad.
  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    I'm on welbutrin and lamictal, which is doing a pretty good job of keeping my moods stable. However the last month I've been in a really high manic episode, and it is exhausting.

    I have the same combo ... I got a little spun up on the first amount of welbutrin but have since reduced it. It has been a pretty good combo for me so far.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I am not bipolar, but when I was on wellbutrin for "depression" it essentially made me behave like I was having a manic episode. It was pretty bad.

    I've been messing around with different medications for years. Lexapro made me want to off myself, it was bad. Prozac worked well for a long time, then one day just...stopped. I did great on Paxil, except my sex drive didn't exist, and that was a huge problem for me.

    Got on the welbutrin, it was great! Did well on the welbutrin, then stopped because I thought I could handle it without...ended up in-patient because of it. Got back on it, added the lamictal and I am a whole new person.
  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    Ya Lamictal is a wonder drug. :P
  • CelticDragon
    CelticDragon Posts: 66 Member
    I am in the same boat as you and actually, much as reports indicate, exercise and weight loss have helped. I was on Zyprexa for 3 years and gained over 100 pounds. (it also made me a zombie) Anyway, without becoming long winded, my point is I understand and congratulate you on taking the steps to improve, as best you can, your health and way of life.

    I know it can be rough, especially when you don't "look" sick, and many still don't understand bi-polar, they just think you're a moody @#$%! Hang in there we can do this, even on the, all too frequent, bad days! :flowerforyou:
  • redhead91
    redhead91 Posts: 251
    Oh trust me I know exactly what you're talking about! I'm manic depressive/ bi polar. My manic episodes are barely controlled by medication. The ambien I'm on right now is bothering me so much. Combine that with celexa and being on depo for a year and I gained 50 lbs. I am trying so hard to lose it, but diet and exercise just don't seem to be working. I'm starting to get really discouraged. I sound like a total whiner so I'm just gonna stop.