It Begins Today

Ladies and gentlemen... My weight loss and fitness journey begins Wednesday morning November 19th, 2014. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am sick and tired of my back aches. I am sick and tired of suffering from low stamina. I am sick and tired of my belly.

I have yo-yo dieted far too many times already. But this time, folks, I am going for the gold.

I am recuperating from a bad back, which the doctor attributed to lack of exercise, poor posture, and a center of gravity shift caused by my belly.

I have so much at stake. I need to be there for my wife and my kids. I need to set a good example for them about healthy living. I am so done with anything that stands in my way.

I will not be a slave to my taste buds. I will not be a slave to the pavlovian tendency of eating in response to an emotional trigger. I will not eat food "just because it's there". I will be mindful of my body and my soul.

And I yearn to live the best life that I can live. The journey begins when I wake up in the morning on Wednesday morning. On paper, according to the BMI charts, I could stand to lose at least 60 pounds. And so it shall be.

My diet starts tomorrow. My exercise begins as soon as my backaches subside... although I can go for a light walk around the block to start with (despite it being cold outside).

No more excuses. The clock is ticking in this short precious life that we have to live.

I am going to look into making my diet journal public, and I will invite others to please critique my diet if you see anything wrong with it.

I am ready for the challenge. One day at a time. Here we go.
