HELP!!!! how do you do it?

how do you get by on 1,200 calories???
I just started and im already feeling discouraged. and I am at a loss on what to do. Went and found out my BMR is 1490. My TDEE is 2309 and at a 20% reduction I stand at 1847 calories. This is according to the scooby website that I found. my first day I ate a little over 2k calories yesterday though I ate over 2,500. I go to the gym monday, thursday and saturday and on tuesday wednesday and friday I jog in place for 30 mins. The days I go to the gym I am doing the treadmill for 45 mins then various strength exercises for 30 mins. I dont work but I am fairly active throughout the day. Dishes, laundry, cooking, taking care of 2 children with autism. So lots of up and down and running back and forth.

I am feeling really discouraged and depressed that I may never lose this weight.

I have completely eliminated soda out of my diet. I used to eat out 1-2 times a day now i do it maybe once a week, if we have the money. I used to eat little debbie snack cakes and chips all the time. but I have now started eating better healthier foods. eating raw vegetables. drinking water. I have been trying to lose weight since august 15th and I have only lost 5 lbs in that 3 month time frame so I joined here to see if it would help.

Can someone please give me some guidance? Please dont try to be hurtful, I do want to change. BUT I can't starve myself.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Why are you talking about 1200 calories then saying you can eat 1847 then eating 2000 - 2500?

    eat the 1847 - weigh your food log it accurately stick to the numbers you have - you can eat loads at 1847 that's a great amount
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    edited November 2014
    You dont starve yourself. you need to eat the way you can maintain long term.
    * Get yourself a FOOD scale. use it for EVERYTHING. dont go by the serving size on the back of packages, weigh it all.
    * measure your liquids (or you can weigh them too - whichever you prefer)
    * Log every single item that crosses your lips.

    If your TDEE - 20% is 1847 calories then that is your daily goal. What activity level did you put when you entered all the information? If you follow the TDEE method, you do not eat back your exercise calories. If you let MFP calculate your deficit, you should eat back some (not all like 50-75%) of your calories back.

    Also edit to add how much weight per week loss did you choose and how much weight do you have to lose?
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    You're not supposed to eat only 1200 calories a day. Since you already found what your -20% amount is, that's what you're supposed eat everyday, 1847. Never go below your BMR of 1490 because that's what you're body needs to live. Here's a page you can read to better understand what BMR and TDEE are. :flowerforyou:
  • bekah_angel
    I dont know which method to follow, according to MFP I should only be eating 1780 calories. I logged my exercise as moderate 3-5 hours per week. But the point I am trying to make is the past 2 days I have logged I even have went over what the scooby site said over the 1847 calories.
  • bekah_angel
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Why are you talking about 1200 calories then saying you can eat 1847 then eating 2000 - 2500?

    eat the 1847 - weigh your food log it accurately stick to the numbers you have - you can eat loads at 1847 that's a great amount

    Becasue I have been told that in order to lose weight I need to eat 1200 calories
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Why are you talking about 1200 calories then saying you can eat 1847 then eating 2000 - 2500?

    eat the 1847 - weigh your food log it accurately stick to the numbers you have - you can eat loads at 1847 that's a great amount

    Becasue I have been told that in order to lose weight I need to eat 1200 calories

    who told you that crap rubbish

    they are wrong, wrong, wrong with knobs on top

    eat your 1850 (if you're sure your activity levels are right)

    the winner is the one who eats the most and still loses the weight :grinning:

    you got this!
  • bekah_angel
    tracymayo1 wrote: »
    You dont starve yourself. you need to eat the way you can maintain long term.
    * Get yourself a FOOD scale. use it for EVERYTHING. dont go by the serving size on the back of packages, weigh it all.
    * measure your liquids (or you can weigh them too - whichever you prefer)
    * Log every single item that crosses your lips.

    If your TDEE - 20% is 1847 calories then that is your daily goal. What activity level did you put when you entered all the information? If you follow the TDEE method, you do not eat back your exercise calories. If you let MFP calculate your deficit, you should eat back some (not all like 50-75%) of your calories back.

    Also edit to add how much weight per week loss did you choose and how much weight do you have to lose?

    I chose to lose 1 pound per week and I want to lose between 20-30 pounds total

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Why are you talking about 1200 calories then saying you can eat 1847 then eating 2000 - 2500?

    eat the 1847 - weigh your food log it accurately stick to the numbers you have - you can eat loads at 1847 that's a great amount

    Becasue I have been told that in order to lose weight I need to eat 1200 calories

    who told you that crap rubbish

    they are wrong, wrong, wrong with knobs on top

    eat your 1850 (if you're sure your activity levels are right)

    the winner is the one who eats the most and still loses the weight :grinning:

    you got this!

  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Ok, well first of all pick 1 method. Either the TDEE or the MFP defaults. if you choose the TDEE method, then enter the information you get from that site into the MFP site.

    Then you have to eat within those limits.
    If you are hungry enough you go over all the time, they you have to rethink what you are eating. Foods with more Protein and fiber are more filling.
    Add more vegetables to your plate, as they are low in calories and you can eat alot more to feel full without breaking the bank as it were.
    Also, maybe you need to try pre-logging to see where your planned meals are taking you over your limit.
    I am eating less than you, and am taller than you, and I am almost always under my daily goal.... (5'11 - 178lbs 1700 calories a day)
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Why are you talking about 1200 calories then saying you can eat 1847 then eating 2000 - 2500?

    eat the 1847 - weigh your food log it accurately stick to the numbers you have - you can eat loads at 1847 that's a great amount

    Becasue I have been told that in order to lose weight I need to eat 1200 calories

    Who told you that you have to eat 1200 calories? You said that mfp has you at 1780 and Scooby's has you at 1847... If you eat around 1800 (not 2000, not 2500) then you should lose weight.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I don't; I eat 2000 calories.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I agree with the other posters, you don't have to eat just 1200 calories, when you're active you can eat much more and lose. Go by the TDEE figures and eat your 1800+ cals.... you will still lose and be much happier ( and fuller!) in the long run :)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I do it by large amounts of nonstarchy vegetables. You can eat a whole bag of green beans for just a few calories. Fill up like that. :)
  • clafairy1984
    clafairy1984 Posts: 253 Member
    Are you eating back your calories burned through exercise? I go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I record the exercise that ive done on the exercise part of this site and then MFP adjusts my calorie allowance accordingly. My daily allowance is 1650, but I earn an extra 300-400 calories on the days I exercise. I don't eat them all back, but I aim to use at least half of them.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    You have two options...if you want to lose weight, you have to burn more than you consume. So you either have to keep your food around 1800, or exercise more so that you can have 2000. If you just want more food, you have to move more...otherwise you need to find food choices that keep you satisfied on the 1800 you're allowed. :)
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    I dont know which method to follow, according to MFP I should only be eating 1780 calories. I logged my exercise as moderate 3-5 hours per week. But the point I am trying to make is the past 2 days I have logged I even have went over what the scooby site said over the 1847 calories.

    If you follow the MFP guidelines your calories from working out are not included. If you go with MFP, log your exercise and then eat back the exercise calories on the days you work out.

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    edited November 2014
    I dont know which method to follow, according to MFP I should only be eating 1780 calories. I logged my exercise as moderate 3-5 hours per week. But the point I am trying to make is the past 2 days I have logged I even have went over what the scooby site said over the 1847 calories.

    I would suggest you stop that. Seriously, if you want to lose weight then you have to stop overeating. Maybe switch up what you eat if your current diet is leaving you so unsatisfied that you need to overeat.

    Eating more protein and fiber may help, as they take longer to digest and can make you feel full longer. Make sure your diet is balanced enough to provide proper nutrition, but don't feel you have to eat 100% "healthy foods" or "diet foods". Eat foods that you enjoy. Just don't eat too much of them.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    You are over-complicating it and stressing yourself out. From the calculations you have listed you should be eating between 1700-1900 calories and still be able to lose weight. Use MFP to log your food and try to stay close to your calorie goal. If you eat over one day, log it honestly and move on. Every day is a new day so don't beat yourself up over one bad day. You have lost 5 lbs. Even if it took three months, that is still a loss. Good job. Just keep at it and one day you will be where you want to be.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    If you choose the TDEE method, may I suggest you choose -15% which would be 1963 calories per day. Or if you choose the mfp way then choose to lose .5 lb/week. This way you have enough calories to eat AND you'll still be able lose weight. Yes, it will be slow but at least you won't be feeling so deprived of food. :flowerforyou:
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    Hi there,
    All of the above, I eat 1750 a day, or thats what my cals are set at, some days i go over, others i eat less, but MFP told me 1200 and i tried it and i was miserable so just upped it, still losing 2lbs a week and rarely feel hungry, i eat all sorts too, but weighing everything is a massive thing, logging carefully etc.
    You can do this x