Quit Smoking, gained 40 pounds :(

Good morning,

Just joined this week and hoping to get some help, motivation, and support! Been trying to lose weight now for a few months, and having very little luck. Happy that I quit smoking, but horrified at the weight gain!


  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Yay that you already quit smoking!
    Good luck in your journey.

    You can add me as your friend!
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Welcome! Congrats on quitting! Feel free to add me for encouragement.
  • gvhunterollie
    gvhunterollie Posts: 74 Member
    Been there, done that! I also gained 40 pounds after I quit. You took a great first step by quitting! That will probably turn out to be much harder than what you need to do now. Cutting 300-500 calories a day and walking a few more steps likely won't be nearly as bad. Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • edwardkim2000
    edwardkim2000 Posts: 9 Member
    I used to smoke.... congratulations on quitting. first step completed!!
    I'm not sure what method you used to quit (patch, gum, cold turkey etc) but either way, congrats!

    When i quit, running seemed the most motivating for me. Since my lungs were not being destroyed on a daily basis, i saw the improvement of my runs almost every 2 days. since it was difficult for me to run in the beginning, what i did was run in a straight line, away from my house, until i felt like puking. then i would have to walk back (slowly lol). in about a month or so, i was running (more like lightly jogging) about 5 miles a day.

    hope this helps! :smile:
  • lauramegan28
    lauramegan28 Posts: 36 Member
    I just recently quit smoking and joined this site to combat the dreaded weight gain. I have multiple huge changes and no results yet. I quit smoking (using Chantix) I quit caffeine completely actually all beverages completely only drinking water. I started walking for atleast 30 min every day and doing a rigorous work out 15 min about twice a week. Also cut down to 1200 or less calories per day. I think my body is just in shock its only been two weeks. But it is discourging to change so much and have no results.
  • mckat08
    mckat08 Posts: 79 Member
    I quit smoking over a year ago and also gained 40 lbs. I've been 'kind of' making an effort to lose the weight, but within the past few weeks I've gotten serious about getting healthy. Feel free to add me as a friend. Great job quitting smoking, it's not easy!
  • Congrats on your quit that's awesome. Quitting smoking is the best thing you could ever do for yourself. I also quit smoking about a year ago. I gained about 20 lbs. Struggling to get it off but I love this fitness pal and community. You can add me as a friend too!
  • digitalcanuck
    digitalcanuck Posts: 60 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking. The hardest part is done. Don't fret about the weight gain. Now you can really focus on becoming healthy. Weight loss will come as you learn more about what your body needs to thrive. Make small changes and learn as you go. You are creating a new lifestyle that will help your body be strong and healthy.

    Enjoy this journey to a better, stronger you. Feel free to add me to your friend list if you like.

  • cvaj09
    cvaj09 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm the opposite of you, I lost 39 pounds but unable to quit smoking. I sometimes still have an occasional cigarette which I hate! Add me if you like.
  • Congrats on your decision to quit smoking! I also made the decision a few weeks ago to quit. I wasn't really a heavy smoker in the first place but I tended to smoke a lot whenever I drank or when out with friends who smoked. I quit cold turkey and the temptation to pick up a cigarette whenever I have a glass of wine or see others smoking is constantly there. We can do this! Also feel free to add me as well :)
  • ebfmfp
    ebfmfp Posts: 13 Member
    Awesome! I quit 15 or so months ago. I added about 25 pounds. I didn't really care until recently because I felt so much better without smoking. Good luck to you with the wt. lose.