Eating less than 1200 calories a day - Suggestions



  • Elise1931
    Elise1931 Posts: 184 Member
    I think no one should have calorie consumption less than their BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), since it's the minimum energy your body need to keep the basic physical function, and 900 kcal/per day is much less than the average. You can estimate your own BMR with calculator such as the one in TOOLS section, or even you know your body fat percentage, try Katch-McArdle Formula:370 + (21.6 X lean body mass in kg) OR 370 + (9.8 X lean body mass in lbs) (lean body mass=body mass X (1-body fat %)). Try discuss this with your doctor, it's really not proper to have such a low calorie intake :~
  • MsMorningDew
    MsMorningDew Posts: 59 Member
    900...seems a bit low!
    I would at least eat will be super tired especially if you are working out....
  • Keep with what your're doing, hun. It's working. And I believe from what I've also read that the less you eat, the more your body "holds on" to what it has. If you eat, it gives it fuel to burn calories. 1200 seems like a good place for you. No more than that I wouldn't think.:explode:
  • n0isehazard
    n0isehazard Posts: 14 Member
    Like another post said, if 1200 is working for you, stick to it, or you could simply try halving the deficit. Instead of just dieting, try pairing with exercise so that your metabolism will increase. I've read that for a 500 calorie deficit diet, it's not a bad idea to half cut 250 calories from food and exercise the other 250. Walking is a wonderful low impact exercise. Look into buying a pedometer for 10,000 steps a day.

    PS - Try and eat, even if it's a snack every 2-3 hours! Too little food or waiting until you're hungry to eat will trigger cortisol (the stress hormone) and conserve fat.

    Also, doctors are people, too. They may not always give perfect advice. Research and use your own wise judgement.
  • I suggest you get a new doctor. I am shocked at such terrible advice! All research points to the fact you need at LEAST 1200 calories a day to avoid slowing down your metabolism and kicking your body into "starvation mode" meaning it will start to save every calorie you give it so you can survive the "famine" of 2011!

    I think you should calculate your RMR using the "tools" on this website or do what I did and go get it tested so you know exactly how many calories you need to maintain your weight and then from there, you can calculate how many calories you need to lose weight based on your activity level and exercise.

    Good luck.
  • If I went by this, I would have to eat 720 calories a day to lose, 1220 to maintain.
    to maintain your weight, multiply your current weight by 10
    then to lose weight, subtract 500 from it and that would need to be your calorie intake for a 1 pound weightloss per week

    i wouldn't go down to 900 calories a day because it seems that would be setting myself up for failure...i would feel hungry all the time and feel deprived.
  • Whether or not you can starve yourself by eating less than 1200 calories a day, I think also depends on how mobile you are. Take me, for example. I ambulate by using a motorized wheelchair. So if moving my joystick with my fingers and hand all day burns as much as someone who walks or even pushes themselves around in a manual wheelchair (which my goal is to get back into a manual wheelchair), then someone needs to alert Jane Fonda lol.

    I've been tracking what I eat on the ipad app for about six weeks now and I've noticed that if I eat 1200 calories or more (I've seldom done that), I feel like I'm ready to burst. On the flip side, if I eat less than 1200, I feel satisfied and not hungry.

    I'm already losing some inches from my waist and I've recently noticed body parts are getting smaller and thinner. Idk how much weight i've lost since I'm unable to weigh myself, but I know I'm losing weight.
  • ralphrich
    ralphrich Posts: 8 Member
    1200 cals a day sounds like a reasonably serious goal. Besides that losing more than than rate creates more problems like folds of loose skin that hasn't or won't shrink.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Suggestion: don't.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    my dr told me, when i told her i was concerned that i was not losing at 1400, that i could drop to 1200, but absolutely no further. she said women require atleast 1200 cals a day, and men require atlest 1500 cals a day. she also made it clear that this was short term, to lose the majority of my weight, and then i needed to work my way back up to a more realistic calorie goal for maintaining. i cant imagine a dr telling someone to eat less than 900... that seems scary!
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    mmmm doesn't sound like good advice at all.

    Change your DR...and see someone who specialises in nutrition
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Bad idea.

    I need to creat copy/paste responses for all the <1200/day and starvation mode threads. Cant' be retyping all the time.
    Should make one for why artificial sweeteners arent bad either.

    Find you BMR and TDEE (google it)
    Food - Exercise < BMR = Weight Loss
    Food - Exercise > BMR = Weight Gain

    Now, where that weight comes from is all about WHAT you eat.
  • I think you need a new GP... that is pretty bad advice. Honestly changing the QUALITY of what you eat is going to help a lot more than the quantity. Eat unprocessed foods 85% of the time, eat at a slight caloric deficit, do not deprive yourself 100% of the time, and you'll be fine.

    Doctors don't generally have a ton of time to spend on nutrition in medical school, and there's a ton of conflicting information. I've never had success by eating too little. I eat 1700-1800 most days, have one day a week that's more like 1300-1400 and one day closer to 2000 and I've lost weight. I'm only 5'3". I just don't really eat bread or consume processed sugar or alcohol. I feel better eating unprocessed foods, more fat, more protein, more veggies.

    Just my experience - you should take it with a grain of salt, as with everything, but more research is demonstrating that eating more, eating whole foods, eating full fat, is advantageous for most people.
  • fitguy31
    fitguy31 Posts: 5 Member
    It's unhealthy to eat anything less than 1200 calories, especially if your also exercising. If your losing weight why change anything. Remember 1/2lb-1lb a week is considered normal. Obviously it depends on the person and how much extra weight they have. My advice to you is to stay with the meal plan your on.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    You're 160 lbs and your Dr said 900 calories a day? Perhaps talk to a registered dietician. There's NO reason to go that low with that much to lose.:flowerforyou:
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    errrrr, people, this thread is almost 2 years old.
  • The lowest I ever ate is 1,000 calories.My doctor says to eat at least 1,200 calories or else my body will think it is"starving" and start storing fat when I do eat.I lost 6 pounds in one week eating between 1,000-1,200 calories.That's what I am aiming to do again.Gotta get rid of at least 20lbs.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Zombie starvation mode thread LMAO - my day is made
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    errrrr, people, this thread is almost 2 years old.

    :noway: :ohwell: :laugh: :laugh:
  • It is perfectly healthy to eat less than 1200 calories today so long as your body can handle it and you slowly wean yourself down. You cant make the jump from 1500 to 900 in a week, but if you decrease 100 a week you surely can. I know that common knowledge states that 1200 is the absolute amount you should eat, but your doctor is right, it depends on the person. 160 and 5'3" is about the right BMI to be cutting down the calories, but remember you can eat as many calories as you'd like -so long as you burn off more than you eat. If your asking for food that will help you lose weight -grapefruits! eating 1 grapefruit every morning maximizes the calories you burn off throughout the day. I take in about 800-900 calories a day (im 5'8" and 145) and an avergae day regarding food for me can be; a nutri-grain bar, orange, and grapefruit in the morning, a sandwhich (any type basically) on whole grain -not whole weat, thats a common misconception, whole wheat is really fattening, almost as bad as white bread- , a couple handfuls of almonds, a fruit, and a piece of cheese, *insert your workout here* then dinner; main part, small portion, could be spaghetti, chicken etc. raw vegetables, and your salad at the END of your meal. Then drink a half glass of water right before going to bed and it will kick start your metabolism, I generally lose 1.5 pounds in my sleep every night (its water weight, not fat though). I know that it can be scary initially lowering your calorie intake, especially with the seemingly infinite number of people who are telling you that your doctor is crazy, but hey he has a PhD, and if he has faith that you can survive -and thrive- with a 900 calorie diet, then you can. Good luck!
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