
First off, I'd like to apologize if this topic is in the wrong section; I had no idea where to put it.

My background: I'm an 18 year old girl who has been dealing with gastroparesis and IBS-C since January of this year. My symptoms started out of nowhere (no sudden diet change, no major traumatic life event, etc.) and my GI explained gastroparesis/IBS-C/other GI issues are fairly common for young women.

I would go 10+ days without a bowel movement, constantly felt nauseous, felt sharp stomach pains constantly, and often laid in bed all day/skipped class/called out of work/canceled plans because I was in too much physical pain to move. My GI ran dozens of tests and I've had blood work done too many times to keep track of. He said my gastric emptying is slow and that I have IBS.

Ever since, I have tried dozens of different things to help (liquid diet, paleo, raw vegan, 801010, ketogenic, smaller meals more often, 2 huge meals, increasing fiber, decreasing fiber, coffee, vitamin C, aloe vera leaf, linzess, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, countless probiotics, digestive enzymes, etc. you get the picture)

I felt hopeless. Nothing I was doing was working and I constantly had to rely on enemas and I felt as though I had a poor quality of life because of the constant pain I felt. Except, something weird happened...this Saturday night I had a concussion. I fell and hit my head and went unconscious and had what the nurse called a "moderate concussion". Sunday I laid in bed all day with a pounding migraine and general fatigue. Monday, Tuesday, and today I have been 100% symptom free and have been having regular bowel movements. I think it's strange that I had symptoms so badly for 11 months straight that I had to call out of work and dealt with chronic stomach pain 24/7 but ever since my concussion 5 days ago, I have zero symptoms and normal bowel movements. Did my concussion "cure" my GI issues???? Or is this some odd coincidence or will my body slowly start to return to how it was prior to my concussion?

Sorry I wrote so much! Any input is appreciated!


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Brain injuries have the most interesting symptoms and results.

    If your GI problems have disappeared, just be happy, lol.

    Keep your fiber where the docs told you, drink water and only water, get regular exercise.

    And enjoy your pooping. :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    What did or didn't you eat after the concussion and migraine?
    And/or, what medicines were you given?
  • radiatingkayla
    radiatingkayla Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you! Oh gosh, I am enjoying this relief more than you could imagine! Just curious if anyone else has experienced anything similar.
  • radiatingkayla
    radiatingkayla Posts: 37 Member
    What did or didn't you eat after the concussion and migraine?
    And/or, what medicines were you given?

    I've been eating "normally" (pretty plant-based vegetarian). I have taken tylenol twice I think? Maybe it was an off-brand of it.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Well congrats, and I hope it continues for you.