
Hey! I just joined myfitnesspal a couple days ago and i have very low will power when it comes to good looking food :tongue:
hi world!


  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Welcome! Try to stay within your calories and you'll do fine. To me there isn't any "forbidden" foods...everything in moderation. Best wishes!
  • karenbonina
    thanks! i do alot of physical activity so at the end of the day it says ive only consumed like 500 cals, when i should have 1200. is this a good or bad thing?
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    Along with staying within the calories is staying within the other nutrients also. An abundance of sodium will make you hold water weight and is not good for you. Too many carbs and you wont lose the weight you want and hit a plateau. Ask questions if you need to and also ask if you need motivational support to help you thru the tough times!! Drink your 8 glasses of water and log everything!!

    You will do fine if you use this site to your advantage!! Good luck!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • joamarelo
    joamarelo Posts: 161
    Advice: Try to eat more fiber and water. That's my magic combination and I already lost 70 pounds. I'm new here too but I'm trying to lose 30 pounds more. Keep going, you can do it.
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    thanks! i do alot of physical activity so at the end of the day it says ive only consumed like 500 cals, when i should have 1200. is this a good or bad thing?

    That all depends on who you ask. I personally try to eat back most of my exercise calories, and that seems to work very well for me. I would be concerned that you aren't getting enough calories if your net is only 500 after exercise.