This is ridiculous!!



  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    because motivation isnt the secret ingredient.

    it's commitment.
    She's right ya know!!
  • JoeCWV
    JoeCWV Posts: 213 Member
    pdwhitlock wrote: »
    I hear ya! I began almost four weeks ago and have so far only lost 10 pounds. It seems so small for the huge effort I've been putting into this that often times I wonder if it's worth it. Not to mention, I haven't seen any change in over a week.

    It's all about attitude. Instead of ONLY LOST 10 POUNDS. You should rejoice in the accomplishment of losing ten pounds in a month. You do realize at that rate you would lose 120 pounds in a year? This is a slow process. Remember for most of us gaining the weight was also a slow process. So long as you are moving in the right direction you are winning. All the work getting to your goals is simply training yourself in this new lifestyle. Enjoy the process.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    pdwhitlock wrote: »
    I hear ya! I began almost four weeks ago and have so far only lost 10 pounds. It seems so small for the huge effort I've been putting into this that often times I wonder if it's worth it. Not to mention, I haven't seen any change in over a week.

    As the ideal amount to lose is 1-2lb a week you are at the top end of estimates and any more would bring cause for concern. 10 pounds is fantastic. Your expectations could be unrealistic and that will cause pressure in the future.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    "Change your attitude, change your life"

    Need to stop thinking its and end to being overweight but a ride to fit and healthy


    This speaks to me. I feel like I've already "succeeded," even though I still have a lot of weight to lose. For about three years now my attitude towards food and fitness is just different than it used to be, but it's taken a lot of determination, hard work, and patience to get here. I'm more aware of my physical self than I was before and I don't hate my body anymore. Believe me, it's far from beautiful, but I'm strong and somewhat fit. I can do hard things and I'm proud of what I've accomplished so far. I'm not waiting for some distant future when I'll be a size 4 and life will be rainbows and pretty music -- for *years* I had this idea that when I got skinny everything else would fall into place. I'm happy with now. Does that make sense?
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    It took me 3 years to learn the why's how's and applications that what work for me. It doesn't have to take you that long, but perseverance is the key. I whine when I need to, praise myself when it's warranted and waited to get back at it after my baby was born. I'm sticking with it and it's paying off. Once you get you stride, it'll come. There will be setbacks and plenty of frustrations but life happens. You will also have great progresses. You're learning a different way of living...Hardly anyone gets it all right out of the gate.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    It doesn't matter whether you have 5 pounds or 200 pounds to lose. It takes effort and commitment, and we can all do this. It is not easy for anyone. With the statistics being what they are, the biggest challenge is staying committed after reaching your goal and not allowing yourself to go back to old habits and regaining. I know that I will be logging for the rest of my life. Thank goodness I found MFP. If I did not save my life, I at least made what is left of it more healthy and at a "normal" weight. If I can do it (in my 60's) anyone can! Best of luck to everyone!
  • nomas616
    nomas616 Posts: 13 Member
    I lost two pounds, then gained one back. And now I am like WTF?!! So easy to give up, but interestingly feeling like I am making an effort makes me feel accomplished. Even though the scale DOES NOT reflect my effort. I m doing the responsible adult thing and That is going to have to be enough until I start seeing results.

    Everyone on here is battling their own demons and if you are killing yours, then you'll make it to weight loss heaven.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Runyan2002 wrote: »
    Well the less you need to lose, the harder it is to lose it.

    This isn't necessarily true. A calorie deficit is required no matter what your goals are. While it may be true that a heavier person burns more calories doing the same activity as a lighter person, that doesn't make it any easier. That heavier person is carrying more weight. That isn't easier. When a 130 pound person may struggle to run a mile, can you even imagine running that mile with a 50 or 100 lb backpack?

    The heavier person has likely also had more years of complacency with a bad diet. They may be used to eating more calories and so cutting down to half that may be harder for them than somebody who has not been overeating by such a huge margin for so long (because if they were, they'd have further to go).

    I don't think any one pound is inherently harder than another based on starting weight. Not physiologically anyway. Mentally, sure it may be harder to stay motivated when you've felt like you've been doing it so long, making those last few pounds a challenge. It may also be easier because you've developed new tastes and helpful habits.

    Its all about finding those 3000 calories. No matter where you're starting from.
  • KristineRB
    Just got started myself and I need friends like all of you that have posted supportive messages!! Best of luck to everyone!!
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    I've lost 50 lbs so far. I have gone off and come back. As soon as I stop tracking my calories, I either stay the same or my weight starts to go up. I don't do the whole "healthy" thing. I've tried that in the past and it doesn't work for me. I eat and drink whatever I want as long as I stay within my calories. I've become very conscious of portions and calories. Whereas I used to sit down with a bag of chips and eat half of it, I know take out a handful, put the bag back and then count the calories. I also try to fill in my diary for the day first thing in the morning. I can fill out most of it and whatever is leftover I add as I go along. Plus, definitely do some exercise. If for no other reason then to get more calories that you can eat for the day. I walk and burn about 200-250 calories every day. That's extra calories that I get to eat. I use a heart rate monitor so that I keep accurate count of my calories burned. Some say that you can't lose weight by just walking and have to run and/or lift weights. Well, 50 lbs later, I'd like to see them prove that theory!

    Don't ever give up. Don't be sitting here next year at this time and think "if only I stuck to it I would be at goal today".
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Runyan2002 wrote: »
    Well the less you need to lose, the harder it is to lose it.

    QFT. I've lost 58 pounds so far. These last 25 or so are going to kill me.

    Just do it :)
  • HealthyFitStrong2
    yoovie wrote: »
    because motivation isnt the secret ingredient.

    it's commitment.

    That is one of the best comments I have read!
  • rsjohnb
    rsjohnb Posts: 215 Member
    I know what you mean. its a pain in the *kitten* but stick at it you WILL get there!
    request sent :)
  • Taajsgpm
    stanker859 wrote: »
    I hear all these AWESOME. Successes stories about women and men losing 70 80 90 even 100lbs just by changing their lifestyle and they have the discipline to do it! I'm trying to lose just 35 lbs and it's seems like the impossible. I've had so much trail and error when it's come to weight loss and it's just ridiculous anymore! I no 35 lbs is actually quite a bit of weight to lose but it's not nearly as much as some people have lost. Why is it so hard for me to stay motivated when I hate my body and I feel so large and bulky and just plain FAT! I feel determined I will conquer weight loss this time! Feel free to add me so I can help get y'all motivated and y'all can return the favor as that's the hardest part of weight loss as it seems to be!!!

    youre just like the rest of us , hang in there , if youre unhappy with your body, know that you can and you will change it and as you start to see progress you will get that motivation you lack, dont give up , we are all fighting the same battle , you will be the success story you read
  • erichegwer
    erichegwer Posts: 34 Member
    FrenchMob wrote: »
    If it was easy, there wouldn't be any fat people on the planet.

    ^^^ So much this ^^^
  • tessyreys
    tessyreys Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2014
    I wasn't able to lose my last eight pounds until I cut my sugar to 25g per day and kept my carbs under 100g per day. I eat plenty of good fats, protein and veggies. After a while of eating like this, I found I wasn't very hungry and the cravings are gone. My sugar intake was too high, even though my calories were fine and it stalled my weight loss.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Weight is gained gradually. The process to lose it is gradual too. It's not linear - you will have fluxes on the scales. Just keep chipping away at it.
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    because motivation isnt the secret ingredient.

    it's commitment.


  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    read this. it's about the comparisons you are making with ppl who lose big amounts.
  • Butterfly2022MD
    Butterfly2022MD Posts: 246 Member
    I understand and support you.