Is it a good thing if your BMI doesn't change. It hasn't moved since 10/15/14. Staying the same. 23.9


  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    Huh? So you're not losing weight?

    Or you're getting taller?...
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Yep, better than going up!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    how are you measuring it? If you're relying on one of those scales that do the impedance measuring...well, I wouldn't. They are not reliable in the slightest.
  • Poofersgrl
    Poofersgrl Posts: 161 Member
    I am using my scale which does it along with my weight. My weight has been fluxing. Back in Oct, when I started I was 142(3), then went to 138 (right after TOM), last week 138, today 140 (a week before TOM) so not sure if losing or
  • paultucker1007
    paultucker1007 Posts: 37 Member
    No, you're not. You can tell because your weight is about the same.
  • synchrosteph
    Who actually goes on BMI these days anyway? It doesn't take into consideration body build, muscle mass etc..
  • Poofersgrl
    Poofersgrl Posts: 161 Member
    edited November 2014
    what might i be doing wrong then? my diary is open for anyone wanting to look. A friend a few weeks ago said he noticed I looked thinner...hmmmmmm weird. Also, what weight should I log, todays weight? keep it at 138? I am totally confused.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,097 Member
    I am not quite sure what you are trying to achieve OP.
    23.9 is within healthy BMI range so if you are aiming for maitenance and you are not losing or gaining weight, then that is good.

    My BMI hasn't changed for about a year, is still 23, that's good for me.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,097 Member
    Who actually goes on BMI these days anyway? It doesn't take into consideration body build, muscle mass etc..

    For most people a BMI within healthy range is a good rule of thumb as to whether they are at a healthy weight.

    For people carrying larger percentages of muscle mass, a higher BMI can still be healthy.
    I'm sure OP, like most of us, knows if this applies to her.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    BMI is a mathematical equation relating to height and weight

    what kind of equipment measures that?

    log your weight - if you want to work out BMI use one of the calculators - there's millions
  • Poofersgrl
    Poofersgrl Posts: 161 Member
    edited November 2014
    I am trying to lose about 10lbs. Perhaps I am maintaining rather than losing, I eat at a deficit, but not a huge one. 200 and under. 23.9 is healthy weight. I also exercise 5-6 days per week (Leslie sansone).
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    eat at a 200 -250 defecit is extremely sensible and will give you around 0.5lb per week loss (but weight loss is not linear and that will be easily masked with fluctuations so you have to play the long game cos this is going to take around 5 months or so)

    but you have to weigh everything fastidiously and log everything accurately - there's very little room for error

    your weight will come off if you keep the defecit up - slowly as it should
  • Poofersgrl
    Poofersgrl Posts: 161 Member
    good info. Might try to do more of a deficit, recently it's been 100 and under ( i like to eat) lol but I am eating more healthy. Not snacking as much, except like raisins, fruit, carrots etc. Some stuff is hard to weigh, like some of my processed meals (hamburger helper etc) and 1 cup of stuff, doesn't seem like enough for me.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Poofersgrl wrote: »
    what might i be doing wrong then? my diary is open for anyone wanting to look. A friend a few weeks ago said he noticed I looked thinner...hmmmmmm weird. Also, what weight should I log, todays weight? keep it at 138? I am totally confused.

    As far as what weight you should log: Personal opinion…. if you choose to weigh yourself everyday… then still choose one day a week to be your "log in" weight.

    And personally… if I have a week where the scale is up… I don't log it. But if the number stays up for 3 weeks or more… then I would log it. In my experience… the times when the numbers have been up has always just been a momentary stall with a little water weight added in. And then I've been back down within 2 weeks.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Poofersgrl wrote: »
    good info. Might try to do more of a deficit, recently it's been 100 and under ( i like to eat) lol but I am eating more healthy. Not snacking as much, except like raisins, fruit, carrots etc. Some stuff is hard to weigh, like some of my processed meals (hamburger helper etc) and 1 cup of stuff, doesn't seem like enough for me.

    No you shouldn't increase the defecit - you should just stick to it - cos I bet my bottom dollar you are eating at maintenance or possibly above

    we all like to eat - it's how we got here in the first place :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

    and carrots, raisins and fruit have calories - quite a lot actually - an apple is around 75 cals to start with

    don't care if it's hard to weigh - do it anyway or don't but then accept you're probably not going to lose

    and fgs don't measure in cups - doesn't give you enough accuracy at such low cuts

  • Poofersgrl
    Poofersgrl Posts: 161 Member
    edited November 2014
    Would you use measuring cups to weigh the cooked food? I have a scale, but measures in Grams. What is FGS? lol I think you are right, I think I am eating at maintenance. I put in maintenance and says 1770 calories, and to lose 1520 calories. Right now have it set for .05lb per week.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Will try to cut through your confusion!
    "Perhaps I am maintaining rather than losing" - yes you are maintaining if your weight is staying roughly the same over a significant period of time.

    "I eat at a deficit" - no you are eating at maintenance calories as your weight isn't really changing (you are trying to eat at a small estimated deficit). Estimates are not that accurate, food and exercise logging isn't that accurate. Rely on results not estimates. Your weight says you are maintaining.)

    "but not a huge one. 200 and under" - good, very sensible to try for a small deficit as you don't have much to lose.

    "23.9 is healthy weight" - it's not a weight, it's a height/weight ratio.

    The easiest thing is just to reduce your daily calorie allowance slightly. The alternative would be to tighten up your food looging accuracy, spoons and cups are nowhere near as accurate as weighing things for many items. Digital scales for accuracy.

    So the simple option - keep your food logging exactly as you are doing now but reduce daily goal slightly.
    Second option would be tighten up your food logging and keep same goal as you have now (you are probably eating more calories than you think you are currently).
  • Poofersgrl
    Poofersgrl Posts: 161 Member
    edited November 2014
    when you say reduce my calorie allowance, do you mean try for 200-300 less or increase to 1lb week weight loss to help with the reduction? My problem too, is I am hungry...or think I am, my stomach likes to I logged todays meals, have 647 calories left for the day (haven't logged lunch) but I am sure when I do, I won't be able to eat anything else for the day to stay 2-300 under.

    I will try to weigh more foods as well. If there are any results, I do have more energy and stamina from my exercising. Also, would love to reduce my BP meds as well.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    You can custom set your calorie goal, increase desired rate of weight loss or undercut your existing goal by a larger amount - your choice.
    Don't change both your goal and your logging, one or the other or you won't have a clue what's going on.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    you are in the correct range so that is good
