how do you guys avoid lazyness and get to it



  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    You just do it. If you don't, well, you aren't 100% committed to losing weight/getting healthy.

    I have to agree. I can be lazy, believe you me! lol But exercise is as non-negotiable for me as brushing my teeth. I wanted it badly enough to push myself to do it for the first 30 days. After that, it became habit. It's been a habit now since 1997 and I cannot imagine my life without exercise now!

    If I can do it, you can!

  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    edited November 2014
    You don't want it bad enough. The weather or calendar do not have anything to do with weight loss. A calorie deficiency is all that is needed to lose weight. For good health, there are tons of free exercise videos online.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Your choice.
  • hoshizoraaaa
    hoshizoraaaa Posts: 54 Member
    haha yeah, i totally agree. i want it thtats why i force myself even if i dont want to xD i guess thast the only way to overcome it :) just gotta believe.

    thankss people!
  • kmace84
    kmace84 Posts: 1 Member
    Get yourself to just commit to something....anything....for like 10 mins. Like force yourself to get into your workout gear and just do it. Chances are it's just getting over the initial hump that is the problem, at least it is for me. Once you get going, you'll find you'll be so happy you did, especially once you're done!
  • kbc7288
    kbc7288 Posts: 10 Member
    I kinda play a game with myself in that I make myself at least get dressed and go to the gym. If I want to go home after I get there, I tell myself it's ok, but every time I'm there I tell myself that I might as well do 10 minutes on the elliptical and THEN I can go home if I want to. After the 10 minutes I tell myself I'll do 10 more minutes......and so on. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it works for me :)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Personal Trainer once a week (bumped to twice when winter set in just to get me over the 'I don't wanna' hump) who I actually love to hate then love again

    plus it's weird but 6 months in I feel odd if I don't do something ... almost angsty and uncomfortable

    I was chronically lazy before - for decades

    just do it - force yourself
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    My advice is simply start 1 day and then do the same the day after and keep doing it then it becomes routine. If we all did what we felt like the majority of the time nothing would happen. You need to find what motivates you if its money then pay yourself to do it if its a dress buy 1 smaller and that's your goal.

    I put a pic of me looking awesome on the fridge it makes me think before grabbing naughty treats ( I have 3 children fridge full of treats) I have fit into a dress that was tight and it is now comfortable so ive bought some skinny jeans that fit but not comfortably that's my new goal.

    Good luck feel free to add me I am in my last 10lbs to lose.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    edited November 2014
    Right now i'm just forcing myself to do it but i'm not happy when i do it. I find it hard to enjoy working out cuase its hard and it makes me want to quit. :(

    Choose stuff that you want to do that is active, then. What that choice is will differ. Maybe you can do winter sports? Skiing? Or something indoors - badminton?

    Personally, I do tai chi, dodgeball and tennis. I also lift weights which is pretty boring in comparison but vaguely interesting.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    Ive always had and still have been having problems with being lazy... thats why i stopped losing weight earlier and fell off track, now i want to come back to it but i dont want to make the same mistake.

    It's so hard to get myself to do it when i usually spend so much time with school i just want to relax and have time alone to myself after a long day.

    Especially now its winter, well at least for us canadians, and the weathers hitting the negatives, its so hard to get myself out of bed , cause its soooo cold outside I just wana stay in.

    Is there any advice or tips on how you guys get yourselves to get up and go to the gym , other than force yourself do it. Right now i'm just forcing myself to do it but i'm not happy when i do it. I find it hard to enjoy working out cuase its hard and it makes me want to quit. :(

    One of my favorite motivational quotes is: If it's important, you'll find the time - if not, you'll find an excuse.

    When I'm feeling especially lazy, I always ask myself how will I feel tomorrow, next week, next month about my decision to skip exercise today. Some days I'm OK with it - most days it gets me off the couch (or out of bed) and gets me moving.

    Another trick I've used is to just put my workout clothes on... usually I just feel ridiculous sitting on the couch in workout gear and just go to the gym.

    Most importantly, you need to find an activity that helps you feel like you're getting your alone time. I walk / hike and that's my alone time. I used to take the winters off, but last winter I dedicated myself to continue despite the polar vortexes. I actually found that I began to enjoy being active out in the cold (properly layered up, of course).

    Ultimately, motivation *does* have to come from within. If you're not feeling it, maybe you're not ready yet.

    Good luck!

  • hoshizoraaaa
    hoshizoraaaa Posts: 54 Member
    seems like you guys all foud something you love, hopefully i find out wat i enjoy doing somtime soon. :)
    although im pretty excited for weight lifting, it actuallly looks kind of fun hopefully ill have fun doing so. i think the reason why i hate working out is becuase im so out of shape, and that cardio exercising becomes sooo hard for me. but its only been the first few days so i yhink its bound to happen. ill just have to be patient :)

    thanks for the tips, im going to try all of them!
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    seems like you guys all foud something you love, hopefully i find out wat i enjoy doing somtime soon. :)
    although im pretty excited for weight lifting, it actuallly looks kind of fun hopefully ill have fun doing so. i think the reason why i hate working out is becuase im so out of shape, and that cardio exercising becomes sooo hard for me. but its only been the first few days so i yhink its bound to happen. ill just have to be patient :)

    thanks for the tips, im going to try all of them!

    Can you join a gym? That ended up being my saving grace when it got too cold for me to ride my road bike (Preference, not because I can't.). It took me a while to get into working out. At some point it turned into my "thing". Now that's what I do. I work 8am-6pm and workout. :)
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    It is hardest at first, but I'm just two months into my new lifestyle and it DOES get easier as you get fitter. In fact, that is what keeps me motivated these days. A few weeks ago I couldn't run at all and now I am walk/running intervals for over 3 miles. It's fine balance though, if you do too much at once your body will beg you to stop, but you do have to push yourself so you can see and feel good results. I'm only doing exercise I really enjoy because I know that the best workout is the one I actually do.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I break it down into small steps and "trick" myself into doing it.

    I tell myself I'll just put on the workout clothes.
    I tell myself I'll just stretch.
    I tell myself I'll just warmup.
    I tell myself I'll just go to the place to do the workout.
    I tell myself I'll just do the first 5 minutes. Then the next 2, the next 5, the next 3 and so on.
    Next thing you know, I'm done.

    It doesn't always have to feel happy. The happy lots of times comes after. When I realize I already did it in spite of not really feeling like it.

    I got through a whole day of errands and meetings this way the other day. A whole day of
    "optional" activities that no one would have blinked if I had not done, but that was way more rewarding to get through each item. I just packed the bag. Packed the snack. Gassed up the car. Did the first step. Then the second. Then the third. Etc. I had the fullest day of my life and a very rewarding one at that. For more than just me. Got about 29 compliments on something I wore that day too.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I force myself. Even though there are days where I chicken out (today), I'm trying to get to the gym six days a week until the weather gets better enough to walk outside.
  • MamaP47
    MamaP47 Posts: 94 Member
    edited November 2014
    Just try finding the little motivations in life. You can do it. For me:

    1) I hang a cute outfit that I WANT to wear next to my mirror. So every time I pass by it, I get the guilt trip since I did spend money on it and it would be a waste not to wear it at least once.
    2) On the super un-motivating days, I stare at myself in my undies and make myself take in the hard truths. I give myself a prep talk stating that 'I don't want to be this size' and 'I'm beautiful on the inside, now lets make the outside SHINE!'
    3) I watch older couples at the gym working out and they inspire me. I mean, if they can workout and support each other at their age, so can I.
    4) I take in and feast on the eye candy at the gym. It is a Then again, I workout on a military base full of Army
    5) And finally, I just make myself. It's hard, but after a while, you feel bad when you don't go to the gym. Make it a routine. You don't have to do long 3-hour sessions or anything. A little bit at a time will do.

    Good luck!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Laziness is not to be avoided, it must be conquered.

    If I have scheduled a workout, I MUST do at least five minutes, even if it is five minutes of marching in place in my pjs. Since that feels pretty ridiculous, I will usually get dressed and go do whatever I was supposed to do.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    For me it's all about forming a routine. I'm such a creature of habit that once a routine is formed… It practically takes an act of congress to break it! So, during that initial "honeymoon" phase of motivation where this was all new and exciting for me…. I made sure that I never missed a day of doing something. Even if it was just a 20 minute stroll around the neighborhood. Just something to get myself in the routine of getting some sort of exercise everyday. Now, I'm not sure what I would do with myself if I didn't exercise. I mean, what else do you do when you wake up?

    This works for me.
  • nikiramirez
    I plan ahead and get organized :) Pick and plan my workouts ahead of time (generally follow at-home programs due to lack of gym time) and follow a meal plan too. You CAN do it!