Any P90x3 people out there?!

Hi! I am starting P90x3 again and I wanted to know if anyone else out there has gone through or is going through the program?! My husband is on his 2nd round and now I'm joining in. I went through the original P90x a year ago and only made it through 60 days. I have major motivation problems!


  • jahoward163
    jahoward163 Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry for the dumb question, but what is the 3 at the end of P90x? I've never seen that before.
  • ryder1013
    ryder1013 Posts: 14 Member
    its p90x in 30 minutes. very intense. I just started over again today after not working out for a year, thought I might die! Feel great now:)
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Its the newest p90x to the p90x franchise.
  • rferrar1
    rferrar1 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi. I'm on day 11 of p90x3. Feeling great from the workouts with some measurable loss in inches already. Though tired as can be today. Then again I'm a father of a 13 day old baby so I'm guess that has more to do with the exhaustion than does p90x3.
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    P90X and P90X3 grad here! ^_^ I have this weird thing where even though the workouts are fun and I see results (yes, I just said the workouts are fun; I like Tony. He's adorable!) I start to lose motivation about a month in. Just push through. You wouldn't skip on eating or showering, right? Just keep pushing through like with any other necessary task.

    I'm currently doing Turbofire (another BB program) if you want to add me as a friend =) I'm about to finish week 4... Out of 20. Woot!
  • ryder1013
    ryder1013 Posts: 14 Member
    Great job everyone!! 13 day old baby, rferrar1, congratulations!! No wonder you are tired! Suppakana, i did p90x a year ago and only made it through 60 days because I got bored! Gonna have to fight harder this time!
  • tiffanylindenmuth
    tiffanylindenmuth Posts: 15 Member
    I'm currently on day 59. It's going well!! I completed the original P90x earlier in the year (MAY), and I personally like this one a little more. The time is much more reasonable. I run too and didn't want to give that up doing p90x again and that's why I purchased this one. So far I have lost 6% body fat, 11lbs, and inches everywhere. I'm sure the running has helped this along as well, but they compliment each other! I plan to do P90x3 again in January to keep going since I am at the hard point of weight loss and toning. Use your husband as motivation. My husband does it with me and we help each other through EVERYTHING!! 30 minutes, no excuses! Good luck!
  • I did P90x about 70 days and then got injured, with two small kids I have decided that x3 is the way to go, just about to start at the weekend...
  • Gr84cstr
    Gr84cstr Posts: 61 Member
    Did P90X3 and enjoyed it. Then I ordered Body Beast and have been doing that since. Much more weightlifting and less cardio.
  • TaraHolloway_
    TaraHolloway_ Posts: 48 Member
    I just completed week 2 of P90X3 and am down 4 pounds and feel strong! Love this program - would love to connect with others doing P90X3 also!!
  • Bob_Or
    Bob_Or Posts: 7 Member
    Hello... I in the last week of the of the P90X3 Lean.... good results. Lost 7 pounds.
    I did T25 previously and lost 20 pounds. My goal is to lose 7-10 pounds more.
    I would like to read your recommendations... should I do another round of T25 or keep in the P90X3 lean? what about to switch to P90X3 Classic? or to jump to something else?

    Thanks in advance. O 12/3
  • Starting 90x3 tonight, going to try a few of the exercises and get on the calendar this coming Monday. I travel a lot for my job so it makes for interesting workouts. I did 60 days of p90x last year but lost the motivation with a one hour plus workout.
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Well Bob do you want to be skinny (T25) or leaner (P90x). Depends on what you are looking for - good luck :)