Please tell me what im doing wrong!!



  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    @ladyhawk: i appreciate your info. it does make sense. yes, i was obese and i was under a physician's care. no you shouldn't go on a very low calorie diet without being under a dr.s careful watch. that is all true. i guess what gets me is how so many on here simply parrot this "starvation mode" info as if they are in fact experts and things are as black and white as they portray them. even after my post, which admittedly was now on a previous page, these same kind of posts continue as if everyone on here was some kind of a nutritional/fitness expert because of some things they have read/been told by this site or these forums. now i do realize the poster asked for help and that is what people are trying to do. but naively responding "starvation mode" for anyone eating under 1200 calories per day or not eating back their exercise calories to me sounds an awful lot like people just reciting some mantra that has been recited to them without really knowing or understanding the true substance of what they are saying. by the depth and clarity of your response, it is obviously not the case for you...

    I assure you, they frustrate me just as much. :laugh: If only because they frequently provide fuel for those who try to say it's all a myth.

    But, at the end of the day, I'd rather people be overly cautious about it rather than flirt with it, IMO.

    And thanks :happy:
  • neesono
    neesono Posts: 61
    jerzite, personally I think you're trying too hard. You're not seeing the results you want and it's driving you nuts. Believe me....I feel your pain. I am all sorts of impatient and I am a "make it happen" kind of person and not at all a "wait for it" kind of guy.

    However, if there is one thing I have learned so far is that when it comes to your body you have to wait for it to do it's thing. But you have to have consistency and planned inconsistency. Let me explain....

    First of all your body will adjust at it's own pace so you have to give it time to adapt and work itself out. It will....but it could very well take a few weeks. Of course getting your body used to a consistent routine will help with everything. So be sure to do that. However...after a few weeks throw your body a curve ball. I'm not just talking about muscle confusion but total body confusion.

    I was hovering around 207 for about 3 weeks. Then I had to take a break from P90X due to some traveling. For a week and a half the only thing I did was go to the gym a couple of times for 30min and I did one day of Plyometrics. In that week an a half I noticed I went from 207 down to 203.4

    My diet also changed. There was a mix of good and garbage. Mostly good but a bit more garbage then I had gotten used to. I think my body went into WTF mode.

    Tomorrow I am going to jump back into P90X for 3 weeks and we'll see what happens.

    i'm not an expert and all I can do is tell you what is going on with my program. But one thing that I can be certain of is that when you try too hard then things don't ever work out the way you want them to.

    So relax, give your self a comfortable amount of calories to eat, get your exercise in, and things will eventually start to work out for you.

    P90X is your friend.
  • joamarelo
    joamarelo Posts: 161
    You need at least 1200 calories per day. But also it can be something in your body so I recommend you to clean your system.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    i really ought to stop reading these threads. she did ask and everyone is trying to be helpful. robin is 100% right about what you eat being critically important and eating pizza hot dogs and ice cream is definitely not going to give your body the fuel it needs on a low calorie diet. however, everyone here seems to be so certain about this 1200 calorie minimum and starvation mode (and yes i have read the webmasters info regarding this) but my experience in my program contradicts this. i was in an intensive bariatric program in conjunction with lap-band surgery and under their care i was on a much lower than 1200 calorie a day regimen, exercised regularly, never ate back my exercise calories and lost a ton of weight, had no problems with energy or health throughout. my dr. and my nutritionist told me that they believe the whole concept of starvation mode is widely misunderstood and i do think a lot of you offer it up as fact when in fact you are not nutritionists or doctors. if it is a fact how did i manage to lose about 60 lbs. over six months while on calorie limits of 600, then 800, then 1,000 calories a day while exercising regularly? and if it screws up my health and good cholesterol how come all of my bloodwork has been perfect with all my nutritional levels and cholesterol levels being picture perfect? it is important to note that i did focus very much on keeping my protein to calorie ratio very high throughout so i was still maintaining my muscle. i realize this is a theory that you all wholeheartedly believe in, but it is not in fact the gospel. my results are a testament to the fact that you can most certainly lose weight and remain healthy while eating less than 1200 calories a day and not eating back your exercise calories. my two cents.

    It worked for you because you had such large stores of fat to be used to make up that energy deficit. There is a reason those types of programs are only used UNDER CARE OF LICENSED PHYSICIANS! They are dangerous if not done correctly. She is at the end of her journey and that is why the 800 calories isn't working. She has no more reserve left to make up the difference. Plus what she's giving her body (it would seem from other posts, as I haven't personally looked through her diary) is not all that nutritious. It's ok to have those things now and then but they shouldn't make up the bulk of your intake and that is where a lot of people go wrong. I see so many people losing weight but still eating out at restaurants more often than not or eating frozen meals and all kinds of processed super high sodium crap. Buy in bulk, learn how to cook and make yourself your own, nutritious, low sodium frozen meals once a week or once a month. You will save money, cater to your own tastes and feed your body so much better. You may be thinner but you're not healthy and that's the other half of this equation. This is a lifestyle change not a diet you do temporarily.

    ETA: sorry, I post as I go along and this went out before I got to page 3 and read all the rebuttles.