looking for new friends as I re-focus

Gained 20 lbs while my mom was sick all last year. going to Florida in 2 months. Want to lose at least 15 by then. Looking for supporters! still fit, but have a layer of fat. ;-(


  • hello!!! sorry to here about your mom. :( i know its hard to feel good about yourself when we live in a society that pushes "the perfect image." but all thats important is being healthy and being happy and comfortable in your own skin!!

    after 2 kids i had extra weight. i have been literally walking my but off the past few months!!

    one thing that might help keep you motivated is omron or fitbit. they both have pedometers that have a reward system that goes through higi. fitbit also has a wifi scale that gives you points as well. it makes your health journey exciting!! im currently trying to win a one thousand dollar visa gift card... just for walking!! you get points for your steps and for checking into a higi station. its got me motivated to walk longer and more often.