P90X starting the 2nd of May

Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise

So I have finally decided to do it and start P90X. I was reading about it and looking at it for about 1 year now but was intimidated by it. Now I will just give it my best shot! I might not be able to do it brilliantly but I will give it a go!

I am really hoping to find some other people that have recently started or will start to keep motivated. It just helps me to check in with others!

So please feel free to join in!



  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    I'm starting a round tomorrow as well. Cheers!
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    Hi Daisy! That is great...congrats on starting the program . I am on week three of phase two of the classic program. Don't worry about doing it "brilliantly". As long as you keep pressing play and like Tony says, "Do your best and forget the rest"! If you stick with it, you'll get results. If you have to modify some of the exercises, then absolutely do it. As time goes on, you will start to notice that you will get stronger and you will be able to stop using the modifications.

    I am excited for you!! Good luck with your program and...

    BRING IT!!!!
  • Jaaynine
    Jaaynine Posts: 3
    I didn’t do the P90X but I gotten the Insanity set of DVD’s both are from the same group and I can tell you both my husband and I could see a huge difference. We had stop doing it but are going to start back up. We had both hit a wall on dropping weight and inches but after we started the Insanity workouts we started seeing a difference fast.
    Get someone to take a picture of a front and side views of yourself before and then do it again in another 4 weeks and you will really see a difference.
    Good Luck it is slow starting out and you might feel a bit sore but it is well worth it.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I started mine on Tuesday and plan on doing it 4-5 times a week along with gym twice a week. Legs and back today :)
    I'm enjoying what I've done so far of it, as long as you keep pressing play you'll be able to do it, even if you have to modify certain exercises at the beginning :)
  • admmommy
    admmommy Posts: 143 Member
    I have it as well and was doing the classic version and then stopped because of time constraints with family and etc, etc,etc....However, last week I found out that there is another version that you can follow the 'lean' version which is ultimately doing the same DVDs just in a different order. I have been tempted to start again and maybe I will!!! Bring IT! Right? lol good luck to all who have started and are working hard at it and good luck to all who are starting soon. Those of you on the fence of whether or not to do it, just do it. What could you possibly lose? Inches and pounds thats what!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I am too far into Phase 3 of Lean (heading into week 11) and plan on starting a new round of Classic way after you start (June 6th), but I will offer my support and advice...

    1. Don't expect to be an all-star. You will NOT keep up with Tony and his crew starting out.
    2. The "pause" button on your DVD remote is your friend. Use it to allow you to take your time on a set of reps or to take a slightly longer break between sets.
    3. Modify, if you can't do a full move, but you owe it to yourself to try the normal or harder moves first on every session. You will suprise yourself when you can actually do a few (especially on pull ups and pushups)
    4. Do not discount the nutrition plan...it is a integral part of getting results. At the very least, change your MFP macronutrients to match the percentages laid out in whatever nutritional phase you should be in.
    5. Feel free to mix around the workouts during the week as long as you follow a simple rule of avoiding back to back strength and conditioning days.
    6. Take advantage of the Yoga-X and X-Stretch routines. Many people sub out or just take a rest day for those days, but you will recover from earlier workouts sooner and will be more prepared for what comes next if you do Yoga-X and X-Stretch. They are an integral part of the program.
    7. Drink a recovery drink after EVERY P90X workout with the possible exception of X-Stretch. You will not be as sore the next day and will survive the first couple of weeks.
    8. You will be very sore the first couple of weeks regardless, but it does get easier (not easy, but easier).

    I am in the best shape of my life right now due to P90X. It is the single best thing I have done for myself physically. As long as you BRING IT!, KEEP PUSHING PLAY!, and DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST! you will be fine and will see AWESOME results!

    Feel free to friend me...I love keeping up with fellow P90Xers no matter where they are in the program.

    Take care,
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement!! That's great!

    I am getting excited but also a bit nervous about starting :-)

    I do look forward to it though!

    And to everyone who has just started or will start soon please come back and let us share the experience!

    All the best!

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    I'm really looking forward to this. I've done three rounds already (two Classic, one Lean), but my last one was about a year ago, when I reached my goal weight. I've maintained my weight since then doing mostly Slim in 6 and Slim Series workouts, which give my legs better results than P90X but don't do as much for my upper body. My goals now are to keep active and maintain the results I've achieved and maybe do a little tweaking and fine-tuning here and there. And knowing I'll be working out six days a week for the rest of my life, God willing, it needs to be enjoyable and not too monotonous. :smile: So I'm going to do a five-week phase of P90X modeled after the Lean version, then alternate with a five-week phase of Slim in 6/Slim Series/Yoga Booty Ballet. Lather, rinse repeat. I don't know how long I'll do this rotation, but it feels like the right thing to do right now, and I already have all the tools and experience to do it.

    Best of luck to all of you!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Wow Jill I am impressed! How hard was P90X for you first time around? Did you find it overwhelming or doable? If that makes sense?

    I have done Slim in 6 and really liked it! I got good results with it too! I am hoping to tone my legs with P90X too.....

    I will go for the Classic version too! I will check in tomorrow after I am done! So excited!

  • esisco
    esisco Posts: 9 Member
    I've been planning on starting P90X (classic version) in May as well. Wasn't sure if I was going to start tomorrow or on the ninth but I think I'll just go ahead and get it started. Feel free to friend me for mutual support.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    Wow Jill I am impressed! How hard was P90X for you first time around? Did you find it overwhelming or doable? If that makes sense?

    I have done Slim in 6 and really liked it! I got good results with it too! I am hoping to tone my legs with P90X too.....

    I will go for the Classic version too! I will check in tomorrow after I am done! So excited!

    Honestly, it wasn't as hard as I was expecting it to be, but that doesn't mean it wasn't challenging. I think how hard or easy it is varies widely on each person's strengths and weaknesses. Most of my working out prior to that had been lifting weights and a smidge of cardio, so in many ways, Slim in 6 was harder for me than P90X. Just give each workout a shot, and know that even if some parts seem impossible at first, you will get better. Sometimes what you hate in the beginning ends up being what you love in the end, so give it all a try. That said, once you've got a really good feel for the program, I don't see any problem with customizing it and not necessarily using all of the workouts. Just give it your best shot, and try to have fun doing it. That can make all the difference in the world! It's gonna hurt so good. :bigsmile:
  • alucas11
    alucas11 Posts: 19
    Hi i'm on day 6 of p90x, (classic version), I am new to the system and its my first round, I'm enjoying it so far but have been sore this week, I'm hoping my strength will increase and hoping to see big results..feel free to friend me for support, BRING IT!!!
  • if i have the guts to, i will put my first p90x dvd in tomorrow...or i might continue jillian. i will report if i do p90x :)
  • sctb
    sctb Posts: 2

    I will be starting week 4 of P90x on May 2nd. It has been tough be I'm glad I'm getting some exercise in...I haven't seen a lot of measurement tape or weight changes which has been surprising and to be honest a bit discouraging. My doctor recommended this site so I can track what I am eating and get a better picture of why my results are not better. This has been an awesome website! The only thing I wish is it had the P90X exercise routines listed and the number of calories per routine, (i.e, Chest & Arms, Ab Ripper X, Legs & Back, Kempo, Stretch, etc..). If any one is using the existing database of exercises for each of the routines please let me know what you're selecting. I used 75 min for the P90X Yoga and 1hr of Strenght training for Chest & Arms. WOULD LOVE SOME FEEDBACK.
  • KConner000
    KConner000 Posts: 1
    I will be starting my first week of P90X on May 2nd as well, and I would like to join the blog. However, I am not new to the P90X system, I fell off my wagon in week 6 because of my classes. I hope that having so many supporters will keep me from falling off the wagon again!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    So day 1 of P90X is done!!! Hurray! I am so happy! It was Chest&Back and I have to say I enjoyed it. Of course I can't compete with the guys on the DVD but I didn't expect that!
    I am doing the push-ups on my knees but I got fairly good numbers in and was really pushing myself in the 2nd round. I am so proud that I have finally started! I am determined to stick with it and hope to find people here to keep me accountable :smile:

    Tomorrow it is Plyometrics bit nervous about that one!!

    I could not do the AbRipperX that well. My lower back is pretty weak and the exercises were uncomfortable and I couldn't really give my all due to that. I will for now substitute that one with another Beachbody ab routine...I have a few others.

    And again hello to everyone here! How did it everyone's day go? Hope to hear from you!

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    I'm doing a hybrid of the Lean version, so today was Core Synergistics for me. I just finished. I love that workout!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    So day 1 of P90X is done!!! Hurray! I am so happy! It was Chest&Back and I have to say I enjoyed it. Of course I can't compete with the guys on the DVD but I didn't expect that!
    I am doing the push-ups on my knees but I got fairly good numbers in and was really pushing myself in the 2nd round. I am so proud that I have finally started! I am determined to stick with it and hope to find people here to keep me accountable :smile:

    Tomorrow it is Plyometrics bit nervous about that one!!

    I could not do the AbRipperX that well. My lower back is pretty weak and the exercises were uncomfortable and I couldn't really give my all due to that. I will for now substitute that one with another Beachbody ab routine...I have a few others.

    And again hello to everyone here! How did it everyone's day go? Hope to hear from you!


    I also did Chest and Back today. I am on Week 1 of Phase 3... kind of... fell off the wagon in Phase 2 due to vacation, but now I am back strong and would love some P90X support!!!

    Don't feel bad about not being good at the Ab ripper X... I am terrible! I really don't even try to keep up with Tony and the crew, I try to do 15 of each move or 20. It is still a great Ab workout!!!

    Ok I have to warn you that I think Tuesday is the worst. Plyo kicks my butt every time, but I have noticed significant improvements! I think the important thing is just to keep moving. If I am exhausted I just power walk around my house or something like that. Anyways good luck and feel free to add me as a friend for P90X support. I will try my best!
  • winterkj
    winterkj Posts: 4 Member
    Daisy - great job getting started today. Don't worry about trying to keep up with anybody, just do your best and forget the rest. You will be amazed at the progress you have in just one week. I remember my first time around, it was so much fun to just do one more rep the next week. Plyometrics is just like all of the dvds - just do what you can and try to improve next week.

    My first big tip for anybody starting P90X for the first time is to do the YOGA dvd every week. Do not skip it or replace it with something else. So many people do this and then question why they don't have great results. The yoga is a huge part of strengthening and slimming your mid section. I did switch yoga and kenpo days, so that I could do yoga on Saturday and not have to get up quite so early before work.

    Big tip #2 - follow the nutritional plan. Eating right is just as important as the workouts. Make sure you are eating enough protein to help your body build lean muscle. The more lean muscle you have the more calories your body will burn.

    Good luck the rest of the week and post here daily for accountability.

  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    You'll be so glad you started this program when you finished. I look 1:30 MPM off my 10K time just from P90X. I just completed Insanity, which lowered my body fat % even more. I've not lost any weight on these programs, but am probably where I need to be already.

    I started a P90X/P90X Plus/Insanity Hybird program today, as well as kicked up my running for a 1/2 marathon. I really missed the strength workouts in P90X that Insanity didn't have. And liked the intense workouts on Cardio that P90X doesn't have. So the best of all worlds.

    Good Luck to you!! Enjoy your next 90 days.
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