Cambridge Diet

Hi everyone! I am 5 ft 6 and weigh 14st 2lbs. My goal is to be 10st. Ive recently decided to start the Cambridge diet to jump start my weightloss. I am currently on day 3 and havent lost anything yet. Im on the ss+ plan. I have also been experiencing horrendous headaches. Has anyone else experienced this? I really want to stick with it as I know people who have had amazing results but I just need some encouragement to get through this first week until I get into ketosis.


  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    is this a VLC diet? (im not going to bother looking it up)

    so far it sounds like all it's "jump starting" is the ill effects from a crash diet.

    this is typically how these things deprive your body of what it needs, then you lose some water weight, then you go back to eating normally, then you wonder why youre not losing.

    why not just calculate a healthy caloric deficit for steady sustainable weight loss?

    ETA: i understand you want encouragement, but these plans often lead to failure so you likely wont get much encouragement for this.
  • Kidsrn23
    Kidsrn23 Posts: 45 Member
    After investigating this "diet" I must say that as a health care professional this is not a healthy diet plan. It is too low calorie and can cause damage to your body in the long run. I suggest you see your doctor and a nutritionist for a healthy diet plan.

    There is no way to "jump start " weight loss. Calories in vs. calories out is what causes weight loss.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    is this a VLC diet? (im not going to bother looking it up)

    so far it sounds like all it's "jump starting" is the ill effects from a crash diet.

    this is typically how these things deprive your body of what it needs, then you lose some water weight, then you go back to eating normally, then you wonder why youre not losing.

    why not just calculate a healthy caloric deficit for steady sustainable weight loss?

    ETA: i understand you want encouragement, but these plans often lead to failure so you likely wont get much encouragement for this.

    Yeah. It's VLCD. Like 640kcal/day or less. OP--no wonder you are feeling very ill with headaches. It's NOT enough nutrition for even a toddler. Please reconsider. There's nothing to "jump start." Eat at a moderate (500 calorie) daily deficit, log your foods accurately (use a food scale), and be patient. The weight didn't come on you in a week, and it takes time to lose it to keep it off for good.
  • melgmfp
    melgmfp Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone. I understand that its not healthy but my problem is I dont stick to diets when I have so much to lose and it takes so long to come off. You are only allowed to do this step for 12 weeks then you have to increase. I only want to do it for a month and then follow ww or something. I need to follow a plan to lose weight and have the pressures of weigh ins with someone or I tend to stray!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    is this a VLC diet? (im not going to bother looking it up)

    Yep - VVLC and meal replacement to boot.

    OP: Everyone I've known that did this diet regained the weight once they started eating 'normal' food again.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Hi everyone. I understand that its not healthy but my problem is I dont stick to diets when I have so much to lose and it takes so long to come off. You are only allowed to do this step for 12 weeks then you have to increase. I only want to do it for a month and then follow ww or something. I need to follow a plan to lose weight and have the pressures of weigh ins with someone or I tend to stray!

    Of course you can't "stick to diets." Diets that are overly restrictive only lead to failure when we can't (because, we're human) abide by the rigidity involved. Respectfully, I will tell you to STOP the self-destructive idea that your weight has to come off quickly. Your body is already telling you that your 640kcal/day diet is unhealthy. How do you think a month or longer of this is going to make you feel?

    I encourage you to read the initial post in this thread:

    It contains a plethora of info and guidance from those that have successfully lost and maintained a significant weight loss. Find others on here (even if you just "lurk" or "creep" their profiles and food diaries) that have big weight loss tickers and have kept off the weight.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Hi everyone. I understand that its not healthy

    soooooo dont do it.
    I dont stick to diets when I have so much to lose and it takes so long to come off.

    patience and consistency are the keys to success in this process.
    once you start to see some loss, you should be motivated enough by it to stick with it.
    won't it be more discouraging when you see weight come off with this unhealthy plan then go back to eating normally and possibly GAIN?

    in addition to the great link up there, check out this one:'re+new+here

    hope you decide to go about this in healthier and more sustainable way.
  • melgmfp
    melgmfp Posts: 7 Member
    If you know about the cambridge diet you dont just go back to eating normally straight away. I know a number of people who have successfully kept their weight of with this. Anyway like I said I was only doing for a short while to get a bulk of my weight off then I was going to follow a more conventional weight loss plan.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    If you know about the cambridge diet you dont just go back to eating normally straight away. I know a number of people who have successfully kept their weight of with this. Anyway like I said I was only doing for a short while to get a bulk of my weight off then I was going to follow a more conventional weight loss plan.


    good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    If your looking for a product that will aid your weightloss (but not a meal replacement) then please get in touch. The product I deal with is 100% natural and you still get your RDA of cals, protein, nutrients etc.
    Best weightloss thing around and it has over 32 Gold Standard Scientific studies carried out on it, proving it to be the best product on the market.
    It is also not a fad diet like the cambridge diet or herbalife etc as it has been around for over 40 years.

    Get in touch with me if you are interested.

    soliciting on this web site is against the terms of service.

    your post has been reported.

    people, don't contact this salesperson.

    salesperson, GTFO.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    If your looking for a product that will aid your weightloss (but not a meal replacement) then please get in touch. The product I deal with is 100% natural and you still get your RDA of cals, protein, nutrients etc.
    Best weightloss thing around and it has over 32 Gold Standard Scientific studies carried out on it, proving it to be the best product on the market.
    It is also not a fad diet like the cambridge diet or herbalife etc as it has been around for over 40 years.

    Get in touch with me if you are interested.

    soliciting on this web site is against the terms of service.

    your post has been reported.

    people, don't contact this salesperson.

    salesperson, GTFO.

  • roxywho42
    roxywho42 Posts: 165 Member
    If your looking for a product that will aid your weightloss (but not a meal replacement) then please get in touch. The product I deal with is 100% natural and you still get your RDA of cals, protein, nutrients etc.
    Best weightloss thing around and it has over 32 Gold Standard Scientific studies carried out on it, proving it to be the best product on the market.
    It is also not a fad diet like the cambridge diet or herbalife etc as it has been around for over 40 years.

    Get in touch with me if you are interested.

    And reported again.

    OP, if you don't want our advice then why ask for it?
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    Hi everyone. I understand that its not healthy but my problem is I dont stick to diets when I have so much to lose and it takes so long to come off. You are only allowed to do this step for 12 weeks then you have to increase. I only want to do it for a month and then follow ww or something. I need to follow a plan to lose weight and have the pressures of weigh ins with someone or I tend to stray!

    Well, there's your problem. You have to be committed. But, it;s not really about finding a "diet" that works, it's about changing how you view food. Logging calorie intake isn't a diet, it's about eating sensibly and staying within your limits. If you can't wrap your head around that, then you're just not ready to make the changes in your life you need to.

    Another reason you probably have a hard time sticking with a plan, is because you likely gravitate towards the VLCD stuff, as mentioned in this post. You're setting yourself up for failure from the beginning.

    I'd suggest taking a step back, logging EVERYTHING you eat for a week just to see what you're working with currently, and then dropping your alloted calories a little bit at a time until you adjust properly. That's what worked for me. Stop thinking about weight loss as a chore or a diet, and think about the healthy way of life you want to have instead.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    If your looking for a product that will aid your weightloss (but not a meal replacement) then please get in touch. The product I deal with is 100% natural and you still get your RDA of cals, protein, nutrients etc.
    Best weightloss thing around and it has over 32 Gold Standard Scientific studies carried out on it, proving it to be the best product on the market.
    It is also not a fad diet like the cambridge diet or herbalife etc as it has been around for over 40 years.

    Get in touch with me if you are interested.

    And reported again.

    OP, if you don't want our advice then why ask for it?

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    If your looking for a product that will aid your weightloss (but not a meal replacement) then please get in touch. The product I deal with is 100% natural and you still get your RDA of cals, protein, nutrients etc.
    Best weightloss thing around and it has over 32 Gold Standard Scientific studies carried out on it, proving it to be the best product on the market.
    It is also not a fad diet like the cambridge diet or herbalife etc as it has been around for over 40 years.

    Get in touch with me if you are interested.

    0 lost, 52 lbs to go, pimping weight loss products... reported.
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    I am on the Cambridge too.. are you still doing it?
    I have PCOS and endocrinologists are suggesting Cambridge for people with PCOS...
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I've done the Cambridge.

    Waste of time, money, emotions and health.
  • krupskaya
    krupskaya Posts: 24 Member
    There are lots of problems with the Cambridge diet. You lose weight so quickly due to the drastically low calories you take in that you lose large amounts of lean muscle tissue too. This means that once you stop the diet you find yourself skinny fat and more prone to putting on fat as you don't have as much lean muscle tissue burning up the calories. There are also psychological issues. You feel so deprived when you're on the diet that when you come off you go mad binging to compensate. Thus you end up at square one, or even worse - fatter than when you started. The net is awash with once successful Cambridge dieters who enrol on the plan time and time again because they keep putting back on the weight on they lose.
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Are you in the UK? I keep seeing advertorial for this in Daily Mail online- there was one only yesterday. That poor woman will gain it all back. The only way to lose is is eat less using MFP to log calories of preferably REAL food and move more. No excuse about not being able to get to gym etc or out in ad weather You can do a Leslie Sansone walking for health video every night - see on you tube. I listened to people on here (shadowfender is right) and thats how I did it. You have to want a whole new lifestyle not a quick fix/start- waste of money
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    If the aim is to feel crappy for a few weeks then put any weight lost back on this sounds like an excellent idea. If the aim is to lose weight in a healthy sustainable way then eat at a sensible deficit. I assume you didn't put all the weight on in a few weeks so you shouldn't expect to lose it as quickly.