Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome



  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
  • dstsur5or
    dstsur5or Posts: 30 Member
    I have PCOS and when diagnosed I decided against the medicine and tried a more natural outlook. The first time I tried losing weight I did Weight Watchers and plenty of cardio (lost 43lbs). Now that I am using MFP I've looked more into measurements than the scale. I have taken fried foods out of my diet, I no longer cook with pork or beef (I stick to turkey, chicken, and fish). In addition I have taken a lot of sugar out of my diet and try to eat as natural as possible. For example instead of buying an instant maple brown sugar oatmeal; I take plain oatmeal, smash a banana into it and had blueberries. I eat a lot of whole wheat breads, brown rice, and whole wheat pastas instead of the regular stuff. The biggest thing I can recommend is to not give up! Everyone is different and has to find the healthiest way that works for them. Good Luck!
  • YolondaNicole
    Do you mind if I ask what birth control you are on?

    not at all my friend... i am on the generic version of Yaz.. its called Gianvi

    I was on the BC called Ocella and had a massive pulmonary embolism. Blood clots are the risk you take when on birth control so be careful and watch out for leg pain/swelling, shortness of breath. My symptoms came along and the doctors believe that i survived because I work in a hospital and was able to get prompt treatment. Now, I'm off the birth control and have to take blood thinners for a year. My PCOS symptoms did not improve much but it did get my hormone levels back in control. Now, I just take a multivitamin, and 500mg of Meformin twice daily. My nutritionist put me on a 1600 cal diet with no more than 150 of carbs. I lost 10 pounds in a month, but now with the blood clot, I have not exercised in 2 weeks, so I may have a setback. Good luck ladies and I hope you all don't have to go through what I did with birth control for PCOS.
  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    Hi I have beaten this women issue! I did get pregnant with clomid medication. Becareful this condition makes you suseptible to diabetes. My PCOS got so bad and ended with endometriosis on my ovarys. I can relate to all you women dealing with this! Friend me!
  • JenInAustin
    JenInAustin Posts: 53 Member
    Okay, so I turn into a seriously grumpy, *****y woman when I cut down my sugars and carbs. I mean, it can just be me eating what a healthy person would eat - in no way starving myself - but not eating much carbs/sugars and whammo; I am CrankyJen. I thought this was a PCOS thing but maybe not?
  • damorzacon
    damorzacon Posts: 124 Member
    My wife has PCOS and she's lost 98 pounds in 11 months. I wouldn't really say she's watching her carbs other than we've cut out all refined carbs (exchanged white rice for brown, wheat bread, using splenda, etc)

    It's not an impossible hurdle to get over, it just takes some work. :smile: Good luck!