Restarting due to Law school Stress, Looking for friends!

demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
I don't like to say restarting because I never just said forget my diet and ate whatever I wanted but nonetheless due to law school(they give out so much free food! breakfast, lunch dinner and snacks, being too busy to plan meals and stress eating) I have gained some weight back and started neglecting MFP. I'm looking for new friends because while I cheerlead others on and try to motivate it seems that my current friends don't reciprocate. I was gone for three months and silence was on my page while on the other hand if you're gone for a week I'll check in on you. Plus my feed is just eerily quiet. So please add me, I'm not looking for a "personal cheerleader" because as we all know motivation and commitment starts and ends with ourselves, but merely friends who understand the battle. 115lbs down and 85lbs to go!


  • amac1072
    amac1072 Posts: 11 Member
    I probably don't understand your whole battle--115??? DANG!--but I'll be your "accountability buddy." ;) I do kinda get it, though--I just finished up my elementary ed post-BA certification program--2 1/2 years of hell, don't ever think teaching is an easy job! All the stress and bad eating and not exercising (I'm not a morning person and by the time I get home, all I want to do is crash) led me to gain back 15+ pounds of the 60 I lost in 2009 and kept off for more than 2 years. I'm looking at a small amount of poundage, but I'm 42 and have a family history of diabetes. And I just hate the way I feel and I can't afford a new wardrobe every time something gets too tight!
  • Rawan_29
    Rawan_29 Posts: 5 Member
    I am exactly in the same boat! I would motivate you on your journey and I am looking for mutual support! Feel free to add me :) I am a PhD student, I work in research plus I have three kids.. I have about 60 pounds to loose and just started logging faithfully a few days ago!
  • 1moretimetho
    1moretimetho Posts: 33 Member
    Sending a request to you. I erased my old profile and just started this new one. Turning a new leaf kind of thing. I want to lose 30 lbs.
  • Hi there!
    I lost 32 lbs about 15 years ago, and have gained about 17 back since Feb 2014. Really PO's at myself right now.
    We've had a move cross-country, job changes, etc. and unfortunately, my food habits have gone downhill again.
    I've been working out regularly, but I started with a personal trainer last night and she mentioned this site.
    I could use someone to "push" me or remind me to keep logging....

    Keep up the good work everyone!

  • Danniel76
    Danniel76 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been in the same boat. I had lost 35lb back in 2010 and then went on to finish my undergraduate school in social work. All the food and siting did not help. I did fight the weight during school ad lost about 10 pounds by the time I graduated with me BSW. The problem set in with the stress of a social worker. I worked in Child Welfare and that did not help me from the stress eating. I have recently went through a strong doctor regimented weight loss program that enabled me to loose 35 pounds again since this summer. I had used the tools on myfitnesspal to help track my calories in recipes.

    Now I am on my own and back on this sight and looking for friends myself. I thrive on support and success stories. So I would e happy to be one of your friends on here. I am trying to lose the last half of my weight loss before I go back for my master's next year. My health was the catalyst that forced my butt into gear.
    Good luck in Law school.
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    thanks everyone! I know we can do this lets get started so our new years resolution is just a commitment to keep going :)
  • rdrouin1970
    rdrouin1970 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to MFP and would really like to see a lively newsfeed full of friends and inspiration. My "baby" is 21/2 and it's time to lose the baby weight. Let's motivate each other! Feel free to add me.