Fabulous Forty-something looking for company on the journey

Hi - I am coming back to MFP after a pretty long break. I loved using this the first time and am looking forward to getting back in the habit of paying attention. I am, obviously, overweight but have come to accept my shape and my fitness and am so much happier than when I began almost 2 years ago. I have maintained my modest loss of about 20 lbs and would now like to take off another 20 or so. Looking for friends who love real food, are committed to nutrition, exercise but maintain balance and joy in their lives.


  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :) Welcome back!
  • justtodayjen333
    justtodayjen333 Posts: 142 Member
    Awesome that you maintained your weight loss! You are doing it! I too am trying to focus on whole foods too. Doing it all with three kids is sometimes hard, but I know it's for them too. Good luck as you keep going!
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hello! I am a fellow foodie! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • KerryHalter
    KerryHalter Posts: 24 Member
    Good Morning! I'm a closer-to-50-than-40 getting back on track after several years of slacking. Tired of looking on in my closet and knowing half of what's in there doesn't fit! I haven't filled in my profile page yet as I just started this account about 30 min. ago. Many years ago I was a member of the Beach Body message boards and found the accountability and camaraderie was incredibly motivating. I made lasting friendships there. I am a total foodie AND a fitness and nutrition nut at heart (just can't tell by looking at me right now ;)

    I'm new to navigating these message boards. Is this where the group conversation continues or after introductions do you move to somewhere else?

    Have to run now to do my workout! I'll check back later and see if I can navigate better.

  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    I'm also a 40-something mom who is trying to lose 30 pounds. I've recently discovered the power of having active, positive, like-minded friends on MFP. Feel free to add me.
  • Good Morning i am also new to my fitness pal.I also am tired of looking in my closet at all my clothes realizing they don't fit.I also am new just joined last night.
  • KerryHalter
    KerryHalter Posts: 24 Member
    Updated my profile. Am sending friend requests. Trying to figure out how to pin this conversation somewhere so that I don't have to keep coming back and scrolling to find it. Anybody know how?
  • mcdowellmay
    mcdowellmay Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I am in my late 40's. I have to work hard at portion control and exercise, and as a working mom, I also believe in balance.
  • KerryHalter
    KerryHalter Posts: 24 Member
    Awesome! Thanks, I'll add you right now :)
  • bhinoj
    bhinoj Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me and that goes for anyone else looking for accountability, motivation and a glimpse into how others are doing it.
  • stormydaze_02
    stormydaze_02 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi, I'm 44 from Melbourne, Australia. Have fallen off the bandwagon more times than I care to remember so could also use a buddy on the journey.

    Well done to you for keeping the 20lbs off!!
  • Hello, heading towards fifty here with my aim to be fitter at fifty than I was at forty, the pounds seem to go on easier and easier and taking them back off harder and harder!
    Please add me to your friends, this is a marathon for me and not a sprint not expecting any quick fixes...
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    Hello, heading towards fifty here with my aim to be fitter at fifty than I was at forty, the pounds seem to go on easier and easier and taking them back off harder and harder!
    Please add me to your friends, this is a marathon for me and not a sprint not expecting any quick fixes...

    Hi, I'm new here too, just joined a week ago. I'm 47 and I don't know what exactly motivated me to want to lose the weight, but I think it was a combination of looking at pictures of myself from this past year and being shocked at how fat I've become. Congratulations on keeping the weight off! Feel free to add me.
  • Feel free to add.
  • natashajf
    natashajf Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I just turned 42, living in Melbourne Australia and new to My Fitness Pal. 5 years ago I had lost a reasonable amount of weight and was happy and healthy in life. Not sure how it happened but in those 5 years I have put it all back on plus some. So last week I hit a breaking point in life and realised I had to get the weight off again. I'm hoping MFP, members in the forum can help me achieve that along with family and friends (although none of them are overweight so they don't really understand)

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • doeharris74
    doeharris74 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't know how to pin but I'm back here after a break due to some health issues. I have 12 days strong :D Feel free to add me a friend too and we can check-in on each other ;) I'm 41 but plan to make my 40's healthier than my 30's!!!
  • Maycatt
    Maycatt Posts: 6 Member
    In my late 40's also and been on MFP for 3 months and lost 15 pounds. Looking for friends also for motivation. You can add me.
  • KathySRW
    KathySRW Posts: 21 Member
    I just turned 50. Just lost 10 pounds, now going for another 10. Then I want to stop. And I have also just sent you an add request.
  • im 43 looking for support and accountability...i sent u a friend request
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    I am 47 and have been on MFP for awhile now. I have been maintaining my weight for the last month or so but want to start loosing again. I will have to get serious again in the new year as it is somewhat difficult at this time of year.

    I will send a friend request. You can add me if you want to.