How often do you weigh yourself?



  • mbcaldwell123
    mbcaldwell123 Posts: 79 Member
  • MamaP47
    MamaP47 Posts: 94 Member
    Probably too much. Kinda neurotic but I like to see the fluctuations throughout the day (plus I'm bored). But I'm the morning I only hop on the scare after I use the restroom in my undies (and before my morning protein shake). I only record when there is a drop. But to keep me motivated I stare at myself in the mirror and admire the more toned body I see (my little morning pep talk).
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    I try to weigh myself daily so that I can have a cool looking chart when I'm finished, I take measurements every 2-4 weeks.
    Always in the morning after I go to the toilet.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Once a week; measure every two weeks; photo once a month.
  • gle8442
    gle8442 Posts: 126 Member
    Every day, but I use to keep myself from over-thinking it. And I take my measurements (waist and hips) every week.
  • DvrDawg
    DvrDawg Posts: 88 Member
    Daily -but, I only log it every monday. Weekends are a challenge. So, I use the impending Monday weigh-in to help keep me strong over the weekend when I am more likely to cheat. (I cheat on Friday and then recover over the weekend).
  • reggia09
    reggia09 Posts: 10 Member
    Twice a day -- first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. (The night weigh-in gives me a clue about what to expect int he morning).
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Every two weeks or so, lol. The doctor does it for me :p
  • I weigh myself multiple times a day. I only log it the 15th of each month though.
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    Once a I really don't have a set schedule......but I typically do, the morning after a good bowel movement......sorry for But you asked ;)

    Always in the morning though......and unclothed.....before I shower......but after urination ;)

    Sometimes I'll weighh every other week.....if I don't feel like I've "lost" lol.....I call it a cheat.....but I push myself further the next week then haha
  • LSD09
    LSD09 Posts: 3
    First thing in morning. Monday-Friday. I don't weight myself too much on weekend. My whole system is off. :\
  • TanLinesNTailgates2
    TanLinesNTailgates2 Posts: 1,528 Member
    Every morning but I only count it once a week on Monday mornings
  • once or twice a month usually
  • creepyer
    creepyer Posts: 16 Member
    I try for once a week or less. it's better for my mental.
  • cantumelia
    cantumelia Posts: 59 Member
    Never. I never weight myself. I used to be anorexic when I was younger and have a phobia of scales. I´m afraid that weghting myself could make me relapse or get depressed. I measure my progress by measuring my waist and hips.
  • stopdropandlose
    stopdropandlose Posts: 162 Member
    Every Friday, naked and after I've gone to the bathroom.
  • M4rni3
    M4rni3 Posts: 8 Member
    Every single day, first thing in the morning :p
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I weigh myself every day but I have a 5-10 lb fluctuation every week even though I pretty much always eat the same things. I don't really put too much stock in the scale. I rely more on BF testing and how my clothes fit. I have a lot of muscle (I'm a powerlifter) so my BMI says I'm overweight, but my BF tests say I'm in the optimal range for a woman of my I don't let the scale tell me much about myself. It's more of a habit than anything.
  • rererangi03
    rererangi03 Posts: 27 Member
    edited November 2014
    Thursday weekly - every 10 days - and 30th or 31st of the month, and always first thing after morning pee
  • I weigh myself every Sunday morning before I eat or drink anything, and after using the bathroom. I weigh myself without clothing. During the week I may weigh myself just to see how I'm doing. But I try to avoid doing that.
  • Winterlover123
    Winterlover123 Posts: 352 Member
    Every two weeks on the Sunday after the bathroom, without clothing for most accurate results for me :)
  • Daily. Obviously, it fluctuates, but if I see it creeping up, time to start hitting it hard again.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited November 2014
    Every day in the morning, first thing.
    Same. Weight varies so much day-to-day that I like to average it once a week for accuracy. If I just weigh myself once a week, I don't know if it's an uptick, a downtick or average.

  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Daily after i wake up and gone to the bathroom. If there is a loss then i log and move on and if not then i don't log and move on.
    Below is the chart of my logs since starting my WOE.

  • digistyle
    digistyle Posts: 40 Member
    edited November 2014
    Once or twice a month, usually on a Saturday, after my workout. A little more if I'm doing a personal challenge. I started focusing more on the inches and less on the pounds. Took a bunch of stress away.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Every day in the morning, first thing.
    This!! ^^^^
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Completely random. I'll go for a week without weighing and then the next week I'll find myself weighing morning and lunch (there's a scale at the gym. I know, I know, stick to one scale).

    BUT I only record my weight on MFP if 1) it's a new low (I hate getting "congrats" over and over for the same pound I seem to lose) or 2) if I've consistently been at least 5lbs over for say... a coupe of months.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    I went from weighing myself everyday to twice a week to just not doing it at all for the time being. I was getting a little obsessive. I think I'll do it once every two weeks.
  • I weigh myself once a week. Every Monday before I get ready for work. It's the same time, same day and it's been working! Good Luck on your journey!!!

  • RHPSgirl1984
    RHPSgirl1984 Posts: 436 Member
    Beginning of the week, in the morning.
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