HELP: Need advice on foods that fill you up for longer, and how to curb eating late at night!



  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I love a cup of greek nonfat yogurt with high protein granola and fruit if I have the extra calories to burn. It's like eating dessert and fills me up for quite some time.
  • amf0324
    amf0324 Posts: 46 Member
    Maximize protein, fiber, and to an extent, fat. Minimize carbs, which do fuel your body but too quickly... they end up leaving you hungry.

    Also keep a few "flavor heavy" items around the house for your snacky moments. Like pickled things...

    Also, drink a glass of water when you feel hungry after dinner and see if that helps. If you're still hungry 20 minutes later, just get a snack. Don't get to the point that you're going to end up on a binge.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    XxCaz89xX wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Piece of meat

    Agreed.... anything protein ie. ham slices, hard boiled egg .etc.

    Basically my advice for everything.
  • Crissy_jo
    Crissy_jo Posts: 18 Member
    Protein, protein, protein. Reduce the carbs. Keep the fats at 25-30%, but your protein should be at least the same % or higher than your carbs. Should do the trick. For example breakfast, saute kale with garlic in a teaspoon of coconut oil. Add 3/4 cup egg whites and one whole egg. Top with 2 tbs of low fat feta cheese. Add in a half serving of oats if you have enough calories in your day. Keeps you full quite awhile and is quite nutritious. A small apple with 2 low fat mozz cheese sticks for a snack (200 cal) or cottage cheese and berries (I like to add a teaspoon of sugar free jello to my cottage cheese) make great snacks. Fage 0% Plain Greek yogurt with some type of sugar substitute (stevia) and lower cal fruit is also yummy. Hot tea is great this time of year with our without caffeine as suits your needs. I can't get enough of it. So many flavors.

    I also make protein bars to have on hand in the freezer. Look up recipes for Jaime Eason's pumpkin bars and lemon bars. Bake a batch and freeze them. Make great grab and go snacks, or something to eat in the evenings when you crave something on the sweeter side of things.
  • I'm also a very hungry person. If I get hungry I throw all caution to wind and binge. So for the last week I've been eating 1 protein, 1 fat and 1 carb each meal and I am totally satisfied. This means you really have to know that counts as one portion size for each. Check out my food diary if you like. I got this idea from the One One One diet by Rania Batayneh, MPH and it's really working. I started a week ago Thursday and I've lost 4.6 pounds. I think my profile says I've lost 6 but that's my overall weight loss which goes back a year. I've been here and gone several times. Hopefully I'm staying for good now!
  • LiveLoveRunFar
    LiveLoveRunFar Posts: 176 Member
    Oatmeal and tuna are very filling. I like to save about 120 calories for a square of dark chocolate at night. It satisfies the....I need a sweet snack before sleeping idea.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    This advice was given on an MFP forum post that helped me years ago: Eat more protein and whole seeds. Protein and whole seeds take a long time for the body to break down, helping us feel full, longer. Best advice I ever took. Within two weeks, I was no longer a hunger junky. High protein was better than the seeds, but both helped me. I am a donut/bread person, so eating meat was difficult. I had to supplement a protein shake. Even so, I did it and cruised to my goal.
  • I agree with many above, protein is important and helps fill you up. Cottage cheese or greek yogurt with fruit. Also set aside calories for your evening snack. Eat your favorite veggies, fruit, or sugar free jello. Make some sugar free pudding with unsweetened almond milk and add protein powder. Avoid cereal, bread and heavy carbs at night.
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    I have the same problem. When I get home in the evenings around 5, I'm fairly hungry but I make sure to drink about 16 ounces of water, which is equivalent to the average plastic bottle of water. It fills me up so I eat less. At first I thought this tip was a bunch of BS, but it's been working for me. About two or three hours later when the late night munchies hit, I reach for my water first, drink about four ounces then wait for 15 minutes to see if I am really hungry or just bored.

    I'd suggest keeping a journal of your eating triggers - do you eat in front of the tv or computer, does stress trigger eating, etc. It helped make me more aware of my "mindless eating" so I could get it under control. You can do this, I know you will have success in your journey :)
  • FitMelody4Life
    FitMelody4Life Posts: 106 Member
    I have been there with the struggle of wanting to eat everything at night! For me I like something sweet at the end of my day so I have a casein mug cake topped with almond butter and a little Walden farms pancake syrup. I also make a hot tea (usually chai) with 1/4c almond milk. The mixture of the slow digesting protein from the casein and the healthy fats from the almond butter make me feel satisfied and the tea goes well with it and takes a while to finish so I don’t feel like I want to keep eating afterwards.
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    Leave 50 calories and have a Go Ahead Biscuit just as you climb into bed - that's what I did when I started out. Other late night go-to snacks for me are PB2 (on a slice of milk roll bread), or a few nuts! xx
  • I also struggle with late night munchies, but what has helped for me is, going for homemade low calorie soups when I feel the urge to have a late night meal--soup can be very satisfying!
    I also recommend eating plenty of fiber during the day, and not skipping out on protein.
    also, drink water regularly, because hunger and thirst is often mistaken for one another.
    hope this helps! :)

  • cynthiasgarden
    cynthiasgarden Posts: 2 Member
    I had gotten into the habit of eating late at night, and it is hard to break. I'm doing a lot better now though. Everyone had good suggestions...protein/fiber will hold you longer, and water helps a lot. Apples keep blood sugar even, so it doesn't 'crash' ....I often eat an apple with a cheese stick, and maybe 10 almonds. Sometimes I just want something warm, so I'll have green tea with a teaspoon of RAW honey. The touch of sweetness is satisfying, and the hot tea helps too. And yes, be sure you actually are hungry...not just a habit, or boredom, or procrastination, or thirsty. So first drink a glass of water, and see if you still need something.
    And as I said, I've gotten much better about not craving something late at can be done! Don't give up.
  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
  • cynthiasgarden
    cynthiasgarden Posts: 2 Member
    And, if you really must have something sweet, I've found that almonds dipped in dark chocolate will satisfy me, and it doesn't take very many. Even my dr agreed that is a healthy snack, if you don't overdo it. But for me, about 5 or 6 is enough.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    And, if you really must have something sweet, I've found that almonds dipped in dark chocolate will satisfy me, and it doesn't take very many. Even my dr agreed that is a healthy snack, if you don't overdo it. But for me, about 5 or 6 is enough.

    I'm in love with dark chocolate covered hazelnuts! Hard to find and $$ though.
  • fourakes
    fourakes Posts: 7 Member
    Very Satisfying. I heard about this on the dr oz show. It has been a staple for me a couple of years now. I use all flax no almond flower. My favorite is with pumpkin pie spice. I also do one with chopped fresh spinach and feta. You can put it in a bowl instead of cup to make a hamburger bun. So many options. Garlic and cheese. cinnamon and sweetener. cream cheese and berries.