Birthday guilt



  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My birthday is coming up and I am looking at a long weekend to celebrate. Trying to plan ahead to curb the intake of calories I know I am going to be consuming. Part of my plan includes extra weight training sessions each day this weekend, and reducing the calories taken in during the day. Hopefully that will off set the copious amounts of alcohol and other yummy stuff I will be consuming. :smiley:
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I'm tempted to do a castor oil laxative to clear it all out & the then fast for the day...that's what I've done in the past...

    That seems like a terrible idea and potentially disordered thinking. You've gotten good advice here. One day eating over maintenance does not need to completely derail your progress. However, thinking that you have to overcompensate for every slip up could indeed completely derail your progress because slip ups are going to happen. Or not even slip ups. It was your birthday. You enjoyed it, right? Now get back on track but you don't need to dramatically change what you were doing up until your birthday. Your body will reset itself on its own.

  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    So what? It will take you one more week to get to your goal weight.

    Just resume your normal calorie deficit tomorrow.

    ^^ well said :) birthdays only come once a year! and Christmas too :-D

    And Thanksgiving. And Easter.

    I eat whatever the hell I want on all four of these days, and still manage to lose weight without "making up for it" by fasting or something silly like that. Just continue on as normal tomorrow. Months of progress will not be ruined by one day of indulgence every few months.
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    my birthday is today and it will be impossible to track since my work got me a cake, and then tomorrow my husbands family is having cake for me... so i'll try to eat everything else healthier and just have a piece :)
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    Hope you had a good birthday! 3500 calories certainly sounds like you did. Tomorrow is a new day. You're human, move on.


    Occasional lapses are going to happen - the key is to keep them as occasional as possible. I think your birthday qualifies as an occasion - ease up on yourself a little. :)
  • hummingbirdhope
    hummingbirdhope Posts: 101 Member
    Maybe I need to up my daily intake...before this crazy binge I was 105 eating between 1500-1700 for maintenance...either that or I just need to allow for more "treats"
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    When ever our whole family gets together we have huge, extremely delicious and fattening foods. I eat as much as I want and then some, and am not one bit guilty about it. It's a feast, I can continue my deficit later, I'm not going to miss my sisters and in-laws wonderful cooking the one or two times a year I get it!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    So what? It will take you one more week to get to your goal weight.

    Just resume your normal calorie deficit tomorrow.

    It's just food. Get back on the wagon tomorrow.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    I'm tempted to do a castor oil laxative to clear it all out & the then fast for the day...that's what I've done in the past...

    That seems like a terrible idea and potentially disordered thinking. You've gotten good advice here. One day eating over maintenance does not need to completely derail your progress. However, thinking that you have to overcompensate for every slip up could indeed completely derail your progress because slip ups are going to happen. Or not even slip ups. It was your birthday. You enjoyed it, right? Now get back on track but you don't need to dramatically change what you were doing up until your birthday. Your body will reset itself on its own.

    It IS a terrible idea and I think this is the 2nd thread by the OP on the same topic; different catagories. I'm not picking on you, OP, but I just had to comment because I've seen some very benign comments get flagged recently, yet one about using laxatives doesn't get flagged??! Doesn't make sense.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    I'm tempted to do a castor oil laxative to clear it all out & the then fast for the day...that's what I've done in the past...

    That seems like a terrible idea and potentially disordered thinking. You've gotten good advice here. One day eating over maintenance does not need to completely derail your progress. However, thinking that you have to overcompensate for every slip up could indeed completely derail your progress because slip ups are going to happen. Or not even slip ups. It was your birthday. You enjoyed it, right? Now get back on track but you don't need to dramatically change what you were doing up until your birthday. Your body will reset itself on its own.

    It IS a terrible idea and I think this is the 2nd thread by the OP on the same topic; different catagories. I'm not picking on you, OP, but I just had to comment because I've seen some very benign comments get flagged recently, yet one about using laxatives doesn't get flagged??! Doesn't make sense.

    If you didn't flag it, you're part of the problem
  • jane837
    jane837 Posts: 68 Member
    I agree with the majority of folks here -- don't worry about it, just pick right up where you left off. I have been losing and/or maintaining for almost four years, and every year I have taken my birthday "off" from tracking. It's worked out just fine. :smile:
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I'm tempted to do a castor oil laxative to clear it all out & the then fast for the day...that's what I've done in the past...

    Laxatives don't work that way. You'll just lose water weight mostly and the minute you rehydrate the scale will be back up.

    I know this from experience.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    I'm tempted to do a castor oil laxative to clear it all out & the then fast for the day...that's what I've done in the past...

    That seems like a terrible idea and potentially disordered thinking. You've gotten good advice here. One day eating over maintenance does not need to completely derail your progress. However, thinking that you have to overcompensate for every slip up could indeed completely derail your progress because slip ups are going to happen. Or not even slip ups. It was your birthday. You enjoyed it, right? Now get back on track but you don't need to dramatically change what you were doing up until your birthday. Your body will reset itself on its own.

    It IS a terrible idea and I think this is the 2nd thread by the OP on the same topic; different catagories. I'm not picking on you, OP, but I just had to comment because I've seen some very benign comments get flagged recently, yet one about using laxatives doesn't get flagged??! Doesn't make sense.

    If you didn't flag it, you're part of the problem

    No, I'm not "part of the problem". My point was that too many posts are getting flagged unnecessarily. If I don't agree with a post I just skip over it. To each their own. I don't get all this flagging stuff. Seems so elementary to me.
  • 111YoYo111
    111YoYo111 Posts: 213 Member
    allanakern wrote: »
    my birthday is today and it will be impossible to track since my work got me a cake, and then tomorrow my husbands family is having cake for me... so i'll try to eat everything else healthier and just have a piece :)

    Another Remembrance Day baby! Happy Birthday! I did the same, my staff just gave me my third piece of birthday cake in as many days. I would not dream of not eating it. Off to the gym for me.
  • hummingbirdhope
    hummingbirdhope Posts: 101 Member
    welllllllll update: after having a very low calorie day yesterday i'm down to 106.5 today... hoping i'm back down to 105 by monday
  • Flookbird
    Flookbird Posts: 81 Member
    Don't worry about it. Just don't let it become the start of slipping back into old habits. I put on 5lbs after my birthday - I enjoyed every bit of food and drink that passed my lips! A week later I was only 2lbs up. Now (5 weeks later) I'm 8lbs down! It's annoying because we work so hard to get every single one of those pounds off. But in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter as long as you get straight back on track.
  • hummingbirdhope
    hummingbirdhope Posts: 101 Member
    Flookbird wrote: »
    Don't worry about it. Just don't let it become the start of slipping back into old habits. I put on 5lbs after my birthday - I enjoyed every bit of food and drink that passed my lips! A week later I was only 2lbs up. Now (5 weeks later) I'm 8lbs down! It's annoying because we work so hard to get every single one of those pounds off. But in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter as long as you get straight back on track.

    It just seems like it takes so long to get the weight back off!
  • rererangi03
    rererangi03 Posts: 27 Member
    i had a farewell ate a gazillion then some was really good 4 days to follow and i lost 4.5kg dont give up just because you slipped up - expect you will sometimes -and do what ever it takes to get back on the wagon
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Don't worry about it. I don't count calories on my birthday or Christmas day - it's the law!

    ^^ This ^^

    The sun really does rise the next day.. :)
  • pikselinka
    pikselinka Posts: 154 Member
    edited November 2014
    Don't sweat every few days I eat anything beyond 4k+ calories and don't gain anything, I wouldn't worry for one day if I were you, don't sweat, just get back on track, that's all.

    EDIT: spelling