This is a great community and a great App

I discovered the App a few months ago from a co-worker, and was elated to find there was a Windows Phone Version of it.

This App and Community are now more important to me since I was diagnosed with Hypertension and "pre"-diabetes. My PCP knows about MFP and was supportive of me using it to get my diet and exercise plan going.So far I have lost 25 pounds and my goal is to lose another 13.

ALso I hope to be able to stop the Metformin and BP pills if the diet and exercise work .

Good health is a life long process, and My Fitness is a great motivation, plus reading all the success stories and the ups and downs.


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    What a great start you have made! Congrats!!! Feel free to add me.
  • GlucernaBrand
    It's great that you're working with your physician to make changes to improve your health. You're making wonderful progress! ~Lynn /Glucerna