current hcg'er?

I am on hcg. Please no bashing, I am a nurse and my dr is aware that I am following the protocol. Looking for fellow hcg protocols followers to chat with.


  • KandiT
    KandiT Posts: 3 Member
    Hello!! I've done 2 rounds....and will use it again!! I lost 13 pounds first round and 12 the second....tomorrow is the last day of my resetting/maintaining....I'm going to do my own thing for a while and then go back on the drops...I still have about 50 pounds to lose. I just do 21 day rounds because by the end of 21 days, I am pretty bored with the eating and if I don't stop, it would not be good! =)
  • Drea1713
    Drea1713 Posts: 13
    R1P2D17. I have since lost 14 pounds since starting this will be my one and only round. I am doing the hcg injections and b-12. My starting weight after loading was 172.2, I am at 157.4. Cant wait to see the results when I am done. So far ding this diet it has cured my addiction to sugar and bread.
  • towerduo
    towerduo Posts: 1
    hi i just started phase 2 yesterday and ive already lost 1.6lbs!! I am doing hcg1234 drops. im 5'7 and my starting weight was 165. im super pleased with the results and cant wait for the weeks to come!!
  • daviskad
    daviskad Posts: 4
    Hey ladies, I just started HCG this week. Only have 20 lbs to lose, but I'm turning 53 this week, and am so sick of this "menopot" as they call it! I loaded for the 2 days and now am on day 2 of the VLCD. I've felt a little weak and been a little clammy. The clamminess might be due to the injections? Not sure, but from everything I've read, days 3-4 of taking the shots (which would be yesterday and today for me) are the hardest. Any advice you can give would be awesome!

    I had discovered MyFitnessPal awhile back, but never really did anything with it. I remembered the site and came back on--what a great way to track my calories and also record how I'm feeling each day in the NOTES section. I love love love this!

    Would love to encourage each other during the HCG process, and learn any helpful hints. I did walk with a friend this morning for about 45 minutes and actually felt BETTER after I walked. I'm hoping I didn't screw it up (still staying within my 500 calories), but my body needs a steady stream of protein, so I ate 2 egg whites with a Melba Toast for breakfast. I had Cod and green beans for lunch and will have chicken/asparagus for dinner. Do you think this will mess up the diet so long as I stay in the <500 cal range? Kim
  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
    Hi there, Ladies. I am currently R3P2VLCD12 - and have lost over 50 pounds so far. My hubby is in his 2nd round and is catching up to me already <muttering under breath about how fast guys lose.> There is a group of us on here - see link below. There is always a lot of controversy on threads mentioning HCG, so be prepared for some negativity. Hopefully they will respect your request for "no bashing" and respect your right to choose your own methods....

    Sometimes we get some negativity on our thread, but for the most part people leave us alone over there.... Best of luck on your HCG Journey!
  • sciteacher
    sciteacher Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm just on day 5 and have lost 9 pounds already (didn't start tracking here until day 3). Yesterday I spend the whole day gardening and really wore myself out. Today I woke up so drained of energy that I had to rest a minute or two after showering. I have to admit that I ate some carbs at lunch just to get some semblance of energy back! I imagine I'll pay for that in weight loss tomorrow. I am doing the drops. Any advice on how to keep energy levels up? There's no way I can work with that little energy. I'm an elementary school principal with 320 energetic kids!
    I hear there is a less drastic 800 calorie plan. Does anyone know anything about it?

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
    Sciteacher, I sent you a PM with some ideas to help with energy. I'll list them here in case anyone else has had problems:

    1. Make sure to take at the very least a multivitamin. I take a multivitamin, a B-complex supplement (for energy), Biotin for strong hair/nails, and doc says I have to take calcium with Vit D too.
    2. Try breaking your meals up throughout the day - you really don't have to just eat lunch and dinner. Have a fruit for b'fast, protein and salad for lunch, then protein & veggies for dinner, and then fruit later for dessert. This is a two-fold benefit - it keeps you blood sugar more even and also keeps your metabolism stoked.
    3. If you still have energy issues, consider upping your PROTEIN a bit (this is better than adding carbs) - try 150 g of protein instead of just 100 at your meal times. Or do 3 servings of 100 g throughout the day - which ever makes you feel best.

    I hope that helps! PM me if you have other issues or questions! I've learned a lot from a bunch of pretty experienced HCGers, and my philosphy is to pay it forward every chance I can!
    Hello! I'm just on day 5 and have lost 9 pounds already (didn't start tracking here until day 3). Yesterday I spend the whole day gardening and really wore myself out. Today I woke up so drained of energy that I had to rest a minute or two after showering. I have to admit that I ate some carbs at lunch just to get some semblance of energy back! I imagine I'll pay for that in weight loss tomorrow. I am doing the drops. Any advice on how to keep energy levels up? There's no way I can work with that little energy. I'm an elementary school principal with 320 energetic kids!
    I hear there is a less drastic 800 calorie plan. Does anyone know anything about it?

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Drea1713
    Drea1713 Posts: 13
    I agree with PP. Take a multivitamin and b-12 helps with energy. I am also doing b-12 injections. I find that eating a little more protein. Whenever I feel very tired of ruined down I will add an additional 2 oz of protein and it doesn't affect my weight loss. I also break up my meals. I have coffee and my breadstick for breakfast at 8am, at around 10 I have my fruit, then at 12 I have my protein and my veggie. At 3 pm I will eat my fruit, if I am real hungry I also eat my other breadsticks. Then dinner around
    5:30 I eat my other protein and veggie. I weigh and measure everything. I also when I feel hungry I will drink water, green tea, or coffee and that usually helps with my hunger.